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PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

3rd Horseman

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PM Harper is changing his flight plans out of Paris and diverting to Cyprus to pick up Candian Refugees. He claims it is just the right thing to do. Nicely done great leadership by the PM. In the past government Airbuses have been refused for such issues because it would disrupt the politicians using the plane. Keep up the good work.
This is a pleasant change....and without the media to spotlight him. A leader maybe?
First he is criticised by the Opposition for taking a stand (eg: making a decision? how dare he!) with regards to the conflict.  (Lemme see here, on one side is a legitimate government, with whom we have diplomatic relations and on the other is an islamo-fascist terror organisation deliberately targetting civilians).  I think that Jack Leyton said that Mr. Harper is throwing away Canadian Tradition. I agree.  We have a PM who actually takes a stand on matters and makes decisions: upsetting some 13 or so years of Lieberal tradition ;D

Next he flies to Cyprus to pick up Canadians fleeing a war.  Well done. :cdn:
Proud to be Canadian?  Haven't felt this way since I last heard that song from the Dayglo Abortions (Google it: it's a real group from BC I think)


Link to the story on the cbc website


And the ctv story.  Apparently he's heading there this afternoon

This is the Counselar Service message put out by Foreign Affairs

Lebanon - security


The Canadian Government has arranged for sea vessels to assist Canadians wishing to depart Lebanon.  All costs related to the evacuation of Canadian citizens from Lebanon will be borne by the Government of Canada. 

Canadians should register with the Embassy on-line.  If you know a Canadian citizen who is not registered, please pass this message to him/her and ask him/her to register immediately.  Canadians who have registered will receive updates on evacuation options as they become available. 

Current planning would see departures from Lebanon beginning Wednesday July 19, 2006.  You will be contacted by the Canadian Embassy shortly and provided with specific departure details (port of embarkation; day and time of embarkation) at that time.  PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE EMBASSY.         

The primary points of disembarkation will be Cyprus and Turkey where Canadian officials will be on site to assist Canadian citizens and their non Canadian dependants.  Upon arrival, Canadians and their dependants will be transferred to chartered aircraft to return to Canada. 

Canadians and their dependants should gather their passports and other important documents.  Canadians who possess expired Canadian travel documents will be issued emergency passports.
More on link

Between Peter Mansbridges recent " I bet I can show that I am a bigger idiot than Dan Rather" rants and the constant negative whining and Monday morning quarterbacking of expert "journalists", I really dont know what to make of the CBC anymore?

Case in point..... This morning I am flipping channels and there are video scenes of what appear to be rather cheerful looking, at ease people being checked off a very thick multi-page list at the Canadian Embassy. There are other scenes of relaxed looking people calmly boarding a chartered cruise ship and being greeted by the ships crew on the dock.

However, the audio voice over is of an agitated woman with a thick Lebanese accent whining and complaining  about how "Canadians" are not doing enough and that in her opinion everything is disorganized.  She then goes on to a little tirade about how see and her children had to "wait in the sun" before boarding while her documents were checked or something to that effect.

Are you $%$^#&* kidding me???
If things are going well, what kind of story is that?  Some one is ALWAYS pissed off about something.  "We had to wait in the sun".  Too friggin bad.  I mean, really.  People are dying over there, and her complaint is "too much sun". 

Back of the line.  Here's some sun screen.  Move along.

CanadaPhil said:
However, the audio voice over is of an agitated woman with a thick Lebanese accent whining and complaining 

Seems to me there's a LOT of agitated women with thick Lebanese accents whining and complaining (I prefer the term "bitching" personally) on TV lately.

Where once stood journalism, we now face anti-Israeli propaganda, wall-to-wall. Even CNN is taking a turn towards Hezbollah by showing Lebanese "victims" much more often than Israeli victims.

I bet the people being evacuated will find another reason to bitch and whine once they get out...
I expect bad press on this issue.  Why?  Because: 

The rest of the Canadian delegation and reporters who have been travelling with the prime minister have been told that they can not stay on the plane for the same reason.
Oh check that...

Now it looks like ALL the video clips are of "CHAOS" at the port of Beirut.


I can think of images of pissed off Christmas travellers at Pearson International whos flights had been cancelled due to a snowstorm that looked more "CHAOTIC".

And last year, I personally waited nearly 2 hours in humid summer heat to get on a roller coaster at Canada's Wonderland.
Proud day to be Canadian when your own PM detours to Cyprus to help with the hostage evacuation.
The rest of the Canadian delegation and reporters who have been travelling with the prime minister have been told that they can not stay on the plane for the same reason.
Well, I guess the reporters will have to suffer some of the ill treatment they dish out on the PM on a daily basis. My heart bleeds.

He should drop them off somewhere really nice - like Baghdad.
CanadaPhil said:
However, the audio voice over is of an agitated woman with a thick Lebanese accent whining and complaining  about how "Canadians" are not doing enough and that in her opinion everything is disorganized.  She then goes on to a little tirade about how see and her children had to "wait in the sun" before boarding while her documents were checked or something to that effect.

And who will be first in line to cash in on her unused tickets and Travel Insurance looking for a Refund or Travel Credits for her next trip?
I guess they just want to be handed some beach chairs, beach umbrealla and some nice cold drinks while waiting to get out... c'mon our gov't isnt doing enough? Some people are just way too spoiled imo to say "we have been waiting in the heat for a few hours".
Hey all just got this from  the sympatico.msn.ca web page thought that some might find it interesting  I think this is the first time that I have heard of a PM using his personale plane  to evacuate people . Sorry for the long link

PM en route to Cyprus to collect Canadian evacuees
19/07/2006 12:05:46 PM 


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Prime Minister Stephen Harper has left France bound for Cyprus, where his Canadian Forces Airbus will be filled with Canadians evacuated from Lebanon for the trip home.

CTV.ca News Staff

Canadian nationals wait to be evacuated on six chartered passenger ships that were positioned off the coast, at Beirut seaport, in Lebanon on Wednesday. (AP / Mahmoud Tawil) 

The Airbus, which can carry up to 120 people, was stripped down to hold as many evacuees as possible, said CTV's David Akin, who was with Harper in France.

"He's going to ditch all the media that have travelled with him, ditch the rest of his delegation. Just a skeleton staff, Prime Minister Harper and his wife and about four or five staff, will travel to Cyprus as soon as they can," Akin said earlier Wednesday.

The plane left Paris at 11:45 ET.

Harper believes it's the right decision.

"It's more than a symbolic trip," Harper told reporters at a Paris news conference on Wednesday.

"We will have a significant number of seats. We believe it's the right thing to do."

The flight to Larnaca, Cyprus takes just under four hours, and the Airbus should arrive at about the same time as the first boatload of Canadians evacuated from Beirut.

Another plane has also been chartered and dispatched to Cyprus. Together, the planes should be able to accommodate all the 350 or so evacuees arriving on the first boat.

"This action in and of itself will not resolve the many challenges faced by the thousands of Canadians who may want to leave Lebanon, but it allows us to do what we can with what we have to ensure the safe and secure return of Canadians," Harper said.

Reporters asked Harper why he and his wife weren't also staying behind, in order to free up more seats for evacuees. They were told the prime minister is not permitted to fly on commercial flights for security reasons, but must travel in a Canadian military aircraft.

Concerns about arrival of evacuees

CTV's Dan Matheson, reporting from the port in Larnaca, Cyprus, said there are concerns about how the port will handle the arrival of so many evacuees.

"It's a cargo and a freighter port. They handle very few passengers here. We're a little concerned that the folks here might be overwhelmed if they start wheeling in some ships full of evacuees. The Americans are expecting a big ship with 1,100 people to come in here at about midnight."

By Wednesday morning there was little evidence that preparations were underway to receive the thousands of evacuees expected to begin arriving later on Wednesday, Matheson said.

"Wednesday is some kind of a collective day off here," he told CTV Newsnet.

"The parking lots are empty, there's nobody working here, there's no sign of emergency services, there's no tents, there's no medical facilities, there's no food or water that we can see. What we can see is the world's media here to welcome their nationals."

The Conservative government has been criticized for its slow reaction to the situation in Lebanon, where approximately 30,000 Canadians are trapped as fighting rages between Israel and Hezbollah.

Harper has been meeting with French President Jacques Chirac in Paris today.

Few details have been released about the nature of their talks, though the two leaders reportedly discussed a wide range of bilateral and international issues.

Harper also met with French Premier Dominique de Villepin on Tuesday. During their meeting they discussed the ongoing crisis in Lebanon.

Earlier Wednesday, Harper took phone calls from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Australian PM John Howard.

Olmert reportedly expressed his condolences over the recent deaths of a Canadian family vacationing in Lebanon, and pledged to help evacuate Canadians.

Seven members of the Al-Akhrass family, including four young children, were on vacation when they were killed Sunday as Israel bombed the southern village of Aitaroun.

According to federal officials in Ottawa, Olmert reiterated Israel's desire to avoid unnecessary deaths and said Israel would do whatever it could to facilitate in the evacuation of Canadians.

Howard called Harper asking for help getting Australians out of Lebanon. Harper reportedly promised Canada would do whatever it could.

Speaking in France on Tuesday, Harper defended the Canadian government's response to the crisis.

"There have been literally hundreds of federal employees who have been working day and night for the past several days to put in place the largest evacuation of Canadian citizens from another country in our history,'' Harper said following discussions about the Mideast crisis with de Villepin.

The government has chartered seven ships to take Canadians out of Beirut and ferry them to either Cyprus or Turkey. From there they will be flown home on government-leased jets.
