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PMQ Help


Army.ca Veteran
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Okay... all the 9D's are fighting on my road. What do I do? It's all ... he/she said so and so...
Almost some cheap shots at my 9D.. I'm just sick of coming home and facing this. I"m so close on giving the MP's a call. You never seen this in Oromocto!

Schultz Out
Sgt  Schultz said:
Easier said then done. But thanks.

I know but i lived through the same shit and it was the only way to get away from that.
Get your wife this t-shirt:


- There were so many missing links masquerading as human beings on my block it wasn't funny.  I thought LP had become a giant set for The Twilight Zone.  A haven for Sub-Arctic Hillbillies. Whatever. Point is, for the first years there people were normal, after that, all of the young'uns and their wives seem to have been shipped straight to the military from some gigantic genetic experiment gone horribly wrong.

- We bought a house.  My 'housing costs' are now more than doubled, but, what price sanity?

- It is the Army's loss: we are now 'dug in'.  Harder to leave when you buy into a good hood full of real life homo-sapiens who have kids that don't need shock therapy 27 hours a day.

- Ref the T shirt, no thanks.  Just brings more heat on WMC (white middle class) gun-owners.

Ugh... I just wish I had a few claymores sitting around.  ;D

Sgt  Schultz said:
Ugh... I just wish I had a few claymores sitting around.  ;D

Well if I ever get into the neighbourhood, I could come and set up some homemade command detonated types if you wished.... >:D Though I think that the local LEO's might object.....
Punji Stick Booby Trap!!! But then I need a permit from CFHA before I can start digging! Dang it!
Or....you could always just ignore them.  I do it and it works well.
TCBF said:
 A haven for Sub-Arctic Hillbillies. Whatever. Point is, for the first years there people were normal, after that, all of the young'uns and their wives seem to have been shipped straight to the military from some gigantic genetic experiment gone horribly wrong.

I want a PMQ... I bet I could find a wife there!
You can probably get a wife, a bunch of kids, a dog and probably a couple cats.    And when that doesn't work out, just move to the next rowhouse, nobody will notice:) lol  Gotta love the Q's
CDN Aviator said:
Niner Domestic

Is that an official term or military slang?

And why is it (so it seems from the posts) so common for them to be bickering with each other?
Lumber said:
Is that an official term or military slang?

Its military slang. Its a play on callsigns. In an army unit, "9" would be the CO's callsign.
I live off base, always have and I am so glad!  I got mixed into the base wives last year and I got burned.  I just don't know why that "base mentality" exists and exists everywhere.  I'm sorry for your SO and her troubles, but she will just have to ignore it and move on.  Hard to do when you live right in the middle.
Lumber said:
...And why is it (so it seems from the posts) so common for them to be bickering with each other?

- See previous post reference "gigantic genetic experiment gone horribly wrong".
Remember that there is no law that states that you have to socialize with your neighbours.  We've done our time in the Q's and would rather have a huge mortgage than go back.
Good Luck
Lumber said:
And why is it (so it seems from the posts) so common for them to be bickering with each other?

Because in few other neighbourhoods would all of the spouses work together, or near one another.  Add to that the perception of rank and its "privileges" by those who should know better (but either don't or refuse to), readiness to allow petty jealousies and rumour to explode into nasty exchanges, etc., etc., and you have a recipe for neighbourhood turmoil.  You don't just get "Bob" whining that he should have gone on a course but "Jim" did due to favouritism, you now have his wife sharing the same poison in the Qs.  And, quite like our little online community here, almost everyone is known by somebody, whether they realize it or not.  The person being bitched to by "Mrs Bob" may be a only a few short degrees of separation from "Mrs Jim" or "Jim" himself, and the whine goes full circle and creating more strife.  If you thought the military rumour mill out-paced the official circuit, it's got nothing on the wives net.