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Hi guys,

Im wondering if anyone in the know has a copy or can at least list out the kit list for the PLQ MOD 6 INF. WATC's DIN site only lists MOD 6 Land and DP2B.

Also any other details on this relativly new course would be appreciated, thanks guys!
The guys at work were having the same problem in deciding what kit list to follow.  I told them it is probably safest to follow the old Mod 6 one.  The old 2B one was based on the fact that the soldier was in the field two weeks out 3 or 4 they were there.
I was just the course officer for the PLQ Inf at AATC.

In my opinion there isn't that much difference between the way it was this time last year with the PLQ Land + Inf 2B.  They added Urban Ops, but only 2 days of lessons/tutorial and a 1.5 day ex.  You don't have to do everything twice, like PLQ L + 2B, but when you did you got more time to practice those skills.

All the exercises are too short and you don't get enough time in a command/leadership posn to really develop your leadership skills.

Like usual, recce patrols cause the most difficulty.  The two common problems; a solid Concept of Ops and navigation (finding your objective).

I guess they're constantly making changes.  On the next course, on the defensive ex you can now get a "force protection" task.  I haven't been told exactly what they've chosen for those tasks.

Really my overall impression is that "they" aren't concerned with fully training a Cpl to be a MCpl before he makes it out the door.  Its 8 weeks of "fire-hose", then off you go to your battalion.  It all comes down to numbers (troops and $$$$).
Thanks for the responses guys,

Garrett, in reference to the kit list which should we be following the MOD 6 LAND or the 2B? Is there a requirement for DEU's to be brought? And finally how is the field time on the course broken down, i.e. how many field ex's and what is their duration? Thank you again
Phil I don't know what unit your from but do what the guys in 1VP are doing.   Get together with the guys going on course with you and decided wether or not to bring your DEU's.   Worse comes to worse, the first weekend off you'll have to go get them (assuming that that is an option).   Your other option is to seek clarification from your OPS and Training....something I'm sure you were doing anyway as you are heading on leadership course, instead of waiting to be spoon fed.    :P

I am seeking clarification, however knowone seems to have a clue. The obvious answer is to bring everything until you know that you dont need it, I just wanted to see if anyone had a straight answer.
I know you are that is why it was tongue in cheek comment.  Have fun with the course, I'll be down in WX on Spring Ram probably screwing up your recce with our Biv site.
Hi guys quick question for those in the know,

Here is the situation. I was on my my MOD 6 Inf in WATC but medically RTU'd off the course (blew out my knee) just after the patrol portion. Our course, at least on the course schedule, was broken down into "PLQ INF Block 1" and "PLQ INF Block2". When I signed my course report it stated that I had successfully completed PLQ Inf block 1 and needed to complete PLQ INF block 2. When I went into my OC's interview he explained to me that when I went back to re-do the course I would just come onto an existing course, just before the patrolling portion i.e. block 2. In essence I would need to complete the last 3 weeks of the course (incl written PO's for patrolling, and defense, hard asses for patrolling, defensive, and fibua.)

Since returning from Afghanistan I have been talking with my unit to try and get the rest of my mod 6 done. They are telling me that army does not break the mod 6 into blocks despite what it says on my course report and what the OC B Coy WATC told me. My trg WO is saying that there is no PLQ INF Block 2 on the course brick and as such doesn't exist.

I am wondering if any of you guys know if they are in fact breaking the course into a second block, or if I will have to redo the entire thing. Thanks for any help.


When I go back to Wainwright I'll get the word straight from the horse's mouth for you.  I'm pretty sure you are pooched though as we have had Reg Force guys in the same boat as you and have had to do the entire course over again.
thats what I expected, any help would be great MJP.

From what I heard there have been instances of guys that were trying to get credit for specific PO's that they have completed, who knows I can cross my fingers and hope that I'm different! ;D Again thanks for any help
Hey hows everyone doing? I'm currently on PLQ mods 2-5, the course is over in april(weekend course) over the summer I'm doing my engineer 5's and am possibly going on TF 3-08, what is the max amount of time I have before I have to do Mod 6 without having to do mods 2-5 over again?
Chimo! :cdn:
I didn't think there was an expiry date on your Mod's 1-5, but not positive about that.  I have a friend who re-mustered out of the cbt arms and then did PLQ.  Since his new trade was a support trade he only had to do mods 1-5.  A couple of years later, not being satisfied with his new trade, remustered back to the cbt arms.  Once back in the cbt arms, he required and attended mod 6.  He didn't have to take mods 1-5 over again.

I don't believe there is an expiry date on those quals and even if there is,  I believe you're talking years. 
I have a Cpl working for/with me who is in a bit of a panic.  He wants to get loaded on the Mod 6, as he says that he has two (2) years to get it done or he has to do the whole works over again.  He did his other Mods over a year ago.
Sapper24 I would also confirm via COC that you are actually loaded for a QL5 course because of the introduction of the CMD package to the reserve courses some people are in flux in regards to this.

I know of at least half a dozen people in my unit that  where told they where going a QL5 course and then arrive at CFSME and are told that they are doing QL3 Part 2 instead.

IIRC to be loaded on Mod 6 you must be Corporal Qualified (i.e. QL5A or what ever they are calling the flavour of the day).

no worries Nfld_Sapper, already went through that last summer I've got 3's A and B so I am sure that I'm on the 5's
Nfld Sapper said:
IIRC to be loaded on Mod 6 you must be Corporal Qualified (i.e. QL5A or what ever they are calling the flavour of the day).

We had Echo's on our course that had 2 years in the reserve and one was a Pte.I know there were some peed off RnfldR guys that came up that were not qualified a infantry course (they one where they direct fire..cant recall the name)and were placed on MOD 6 part 1 only then played Demo platoon the rest of the summer.As they were required to have that prior to going on course.But as far as I can remember the Echo c/s didn't need anything special,as the rest of our non infantry types.

Side note:magic 8 ball does say maybe....this thing is awesome.
Well one thing PLQ(L) and PLQ(Inf) are 2 different beasts.

I know for a fact that to be loaded on a PLQ(Inf) the member must have Inf DP2A. Also got to love the fact that PLQ(Inf) is 2 weeks longer (that's 2 weeks more of c**k).

EX_RCAC_011 said:
We had Echo's on our course that had 2 years in the reserve and one was a Pte You mean Sapper.I know there were some peed off RnfldR guys that came up that were not qualified a infantry course (they one where they direct fire..cant recall the name)and were placed on MOD 6 part 1 only then played Demo platoon the rest of the summer.As they were required to have that prior to going on course.But as far as I can remember the Echo c/s didn't need anything special,as the rest of our non infantry types.

Side note:magic 8 ball does say maybe....this thing is awesome.
Lol for sure.
But as for courses needed to attend as a Engineer,earlier this year you didn't need it.The only prerequisite I knew of was for the infantry,and as you said it's a different can of worms.