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Potential Education Reimbursement Funding Restriction FY 13/14

Just got this this morning with a promise that a CANFORGEN is forthcoming:

Ref A. Military Personnel Instruction 17/04 - Education Reimbursement for the Reg F
B.  Compensation Benefits Instruction 210.801 - Education Reimbursement – Primary Res
C.  Compensation Benefits Instruction 210.802 - Skills Completion Programme – Reg F
D.  Military Personnel Instruction 18/04 – Advanced Degree Program – Reg F
E.  CANFORGEN 094/10 – Education Reimbursement for Ill and Injured Personnel
F.  DAOD 5002-6 - Continuing Education Officer Training Plan – Reg F
1. Refs A through D above establish the CF Education Reimbursement program and assigns responsibility for its administration to the CDA.  The programs have been in effect since 2004 and provide an avenue for CF personnel to be reimbursed for educational opportunities in support of CF objectives. Note that funding for these programs is not guaranteed.
2. While the CF Education Reimbursement programs have never guaranteed funding for ILPs, funding in recent years has been available to fully reimburse ILPs.  However, due to current departmental fiscal pressures, the funds available for ER may be significantly reduced on 1 Apr 2013.

Forgues, PJ

Questions and Answers / Questions et réponses

Q1. What CF ER programs are affected?

A1. The ER programs affected are:

 Mil Pers Instruction 17/04 Education Reimbursement for the Reg Force;
 CBI 210.801 Education Reimbursement for the Primary Reserve;
 CBI 210.802 Skills Completion Program; and
 Mil Pers Instruction 18/04 Advanced Degree Programme.

Q2. What kind of policy adjustments will be made to the programs?

A2. There are currently no approved policy adjustments to the programs, but expect to see changes in the next year.

Q3. How does this affect ill and injured members commencing part-time education?

A3. Members applying under Ref E may continue to apply for reimbursement.  ILPs and claims can continue to be submitted as per normal.

Q4. How does this affect members under CEOTP?

Q4.  Members applying under Ref F may continue to apply for reimbursement.  ILPs and claims can continue to be submitted as per normal.

Q5. How will these departmental fiscal pressures affect my ILP?

A.5 Due to current departmental fiscal pressures, the funds available for ER may be significantly reduced on 1 Apr 13.  As a result, the funding for Spring/Summer 12/13 and AY 13/14 cannot be committed for your ILP at this time.

Q6. What if I’m part-way through this semester and have past the deadline to withdraw?

A6. Claims previous and up to the end of the 2013 Winter semester, with an approved ILP, can be submitted for reimbursement. 

Reimbursement for all following semesters and/or academic years will not be approved until the full extent of the departmental fiscal pressures is known.

Q7. Will my academic year for 13/14 be approved once funding levels are known?

A7. Funding for AY 13/14 is not guaranteed.  Reimbursement will not be made retroactive for activities undertaken without approved funding.  Please continue to consult the CDA website for new and updated information. 

Q8. Will Primary Reserve members be reimbursed for this academic year beginning 1 Sept 2013?

A8. Claims previous and up to the end of the 2013 Winter semester only will be eligible for reimbursement beginning 1 Sept 2013 for a period of 1 year.

Q9. What if my ILP has not been active but I am continuing to take courses?

A9. Any ILP that has not been active for more than 12-14 months will be cancelled unless there is an operational justification that can be verified.  Please note that ILPs cannot be approved in arrears.

Q10.  What if I have a claim that has not been processed in the last 12 month?

A10.  According to QR&O 203.05 Delay in Submissions of Claims, any sum of money payable under the QR&O or CBI that is not claimed within a period of twelve months after the date on which it might have been claimed is forfeited.  For the purposes of these ER policies, the 12 months begins at the completion of a course.  Any late claims due to unusual or exceptional circumstances can be submitted to CDA through your PSO for review.

Q11.  Where can I get answers to my questions?

A11. You may forward any queries that are not already answered in the Q&A’s to the +DLM-DGA@CDA-ACD@Kingston or dlm-dga@forces.gc.ca mailbox. This mailbox is monitored daily.  Please note that due to a current high volume of emails, it may take several days for someone to return your email.

Q12.  Are there other mechanisms to support self-development for CF Members?

R12.  Yes, there is the possibility of receiving assistance through the Educational Assistance Loan Program.  Information can be found at: https://www.cfpsa.com/en/SupportOurTroops/OurFunds/CFPAF/Pages/default.aspx.

You may also claim educational tax credits on your personal income tax return.  Information can be found at http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/rtrn/cmpltng/ddctns/lns300-350/323/menu-eng.html.  


Réf A. Instruction du (CPM) 17/04 - Modalités de remboursement des frais d`études pour les militaires de la Force régulière
B.  Directives sur la rémunération et les avantages sociaux 210.801 – Remboursement de frais de scolarité – Première réserve
C.  Directives sur la rémunération et les avantages sociaux 210.802 – Programme de perfectionnement des compétences – Force régulière
D.  Instruction du (CPM) 18/04 – Études supérieures – programme d`études à temps partiel à l’intention des officiers de la Force régulière

E.  CANFORGEN 094/10 – Remboursement des frais de scolarité au personnel malade et blessé
F.  DOAD 5002-6 - Programme de formation des officiers – Éducation permanente – Force régulière
1. Les références A à D ci-dessus établissent les paramètres du programme de remboursement des frais de scolarité des FC, et confère à l’ACD la responsabilité de son administration.  Les programmes sont en vigueur depuis 2004 et procure aux membres des FC un moyen de se faire rembourser les opportunités de formation qui sont en lien avec les objectifs des FC.  Fait à noter, le financement pour le remboursement des frais encourus n’est pas garanti par ces programmes. 
2. Bien que le programme de remboursement des frais de scolarité des FC n’ait jamais garanti les fonds pour le financement des PAI, les fonds ont toujours été disponibles au cours des dernières années pour assurer le remboursement complet des PAI.  Toutefois, en raison des pressions budgétaires auxquelles le Ministère fait face actuellement, les fonds disponibles pour le remboursement des frais de scolarité pourraient être considérablement réduits à partir du 1er avril 2013. 

Forgues, PJ

Questions et réponses / Questions and Answers

Q1. Quels sont les programmes de remboursement des frais de scolarité offerts par les FC qui seront affectés?

R1. Les programmes de remboursement des frais de scolarité affectés sont les suivants:

 Instruction du (CPM) 17/04 - Modalités de remboursement des frais d`études pour les militaires de la Force régulière;
 Directives sur la rémunération et les avantages sociaux 210.801 – Remboursement de frais de scolarité – Première réserve;
 Directives sur la rémunération et les avantages sociaux 210.802 – Programme de perfectionnement des compétences – Force régulière; et
 Instruction du (CPM) 18/04 – Études supérieures – programme d`études à temps partiel à l’intention des officiers de la Force régulière.

Q2. A quel genre de changements doit-on s’attendre concernant les politiques régissant les programmes de remboursement des frais de scolarité?

R2. Il n`y a présentement aucun changement qui a été approuvé en ce qui concerne les politiques régissant les programmes, mais des changements sont à prévoir pour l’année prochaine.

Q3. Quels seront les impacts de ces pressions budgétaires sur les militaires malades et blessés qui s’apprêtent à entreprendre des études à temps partiel?

R3. Les militaires malades et blessés (réf E) pourront continuer à faire une demande de remboursement.  Les PAI et les demandes de réclamation continueront d’être soumis selon les procédures habituelles. 

Q4. Quels seront les impacts de ces pressions budgétaires sur les militaires enrôlés sous le PFOEP?

R4.  Les militaires enrôlés sous le PFOEP (réf F) pourront continuer à faire une demande de remboursement.  Les PAI et les demandes de réclamation continueront d’être soumis selon les procédures habituelles.

Q5. Quels seront les impacts de ces pressions budgétaires sur mon PAI? 

R.5 En raison des pressions budgétaires auxquelles le Ministère fait face actuellement, les fonds disponibles pour le remboursement des frais de scolarité pourraient être considérablement réduits à partir du 1er avril 2013.  En conséquence, les fonds pour financer votre PAI ne peuvent être alloués à ce moment-ci. 

Q6. Que dois-je faire si je suis à mi-chemin dans la session en cours, et que la date limite pour abandonner le cours est déjà passée?

R6. Les demandes de réclamations précédentes, et  celles s`échelonnant jusqu’à la fin de la session d’hiver 2013 pourront être soumises pour remboursement si elles sont appuyées par un PAI approuvé. 

Le remboursement des frais encourus pour toute session ou année scolaire subséquente ne sera pas approuvé tant que l’étendue complète des pressions budgétaires auxquelles fait face le Ministère ne sera pas connue.
Q7. Est-ce que mon année scolaire 2013/2014 sera approuvée au moment où les montants de financement seront connus?

R7. Il n’y a aucun financement de garanti pour l’année scolaire 2013/2014.  Aucun remboursement des frais encourus ne sera effectué de façon rétroactive pour des activités qui auront été entreprises, sans avoir été préalablement approuvé.  Veuillez consulter le site de l’ACD de façon régulière afin d’être au fait de l’information à jour.

Q8. Est-ce que les membres de la Première réserve seront remboursés pour l’année scolaire en cours, et ce à partir du 1er septembre?

R8. Seules les demandes de réclamations précédentes, et  celles s`échelonnant jusqu’à la fin de la session d’hiver 2013 pourront être soumises pour remboursement et ce, à compter du 1er septembre 2013 pour une période de un an.

Q9. Que dois-je faire si mon PAI n’a pas été actif alors que je continuais à suivre des cours?

R9. Tous les PAI qui sont demeurés inactifs pour plus de 12 à 14 mois seront cancellés, à moins que l’inactivité ne soit justifiée par un besoin opérationnel (preuves à l’appui).  Veuillez noter que les PAI ne peuvent pas être approuvées de façon rétroactive.

Q10.  Que dois-je faire si j’ai une demande de réclamation qui n’a pas été traitée au cours des 12 derniers mois?

R10. Selon l’ORFC 203.05 – Retard à réclamer, toute somme payable sous le régime des ORFC ou des DRAS qui n’a pas été réclamée dans les douze mois qui suivent la date où le titulaire y avait droit, devient invalide.  Pour les besoins des politiques sur le remboursement des frais de scolarité, la période de 12 mois commence la journée à laquelle le cours se termine.  Les demandes de réclamation qui sont soumises en retard en raison de circonstances inhabituelles ou exceptionnelles, peuvent être acheminées à l’ACD pour analyse, par l’entremise de votre OSP. 

Q11.  Où puis-je trouver réponses à mes questions?

R11. Vous pouvez acheminer vos questions à la boîte courriel +DLM-DGA@CDA-ACD@Kingston ou à dlm-dga@forces.gc.ca.  Ces deux adresses sont vérifiées sur une base quotidienne.  Étant donné le nombre anormalement élevé de courriels que nous recevons en ce moment, veuillez prévoir un délai de quelques jours avant de recevoir une réponse.

Q12.  Existe-t-il d’autres mécanismes visant à promouvoir l’auto-perfectionnement des membres des FC?

R12.  Oui, il est possible de recevoir de l’aide financière via le programme de prêts d’études.  Vous trouverez de plus amples renseignements à l’adresse suivante:

Vous pouvez également réclamer des crédits d’impôts pour les frais de scolarité encourus durant l’année sur votre déclaration de revenus.  Vous trouverez de plus amples renseignements à l’adresse suivante: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/rtrn/cmpltng/ddctns/lns300-350/323/menu-fra.html
Well this sucks. Thanks for the update. I am hoping that some aspect of reimbursement will remain however, the references to the EALP and tax credits is a little ominous.
I emailed my question re: starting a course prior to the end of the FY and received a response similar to what captloadie posted.

Due to current departmental fiscal pressures, the CF cannot guarantee at this time that any courses completed after the 2013 Winter semester will continue to be reimbursed.  As CDA faces increased funding pressures, ER, like numerous other CDA programs, is a potential source of reduction. No further info on when or if it will be affected is available at this point, but Comd CDA has directed a reform to the program. Thus, in the future, ER will likely look significantly different than it does now.
Any claims for courses previous and up to the end of the 2013 Winter semester with an approved ILP can be submitted for reimbursement.  If your course is completed by 30 April 2013, then you will be reimbursed.

I am curious as to what the "reform to the program" is.  I am completely fine with them limiting courses/expenses.  I currently have an ILP for 2 courses per semester.  I would much rather only take 1 per semester and be reimbursed for it then have the whole program canned.
A friend of mine in the reserves and in college just got a letter saying there isn't any money so he won't be reimbursed for his course.
It's getting close to the end of the semester and to registration time for summer courses. Has anybody hear anything yet ?
Just a bump to see if there has been an update.  RMC summer registration is until 15 April.  It is getting down to the wire.
No updates, not even on the website.  I've already applied for my last two courses to finish my certificate (and training that present PMed Techs receive on their 6A course).  Whether I get reimbursed or not will be the question if any new info comes out, although one of the answers to the FAQs is this:

"Funding for AY 13/14 is not guaranteed. Reimbursement will not be made retroactive for activities undertaken without approved funding."

My ILP (and funding) for AY 13/14 was approved before this announcement.  I only hope this means I will at least have the potential of getting reimbursed.  If they won't for the reason quoted above, I will definitely grieve that decision.

Something else I heard is that they are going to tighten/limit the restrictions as to what gets approved as people have been getting several degrees paid for.
Anyone hear any updates regarding the status of ILPs lately?  I've multiple courses waiting for reimbursement approval for the spring 13 semester  :-\
I had a big long response done and when I hit spellcheck, the text box emptied!! Aaaargh!!
Anyway, in answer to the question, no there is nothing firmed up. I did find out a couple things for sure this week that some may already be aware of.
1. If your ILP was processed PRIOR to the announcement earlier this spring, you are good.
2. For those NCMs finishing OPMEs (Not starting them), 100% reimbursement is still available.
Some may notice that I have not updated the NCM PD thread in quite some time and I think most will understand why. No one is 100% certain how some of the NCM PD initiatives will be affected. We know ER will take a hit but how...I suspect it may revert back to it's previous guise where possible reimbursement percentages range based on many factors. I know we have all heard this before but I am being told that something is coming soon-If for no other reason than the fact that CDA, PSOs, the Env NCM PD Chiefs, etc are being inundated with queries. If I hear something CONFIRMED, I will pass it on but keep an eye on your local neighbourhood CANFORGENs.
Bare in mind too, we are part of a very slow administrative machine. As an example, the second language software approved and tested for deployed ships spring of 2012 was delayed until 1 April this year. I am now being forced to pass on to sailors that it is further delayed until Sep. For those serving on board STJ (aka TOR), we are trying to get something for you guys specifically...no promises though.


If there are spelling errors, I'll fix them later-I don't want to lose this again!!
If by processed do you mean that having an active ILP? I'm 3/4 of the way through a MA with an ILP lasting out to FY 15/16. Do you have any indication when official notification would be coming out?
Pat in Halifax said:
1. If your ILP was processed PRIOR to the announcement earlier this spring, you are good.


I'm finished my program, but watching closely as a TDO, and the spouse of a member halfway finished a degree.

An approved ILP is not a guarantee of funding from year to year - that is not new.  A statement to that end is in the original approval for your ILP, and in each year's funding approval.

Funding is approved by academic year.  If you have funding for 12/13, you should be good with that.  But, my husband went in to claim his course that finished in April, and she was able to approve it (money was in the bank on Thursday), but told him not to register for his next course (which he still theoretically has funding for, it's in this academic year still).  So even 12/13 isn't guaranteed.

No one, even before this announcement, was funded beyond this academic year.  Approved ILP only means your course of study meets the requirements. 

(this has been said before in this thread, but I just wanted to reiterate, because not everyone reads the whole thread!)

I'm going to be talking to some people at CDA on Monday who may know more.  There was supposed to be a meeting last week, with some decisions.  I'll see if I can find out something.
What I am saying is if SPECIFIC courses had been identified previously and you were in the process of completing, you CAN complete and be reimbursed under the legacy rules. If not, even if part way through an IDENTIFIED program, then no, which appears to be the case you have exgunnertdo and yes, there have been many meetings the last few weeks. To now add specific courses to an already approved curriculum is not guarenteed at this time; you are indeed correct on that.

I just hope that there is an official announcement soon; I am starting to understand many of the frustrations I am getting from people. I had a young fellow in my office yesterday who was getting obviously quite flustered. He had been convinced to hang in there about 18 months ago because he wished to finish his initial TOS and then go back to school. He has about 7 courses left that he will be on the hook for. He believes he would have been eligable under one of the other gov't (and I don't know enough about them to refute his claim)  education programs had he been out of the CF. Though he is overly pessimistic, I am beginning to understand better why these things are so frustrating. Again, even if an unattractive announcement were made, at least everyone would know.
My understanding was more along the lines of what exgunnertdo said.  I am able to claim for the two courses I just finished, however, funding for the rest of my certificate courses has been rescinded (even says so on my ILP).

I enrolled for my final two courses anyway because I'm not going to wait around for CDA (or whoever) to make a decision.  Since they had already been approved, I should be able to submit the claim for them when everything gets back on track..... I hope....

Oh and a reply my colleague got the other day, "You can claim education on your income tax."  True, but not the full amount.
And you can't claim education if you are doing a part-time program outside of Canada.
Pat in Halifax said:
2. For those NCMs finishing OPMEs (Not starting them), 100% reimbursement is still available.

I was not aware of this.  If I had known, I would have picked up a course for the spring.  Was this written somewhere new, or did I miss it in the original info?
No. I actually just found that little gem out Thursday when a co-worker taking his last OPME was told this. I called my 'overseer' in Ottawa and he confirmed it.
Pat in Halifax said:
What I am saying is if SPECIFIC courses had been identified previously and you were in the process of completing, you CAN complete and be reimbursed under the legacy rules. If not, even if part way through an IDENTIFIED program, then no, which appears to be the case you have exgunnertdo and yes, there have been many meetings the last few weeks. To now add specific courses to an already approved curriculum is not guarenteed at this time; you are indeed correct on that.

Just making sure that everyone is clear on the terminology.  An "approved ILP" is the entire course of study, going out x number of years, to the completion of a diploma or degree or certificate.  No funding is approved with an ILP.  Those with approved ILPs then get funding approved on a year to year basis.  Your original post said something about if you have an approved ILP, you're good - that's the specific point I was making sure was clarified.  If you have funding for AY 12/13, you should be good, but not necessarily.  My husband had enough funding for this AY to cover his spring course, but was told not to register, because he wouldn't necessarily get that money.  The course he was already in when the message came out, they paid for, but were iffy, since it finished in the new FY.

It's not even about adding courses.  Even if you don't add courses, the funding is not given for the whole ILP at the outset. 

As a side consequence, they aren't approving changes to anyone's ILP right now either (maybe that's what you're referring to).  Because until they know the status of the program, it would be foolish to approve anything new.  In theory, they could still approve changes to the ILP independent of the funding, but they've decided to hold off on that.  But even approved ILPs won't be funded until this is sorted.
Is there any updates to education reimbursement? I was told that not to expect any reimbursement for any courses i take in the summer, even though i was approved.
exgunnertdo said:
Just making sure that everyone is clear on the terminology.  An "approved ILP" is the entire course of study, going out x number of years, to the completion of a diploma or degree or certificate.  No funding is approved with an ILP.  Those with approved ILPs then get funding approved on a year to year basis.  Your original post said something about if you have an approved ILP, you're good - that's the specific point I was making sure was clarified.  If you have funding for AY 12/13, you should be good, but not necessarily.  My husband had enough funding for this AY to cover his spring course, but was told not to register, because he wouldn't necessarily get that money.  The course he was already in when the message came out, they paid for, but were iffy, since it finished in the new FY.

It's not even about adding courses.  Even if you don't add courses, the funding is not given for the whole ILP at the outset. 

As a side consequence, they aren't approving changes to anyone's ILP right now either (maybe that's what you're referring to).  Because until they know the status of the program, it would be foolish to approve anything new.  In theory, they could still approve changes to the ILP independent of the funding, but they've decided to hold off on that.  But even approved ILPs won't be funded until this is sorted.
How is that supposed to work? In my experience, the sequence was:

1. Submit ILP
2. Receive ILP approval message
3. Complete a year's worth of courses
4. Submit claim
5. Repeat steps 3-4

At what point does the member find out whether they have "funding approval"? Hopefully it's sometime before step 3. Are members being advised to check with PDev each year, before registering for courses?