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Pregnant British woman to be executed in Laos for being drug trafficker


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Death by firing squad?  :o


BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- A pregnant British woman facing possible execution in Laos will go on trial this week, the country's foreign affairs ministry said Monday.

Samantha Orobator became pregnant in prison, according to a spokeswoman for rights group Reprieve.

Samantha Orobator "is facing death by firing squad for drug trafficking," said Clare Algar, executive director of Reprieve, a London-based human rights group.

Orobator, 20, was arrested on August 5, said Khenthong Nuanthasing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman.

She was alleged to have been carrying just over half a kilogram (1.1 pounds) of heroin, Reprieve lawyer Anna Morris told CNN by phone from Vientiane, the Laotian capital. "For that amount of heroin the sentence is normally the death penalty," she said.
Orobator's mother Jane found out in January her daughter was pregnant -- more than four months after she was arrested, her mother said.

Jane Orobator heard the news from the British Foreign Office, which has been monitoring the case, the mother told CNN by phone from Dublin, where she lives.

She cannot believe her daughter was involved in drug trafficking, and was surprised to learn she was in Laos, she said.

"I don't know" what she was doing there, she said. "The last time she spoke with me, she said she was on holiday in London and she would come to see us in Dublin before returning to the U.K. in July.

"She is not the type of person who would be involved in drugs," she added.

Reprieve is worried about her health, especially given her pregnancy, Anna Morris said.

"She became pregnant in prison. We are concerned that it may not have been consensual and we are concerned that someone who finds herself in prison at 20 is subject to exploitation," she said.
She is due to give birth in September, the lawyer added.

Reprieve sent Morris from London to Laos to try to help Orobator, Algar said.

The lawyer arrived there on Sunday and is hoping to visit Orobator on Tuesday, her boss at Reprieve said. A British consul has also arrived in the country.

"Reprieve heard about her case two weeks ago. We had thought yesterday the trial was going to start today," Algar said Monday. "We have now heard from Anna that it is not going to."

"I am the first British lawyer who has asked for access to her," Morris said. "She needs to have a local lawyer appointed to her. We are pressing very hard for the local authorities to appoint one."

She said it was normal in the Laotian justice system for a defendant to get a lawyer only days before a trial.

The last execution in Laos was in 1990, the foreign affairs spokesman said.

British Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell issued a statement about Orobator on Saturday.

"The British Government is opposed to the use of the death penalty in all circumstances. We have made the Laos authorities aware of this at the highest levels in Samantha's case," he said.

"We are paying close attention to her welfare and are in regular contact with the Laotian authorities about her case. British Embassy officials, including the Ambassador, have visited her six times since her arrest," he said.

"In addition, Britain's consular representatives in Laos, the Australian Embassy, including the Australian Embassy doctor, have visited Samantha 10 times on our behalf," he said.

There is no British Embassy in Laos. A British vice-consul arrived in the country this weekend, the Foreign Office said Monday.

Rammell plans to raise the Orobator case with the Laotian deputy prime minister this week, he said.

Samantha Orobator was born in Nigeria and moved to London with her family when she was 8, her mother said.
I guess she should have thought about the consequences before hand. Its no secret about death penalties for drugs in these countries.

Zero sympathy from me.

Australia has had its own citizens executed fro drugs in SE Asia.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

It's sad in a way, but it's a bet she took and lost.

However, I do find it amusing that no matter what and no matter what proof there is to the contrary, there are some parents who always believe their children are angels.

She cannot believe her daughter was involved in drug trafficking, and was surprised to learn she was in Laos, she said.

"I don't know" what she was doing there, she said. "The last time she spoke with me, she said she was on holiday in London and she would come to see us in Dublin before returning to the U.K. in July.

"She is not the type of person who would be involved in drugs," she added.

I find it hard to believe that a parent who says that when the individual in question was arrested for carrying half a kilogram of heroin knows what type of person their child is. But I guess everyone was expecting that cliche and they got it  ::).
If she can't to the time, don't do the crime. On the other hand I always wonder about cases like these and if any baggage handlers might be complicit... stow something in an unsuspecting passangers check on luggage and have a partner pick it out on the other side.

I've had stuff go missing from my bags with no explination, I always wonder if something might ever get added. Maybe I'm paranoid.
Laos: Pregnant Brit won't face execution

CougarDaddy said:
Death by firing squad?  :o

That seems a bit barbaric for any woman, pregnant or not. I'm not against the death penalty, but there are more humane methods.
A pregnant British woman accused of trafficking heroin in Laos will not face the death penalty because the law bans executing expectant convicts, a government spokesman said Tuesday.

Maybe they might want to re-title that article to "Brit won't face execution while pregnant"  After all, what's to stop them after she has the child?
PMedMoe said:
After all, what's to stop them after she has the child?

I don't think a death sentence has been imposed on a pregnant woman in modern times. But, I could be wrong.
mariomike said:
I don't think a death sentence has been imposed on a pregnant woman in modern times. But, I could be wrong.

I don't think so either, however, there are women serving lengthy sentences who get pregnant, go the hospital, have their child and get sent right back to prison.  Becoming a mother does not negate one of the crime(s) they've committed.
mariomike said:
That seems a bit barbaric for any woman, pregnant or not. I'm not against the death penalty, but there are more humane methods.

In the region, usually you are hanged --not hung-- (Singapore) or shot (Indonesia) for example.

I do beleive Viet Nam uses 7.62 x 39mm lead poisoning. I would bet in Laos they do the same.


c_canuk said:
If she can't to the time, don't do the crime. On the other hand I always wonder about cases like these and if any baggage handlers might be complicit... stow something in an unsuspecting passangers check on luggage and have a partner pick it out on the other side.

I've had stuff go missing from my bags with no explination, I always wonder if something might ever get added. Maybe I'm paranoid.

:o Thats a VERY scary thought! LOCK UP YOUR BAGS PEOPLE!

It's seems unlikely, at least in the forseeable future, that the sentence will be carried out. Which reminds me of a joke!

Several dozen brunettes, redheads, and blondes were facing execution via firing squad.

The firing squad took the brunettes first, and the leader said, "Ready, aim ... " at which point the brunettes yelled "Earthquake!!!"

The firing squad looked around anxiously and while they were trying to figure out whether there was an earthquake or not, the brunettes all took off and escaped.

Undaunted, the firing squad took the redheads next, and the leader again said "Ready, aim ... " at which point the redheads yelled "Tornado!!!"

The firing squad looked around anxiously and while they were trying to figure out which direction the tornado was coming from, the redheads all took off and escaped.

The firing squad took the blondes last, and by now the blondes had it all figured out; when the right time came just yell out the name of some natural disaster. So when the firing squad leader said "Ready, aim ... ", the blondes all yelled out "Fire!!!"

Mariomike props for the joke.

I have no sympathy for this woman. I was in that area of town a few months ago and you can’t say that there is no for-warning. Every airport you go to there are large signs that say "DRUG TRAFFICKING WILL BE PROSICUTED" “PUNSIHIBLE BY DEATH".

Personally I think that if you’re willing to take the chance of trafficking then you should be willing to take the punishment.
Pat_Y said:

Sorry if the joke offended you, Pat. It was not my intent to do so.
Good post by the way!
Oh, no no no

I actually though that it was a legitimately good joke.

And thank-you!