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Plumber's Butt

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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I remember the day, and I am sure many of you do too, when the sight of someone's Butt Crack showing up as they bent over to fix the kitchen drain was truly unsightly and in fact quite grouse.  Now it is all the rage with youth fashion. 

When I was a teenager in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, there was a large Mental Institution outside of town.  (Probably still is there, between the City and the Base.)  The patients who were deemed harmless and relatively safe, were allowed into town and were easily identifiable by the way they dressed.  They had no regard for how they dressed and were easily picked out.  A ballcap, for instance, was worn on the head, but for them it didn't matter if it was straight or not, so quite often it wasn't.  Shirts were worn, as were pants, but it didn't matter to them that they be on proper and tucked in.

As I walk around town these days, I often wonder of the mental state of many of the people I see.  Have we done away with Mental Institutions and Hospitals for these people?  Perhaps the average IQ of the Nation has dropped below Average.  The scariest thing is, how many of these folk you see driving cars and trucks.  (Well, attempting to drive cars and trucks.) 

Has the National IQ dropped or is it just that the Fashion Industry is now promoting clothes one or two sizes too small so that women have "love handles" flowing over the tops of their jeans and showing their cracks like plumbers (No offence to plumbers.) and guys wear their hats to look like morons and wear baggy pants that look like "shite collectors".

Sure hope the new James Bond maintains a high standard of dress and decorum. 

"Shaken, not Stirred."
the youth have always worn clothing in a manner to 'distinguish' themselves from their parents. In my day, it was long hair and Metallica t-shirts, grungy jeans, and hi-top sneakers. Before that it was disco clothes, before that it was hippy fashion, before that....
Kids will always dress like fools, thinking they look cool, than laugh at themselves when they reach their 30's.
Some will never grow out of it.
Next time George just tell them to "say no to crack".
I've always wondered myself why people would want to dress themselves to look like homeless people! Unfortunately, I don't think this tasteless style of "urban/ghetto  dress" is going away anytime soon. For pete's sake  people, wear fitted clothes....you literally look like a bunch of brain-dead clowns. :clown:
well... my take on it from the perspective of the 12 yr old I have at home....

1. They, like their leming friends want to dress "stylishly"...
(They want to be individuals but .... wearing their own "uniform")
2. They are looking to differentiate themselves from their parents (us) and sometimes, they are fishing for a reaction..... the bigger the reaction - the happier they are with it... cause they can get mad and blow a gasket at us ???

3. As in last year, am looking forward to the young skippies, standing on the street, low waist pants (&skirts), crop top (& cropped sweaters) with short bomber jackets that are left open - to expose the belly button.... ALL IN THE NAME OF "STYLE"

And they say I'm the one that's crazy???

ahhh, but as they grow up they will realize that fashion before practicality is not wise...

I was once one of those who wore jeans, t-shirt and sneakers (no sweater, no jacket, no boots...God forbid I wear boots) during high school...I look at them these days, while I am bundled in my Columbia winter jacket, touque, gortex gloves, boots, and sometimes winter wind pants...and they make me cold to look at them...

Then I remember me, back in the day...OI! What was I thinking?!

I do have to agree though, I hate to see the big girls wearing tight clothes and having their love handles hanging over their pants...but I also look at them and think..."they can do that and not feel self confident about their body?" Power to them...as confident as I am today...I am always conscious of how much of my "spare fuel" others can see even if they can't.
Fashion will always change. Look back at history.  There were times (in the UK and North America) when women wore clothing that covered almost their entire bodies.  If a women was to wear something that showed her legs, it was a BIG deal. 

Who sets the rules on how one is to wear clothing.  Why must a shirt be tucked in?  Why must you not wear white socks when you wear dark pants?  Why must clothes be perfectly ironned?  I could go on and on with these types of questions.  Now I do not dress like a homeless person, nor do I even have a "style".  I wear clothes that look good on me, thats my rule.

The whole point is, is that society makes the rules of what is in and what is not in.  Clothing styles will continue to change and one day us young'ns will probably be saying the same thing to our kids and grandkids. Are you telling me that your parents never critized what you were wearing when you were a teenager?
My Dad is from England and was raised in a fairly strict household and so were we. After he re-married; the house rules took some getting used too for the new troops in the clan. My younger step-brother was walking out of the house one morning with his gitch exposed and baggy paints, backward ballcap etc... you get the picture. My old man made him change before he was allowed to proceed to school. A few weeks go by and my Dad is driving past the school and see's the younger step-brother dressed like a "bloody gangster" again. Car proceeds to our house, Dad comes in gets a fresh set of clothing and brings it to the school and has the offender change before he would leave and return to work.

People do judge you by your appearence, why do you think dress and deportment is such a big deal in any military.
I asked my 11 year old boy why manyof his friends wear their jeans so low and he said it is the fashion nowadays. I buy him jeans that look like they are hanging down to his knees when in fact the waist line is on his waist(and he wears a belt) and usually he likes to wear decent t shirts with oversized hoodies. If he is dressing up he has a large selection of button up shirts he can wear(usually wears those when he gets a new "girlfriend". My daughter is 7 and is not allowed to wear any shirts that expose her belly button, and all skirts are to the knee. We may seem a little anal about it, but the last thing we want is some perve checking out my little girl.

Back in my day, rolled jeans, wool socks and Vaurnet shirts were cool(along with those hideous MC Hammer pants which I had 6 pairs of). Chip and Pepper and those hypercolor t's were the thing too.
I don't tuck my shirt in and wear loose pants.(the thinking being I'll be able to keep them longer)
I also wear my hat backwards when I drive because it hits my sunvisor otherwise.

I think the low-low-low trousers thing started when they'd take convict's belts away from them in prison.

Big people in tight clothes has been a problem since the beginning of time, ever since Og decided he'd wear the rabbit to work instead of the lion.
Che said:
I think the low-low-low trousers thing started when they'd take convict's belts away from them in prison.
I watched some show on some crappy mucis channel that used to show videos and now does game shows and porn (which would be I was watching it. On mute. The various porn stars - Jessica Spears or Britney Aguilera, etc - insist on caterwauling and screeching as though they were singers or something, but I digress), and apparently, according to a big-time hip-hop/crap producer, it started because 'girlfriends' in the American penal system would wear their pants two sizes too large and without belts, to give their 'boyfriends' quicker access.
It became a mark amongst gangstas to show that they had done time, in order to establish their street cred. Then, it became copied by the various gangsta-wannabe's, who only knew that it meant you were hard-core. Then it became copied by stupid-ass, suburban, upper-middle-class, white kids who had no idea what they were emulating, or why. It was just kewl.
There you have it. I have no idea whether it's true, but it's silly enough, that it has the ring of truth to it. And it amuses the hee-eell outta me to watch kids copy the fashion without knowing they are advertising the fact that they have been sodomized repeatedly.

Kids are stupid and will wear anything that shows off their individuality. As long as everybody they know is doing it, too. But, then I wear pajamas coloured like relish with a disco collar, shave the sides of my head, and wear a felt sock on my head.
In the early 50'ss I bought a pair of lime green pants Tight at the bottom and baggy at the knees They where called strides
I can still remember my dad saying You wear those and you might just wind up in jail
Like all good things I out grew them
But believe me they where a whole lot more comfortable than the many shirts  and ties I have to wear over the years
I wear a Wendys uniform on some weekends.

Now thats embarrassing!

I wear baggy clothes at home, but when Im in public I wear clothes that fit!
Original uniforms issued to me waaaaaaaaaay back when Col Sanders was a Pte and we still wore Battle dress & TDubbs....

there were missfits, don't fits, can't fit, won't fit & never fits.....
My 1st BD pants were err...... tight around the armpits ;) ....
my 12 yr old would laugh :(
paracowboy said:
Kids are stupid and will wear anything that shows off their individuality. As long as everybody they know is doing it, too. But, then I wear pajamas coloured like relish with a disco collar, shave the sides of my head, and wear a felt sock on my head.

LMAO!! :o ;D

I guess that makes you a trend-setter. haha :-* ;)
I have to say that school uniforms are the way to go.  I know that many think uniforms curb one's individuality but it also prevents pre-pubescent girls from wearing thong underwear and low-rise jeans and teenager boys from tripping on their grossly oversized trousers.  I went to a school where uniforms were worn and I thought it was great.  With all the pressure nowadays to be cool and fit in alot of kids get picked on by their peers if they are not wearing the hip clothes that the cool rich kids are wearing.  Oftentimes their parents can't afford the snazzy stuff and so they get picked on and are ostracized by other students.  Its sad but true really, teenagers can be nasty to eachother.  Uniforms level the playing field, everyone dresses the same and so the focus is not on how one looks or dresses but on who they really are.  Plus, it saves alot of money for the parents.

Not too long ago, a school principal in Richmond BC, close to where I live, outlawed young girls from wearing revealing clothing like low jeans, thong underwear and belly-exposing shirts.  Good for him.  If only the parents of these children were as sensible as the principal.  I wonder if we should really blame the children, who are susceptible to peer pressure and all the crap that they are bombarded with every day in the media.  They don't know any better.  The parents do however, and so I wonder what they hell they are thinking when they go out and buy their 12 year old daughters dental floss underwear and skin tight jeans.  Its the parents who are to blame IMHO.

Not to mention the sick bastards who actually manufacture and sell thong underwear for 12 year olds.  Now those are the real sickos!
ReadyAyeReady said:
I have to say that school uniforms are the way to go.  

I'm with you on that one!!

The school my children attended in the USA was a uniform school and even my kids preferred it over wearing regular clothes. It was easier to get ready in the morning and everyone looked the same. There is talk about it out here, but don't know how far it will go as far as becoming an enforcable rule...
Like others have said, each succeeding generation likes to be different than the previous one (although strangely, some fashions come back after awhile). I worked at a daycamp for the last two summers and I have many stories about things that are relevant to this thread. (If you want any specifics pm me).

As a side note, my grandfather and uncle used to work at the mental institution that GW refers to. My mom used to volunteer there also.

I have to say that school uniforms are the way to go

I dont know where you live, but have you ever gone past an Ontario catholic school when school gets out.  The girls wear their kilts so bloody high that you can almost see their butt cheecks.

I remember years ago a friend telling me that you had to wear cool boxer shorts underneath your kilt because when you went up stairs boys like to sit at the stairs and look up your skirt.

I'm sorry uniforms do NOT help the kids dressing like slut monkeys problem unless uniforms are stickly enforced.  From what I've seen in Misssissauga (with the exception of a private school around my area) and Hamilton, rules are not inforced.  They also dont help with bullying issues either.  If the cool kid thinks your a dork, they are still going to pick on you regardless of what you are wearing.
don't have a daughter to worry about but have a friend who does. the wife has complained that when you go to department stores.... a lot/most of what is on the shelves for those 12 yr olds is.... THONGS.... the lady was spittin mad about it too!

with respect to school uniforms.... where there is a will..... there is a way. as soon as they are "out of class" the girls will roll up / bunch up the kilt to show more leg and roll up the blouse to expose that belly.... they're fishing for acceptance from their peers and a reaction from us - the parents.