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Portable nuke generators?


Army.ca Veteran
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Came across this American article and found it quite interesting:

Portable Nuke Power Plant for the Army?
InsideDefense.com NewsStand | Jason Sherman | December 05, 2006

The Army should consider developing a self-contained nuclear power plant that could deploy with forces to provide energy for its garrisons and allow the service to significantly scale back its logistics operations -- including its reliance on foreign oil -- required to sustain troops around the world.

This recommendation is one of many advanced in a paper delivered this week at the Army Science Conference in Orlando. Its authors, one of whom is a recently retired Army four-star general, argue the service must undertake a fundamentally new approach to energy in order to deal with likely future increases in oil costs.

“Military leaders must understand the approaching end to cheap, abundant oil and its impact on our organization,” wrote Col. Kip Nygren, Darrell Massie, and retired Army Gen. Paul Kern in the paper, “Army Energy Strategy for the end of Cheap Oil,” delivered at the conference Nov. 29. Nygren and Massie are engineering professors at West Point Military Academy and Kern is the former head of Army Materiel Command.

“We must start the effort to change the culture by mandating energy efficiency in all of our requirements and by highlighting the crucial importance of energy efficiency for leaders, soldiers and civil servants at all levels,” they write.

The paper points to two trends that suggest tomorrow’s Army leaders are going to face growing energy bills. First, on a per-solider basis, the Army’s energy requirements have steadily grown over the last 70 years, the authors note. Second, they say, many experts argue that at some point the available supply of oil will begin to decline, driving up prices as supply tightens.

There is also a near-term impetus to think differently about energy. “For the Army, 70 percent of the resupply [effort] in Iraq is fuel,” Nygren said in an interview with InsideDefense.com. “There’s approximately 1,000 tankers on the road in Iraq at any given time to supply us; that’s just a huge effort we put into resupplying forces.”

A deployable nuclear power plant, the paper suggests, could be on the order of a 5-megawatt plant, similar in size to what the Navy powers its aircraft carriers with. “Protection of the reactor from insurgent attack,” it adds, “will need to be carefully considered.”

More broadly, the authors say, a comprehensive view of the issues is required. For instance, Army leaders might consider taking a holistic view of the energy required to train, deploy and sustain a brigade, and then construct an energy plan for that unit.

“Every item of equipment within the unit would be provided an energy budget, which could be sold or traded by equipment builders and the services to most efficiently reduce the overall energy requirements to the total force,” the paper suggests.

These recommendations come as the Defense Department is reviewing policies and investments that might improve energy efficiency and help reduce the military’s reliance on foreign oil.

The paper calls for accounting for the total cost of energy in force and equipment design decisions, a move that is being actively considered by senior Pentagon leaders. According to the paper, the total cost to deliver a gallon of fuel from Defense Department distribution centers to frontline forces is approximately $42.

Other policy changes needed, according to the paper, are incentives across the bureaucracy to reduce fuel use, ensuring “at least 10 percent” of research and development funds are set aside for fuel efficiency efforts and explicitly including fuel efficiency in the weapon system requirements and acquisition process.

Also interesting is that I have heard a number of things with regards to electric powered combat vehicles.  Of course, if you have one of these things in your camp, I think the night sentry job just got a whole lot more complicated.  :-\
As I am not up on nuclear techonlogy, I would be curious as to how large something like this would be, and just how "portable" it is. 
As I am not up on nuclear technology, I would be curious as to how large something like this would be, and just how "portable" it is.

They can be very small, the vessel is no bigger than a oil drum in some instances.

The US has done this at Arctic and Antarctic stations. I had a friend of mine, I knew in School, who grew up to be USMC, he knew of one used at Panama to power a water purification plant, a 'couple or three'  of Hercs could move all the equipment needed.

Generates between one and two Megs.
The reactor itself can be quite small, it is the associated "stuff" that takes up real estate. The most powerful nuclear reactor ever built was a 4000MW NERVA test bed (a nuclear rocket engine) which was small and portable because as part of a space craft it didn't "need" shielding all around, and was designed to dump all the energy into the hydrogen coolent, which was then fired out of the rocket nozzle (eliminating the need for radiators, turbines and all those other added bits and pieces).


16 - Phoebus 2A

The most powerful nuclear reactor of any type ever constructed, with a design power level of 5,000 MWt. Operations in June 1968 were limited to 4,000 MWt due to premature overheating of of aluminum segments of pressure vessel clamps. At total of 12.5 minutes of operations at temperatures of up to 2310 K included intermediate power level operations and reactor restart.

Of course this is hardly useful if you want to power a base, and even less useful if you are conducting mobile operations (unless you are using the nuclear rocket to get there!).

The real key lies in finding ways to use the available resources much more efficiently. Since liquid hydrocarbon fuels are going to be the dominant means of storing and transporting energy in a portable form for years to come, then that is the way to attack the problem. Minor fixes like keeping tires inflated properly and doing basic vehicle maintenance (i.e. cleaning filters) can make a cumulative difference (it is estimated that the fuel consumption of the United States can be reduced 10% if every car and truck was properly tuned up and had proper tire inflation). Hybrid systems are on the market now, and devices like Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) will be developed to the point they may take over as prime power plants in a decade or two (Fuel cells can extract far more of the chemical energy in the fuel, a vast improvement over internal combustion engines). Finding ways to conduct operations without heavy armour or mechanized forces will also reduce the logistics tail (compare the "tail" of a deployed SOF or SF team vs a Mechanized Infantry platoon, for example).
The other thing that occured to me is that don't nuclear generators need a large supply of water to keep them cool, or are there air cooled ones?  Seems with all the issues in arid climates these days that could be an issue in the short term. 
nuclear generators need a large supply of water to keep them cool  ...  ?

Not necessarily. Really big reactors have really big heat sinks (like Pickering - Lake Ontario) but small ones can be cooled to the air using radiators, similar to the way a car engine is cooled. (Of course in any case the nasty bits in the moderator are never allowed near the heat sink, the moderator is intercooled by a second fluid and that second fluid is run through a radiator). Much of the coolant cycle can be closed (i.e. coolant recycled).

Additionally these reactors can be used to separate water for hydrogen fuel cells. Thinking in the long term, fuel cell vehicles will be with us soon, whether that's an MBT or not I don't know, but it's a safe bet a lot of the logistics fleet could be run that way. All one would need is a river or a good well....

Search for "Toshiba 4S" and "Galena", there is/was a plan to build a small reactor for a little town (pop ~700) in the center of Alaska to mitigate the huge cost of electricity there based on the need to barge in diesel for the old power plant.
I'd be concerned about the logistical/security support required to support fuel delivery. While the fuel itself isn't particulary heavy (although dense), consider the implications of an attack on a nuclear fuel convoy.  :o.
Okay, maybe lets take it a step further....

Lasers Blowing Up

There's a bit of a magic number, when it comes to lasers. A threshold at which beams of coherent light stop being tools for welding or analysis... and start becoming weapons. That level is generally considered to be around 100 kilowatts.

For years, solid state, electric lasers could only operate at a tiny fraction of that 100 kw mark. But the beams are getting stronger. Take Bob Yamamoto's Solid State Heat Capacity Laser, at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. In March, 2005, it hit 45 kw, a new record -- and more than triple what it could do just three years before.

Now, in a new pair of papers provided to Defense Tech, Yamamoto reveals that his laser has hit 67 kw of average power during short bursts -- a 50% jump in a little more than a year. In other words, a battlefield-strength laser is just about in reach. The Livermore crew has even started designing a "gatling-gun"-style prototype, that uses clear, garnet slabs instead of bullets for ammunition.

(There are still a bunch of other hurdles to jump to get to a laser weapon -- like generating enough electricity to make it work, and cooling the thing down. But beam strength is one of the tallest obstacles.)

Yamamoto's team isn't the only one trying to put together a military-ready machine. Textron Systems and Northrop Grumman beat the Livermore crew out for $90 million worth of Defense Department grant money to build a 100 kilowatt laser by 2009. And these systems won't just be stronger than today's lasers. They'll be more compact, too -- maybe even ready for a prototype weapon.

2009 is pretty soon.  So if powering such devices is a major obsticle, you might need a Nuke-abago in your ech.  Just a thought.
As I know nuclear power generators generate electricity by heating water that turn steam turbines. The bulk of a generator is not in the generation it is in the shielding and cooling required to keep the reactor from frying people or blowing up (some nice animations here: http://science.howstuffworks.com/nuclear-power.htm).

Would you be able to pour on site the concrete required to shield the reactor (and have it solidify before the end of time)?

My only issue is with missle attacks... http://youtube.com/watch?v=auwsEYiPMew bunker busters like that would quickly turn your power generation into radiation detonation...
This is a bit off topic but I belive the Russians are building a portable Floating Nuclear reactor to power towns that are close to the ocean, not sure if that's going to work, though I wouldn't really trust those guys with a coal plant
Synthos said:
My only issue is with missle attacks... http://youtube.com/watch?v=auwsEYiPMew bunker busters like that would quickly turn your power generation into radiation detonation...

Ah, but if your FOB nuke generator came with it's own 100kw laser that had been mounted to a Phalanx style radar tracking system....instant missile shield. 
Besides, I don't see the US using their own bunker busting technology to blow up their own portable reactors.  They spend a gawd awful lot on the military, but I don't think they have THAT much to spend.  ;)
If I remeber correctly you would not have to worry about refueling a nuclear reactor in a warzone, the nuclear reactors used in warships are a case in point they are generally designed not to need refueling for the life of the ship or at least until the earliest anticipated refit/upgrade which is at a minimum of five years on average it seems to me.
a_majoor said:
The reactor itself can be quite small, it is the associated "stuff" that takes up real estate. The most powerful nuclear reactor ever built was a 4000MW NERVA test bed (a nuclear rocket engine) which was small and portable because as part of a space craft it didn't "need" shielding all around, and was designed to dump all the energy into the hydrogen coolent, which was then fired out of the rocket nozzle (eliminating the need for radiators, turbines and all those other added bits and pieces).

Another word for a small nuclear reactor that generates 4000MW:  BOMB.
It is really impressive that they did this for 12 minutes!
Man, nuclear power is evil!

And then there are the Slowpoke reactors (20 KW to 5 MW) scattered around Canada's University Campuses.