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PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

There is nothing Harper can do that will sit right with you, so you will just have to get over it.  :(
BTW, a photo op would have been something like the little guy from Shawinigan putting on a helmet ass backwards.
CanadaPhil said:
BTW, a photo op would have been something like the little guy from Shawinigan putting on a helmet *** backwards.
Now THAT'S comedy!

Thank you! :salute:
Cynical me wonders why Harper would take three communication aides, and his official photographer along for the ride?  Maybe a Challenger jet could get him home safely?


"Mr. Harper said yesterday that he was being accompanied by only a skeleton staff — three senior communications aides, his official photographer, the logistics chief, the tour director, a doctor and his RCMP bodyguards — in order to accommodate as many evacuees as possible."
Geez, here we go again.

In case you are not aware, the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT photograher IS ALWAYS IN THE COMPANY of the Prime Minister. This is the same of the US President and any other western leader I know of.

It is to ensure an OFFICIAL RECORD of the DAILY goings on of the Prime Ministers office and government for history's sake.  It has been this way forever.

The Official Photograher would be with the Prime Minister whether he was cutting a ribbon in downtown Ottawa, or the other side of the world.

No conspiracy theories here folks.
CanadaPhil said:
No conspiracy theories here folks.
Uh Oh.  The floodgates have cracked open and guess what's going to come forth: tons and tons of human excrement!  All in the form of "Shrub (little bush) Harper is part of the problem....he causes global warming...he eats babies...."

I'm getting a good seat and I'm going to watch this one unfold :D
It is a 'historic' event that would need some documentation.  It is a Public Affairs affair for which the Press will want to have some sort of 'Release'.  It is not a holiday, and the PM will still have to conduct Government business.  The doctor will be there to ensure the PM's health, and assist the 'refugees' who are not in 100% health.  The PM doesn't go anywhere without his Security Detail.  Some of his staff will be knowledgeable of the plane and be of assistance to the other passengers.  

I don't see anything really there to be cynical about.
George Wallace said:
I don't see anything really there to be cynical about.

Of course there isn't, but Bushitler and his puppet Shrubitler can't do anything right in the eyes of the pseudo-intellectual lefties, can they?

I don't think it's safe for the PM to take a bunch of unknown people on his plane, especially without time to confirm their identities and security status. However, it is an action that shows care for his "citizens" who are stuck in a bad place. If I were on his security detail, though, I'd be a bit on edge, I think.

It's kindof like on Star Trek: the Captain shouldn't go on away missions, but if he does it shows how important the mission is.

(This moment of pure geekness was brought to you by Paramount Pictures.)
"Leaders should be seen often and impressively."

Wasn't it Field Marshal Slim that said that? Hmmm what else did he say?

"When you cannot make up your mind on which of two evenly balanced courses of action to take, choose the bolder."

I'm with the PM and Viscount Slim on this one. As for the PM's alleged, unabashed attempt at self promotion (by taking along photog's) so what? I guess Messr's Graham and Layton haven't tried to make any hay on this either, eh?

(Here's a quote from me  "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck... so what, it's a #$%@ing duck, big deal"(substitute 'politician' where appropriate, the meaning remains).
CanadaPhil said:
I think that it is unbecoming to say the least when a serving member of the military openly impugns the integrity of our serving Prime Minister in such a vile fashion.

Never read these forums much during the Chretien days did you mate? Think before you type.
Don't forget the photographer should also be taking 120 front and right profile pictures of the "passengers" so other official organs of the Canadian Government and our allies can also have documentation of the event.......
Don't know if it's already been mentioned in another thread, but I just found this on CBC:


2 navy ships on standby for Lebanon mission

"The crews of two Halifax-based ships have been told to be ready to head to Lebanon on 48 hours' notice.

Military spokeswoman Lieut. Marie-Claude Gagne said Thursday the crew of HMCS Preserver, a supply ship, have been asked to return from leave."
Interesting that MarCom assets are being stood to.

Can anyone enlighten us on what comes next? When could they sail? How long would they take to get there?(I know the PAffO is talking two weeks, is that reasonable?)

Given that this may go on for a while; would they be of use?

For instance, how long can Cyprus support the mass exodus? I'm sure it will tax the infrastructure. Will "Preserver" be of use in that regard?

Also I have read that the Israeli's are being rather strict on the comings and goings of the evacuating ships (i.e. "Blue Dawn" was given a rather circuitous course and stopped twice). Is sending "Halifax" a polite way to tell the Israelis to sod off?

Opsec withstanding, any prognostications?
cplcaldwell said:
Also I have read that the Israeli's are being rather strict on the comings and goings of the evacuating ships (i.e. "Blue Dawn" was given a rather circuitous course and stopped twice). Is sending "Halifax" a polite way to tell the Israelis to sod off?

I think sending HMCS Halifax is probably more of a move by Ottawa to "show" the people we're protecting the poor, poor Lebanese who are trying to get out, than a way to tell the Israelis to back off.

Tel Aviv has already said that evacuees could be moved freely. It's obvious that during a blockade, "freely" is relative: the ships can be moved in and out, but the mission takes priority. I don't think anyone could expect more than that, really.

Mind you, I'm not an expert on international affairs, I'm just a guy who reads Stratfor and other information sources too much... But I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night. (No, not really.)
toddskam said:
Military spokeswoman Lieut. Marie-Claude Gagne said Thursday the crew of HMCS Preserver, a supply ship, have been asked to return from leave."

Asked?  Prolly more along the volun-told/ordered back from leave. 
Mud Recce Man said:
Asked?  Prolly more along the volun-told/ordered back from leave. 

Yeah but if they said that there would be rioting in the streets at how "dictatorial" Harper has become...
OK, I just saw this one on CTV recently:


Makes me want to be cynical again.
70 troops on their way too: 
