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Please post if you have received an offer from RMC.

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I can say that I recieved an offer and accepted, some three years ago now I think. Accept the offer when it comes, RMC is worth the trouble!
Okay guys I'm starting to get a lil worried im still waiting to hear back about my application, I applied for Infantry Officer, mechanical Engineering, Reserves Entry Training Plan. Do RETP applications take longer or something?
Marksman said:
Okay guys I'm starting to get a lil worried im still waiting to hear back about my application, I applied for Infantry Officer, mechanical Engineering, Reserves Entry Training Plan. Do RETP applications take longer or something?

Hold your shorts as offers are slowly coming out now.  IAP doesn't start for another two or three months so there is no hurry. ;D
Marksman said:
Okay guys I'm starting to get a lil worried im still waiting to hear back about my application, I applied for Infantry Officer, mechanical Engineering, Reserves Entry Training Plan. Do RETP applications take longer or something?

I strongly discourage it!  Mech Eng and Infantry.  You won't have any break whatsoever in 365 days per year...  Mech Eng is A LOT OF WORK (hey, I'm doing it now at RMC).  Infantry?  Well everybody knows what the phase training looks like... Choose one or the other, not both if you want my opinion.  And not to mention that Mech Eng for infantry?  What a wasted degree...

SupersonicMax said:
I strongly discourage it!  Mech Eng and Infantry.  You won't have any break whatsoever in 365 days per year...   Mech Eng is A LOT OF WORK (hey, I'm doing it now at RMC).  Infantry?  Well everybody knows what the phase training looks like... Choose one or the other, not both if you want my opinion.  And not to mention that Mech Eng for infantry?  What a wasted degree...


Well since he wants RETP it doesn't really matter does it?  It is not like he is going to have a career as an Infantry officer after graduation.
INF is very different than engineering so you'll want to put that degree to use (however much you'll see as a CF engineer). You will have a CF career after graduation don't worry about not having a job after RMC.

CF engineers are lucky to get 2 or more engineer jobs in their careers. Most of the time you'll be doing desk/admin work similar to what the INF officers do once they advance in rank.

At Lt-Col pilots stop flying unless operations demand it.

Choose the MOC you want and try to match your degree to that MOC. In my opinion you should shoot for Air Force engineer, they have it easier than the army or navy guys.
bbbb said:
INF is very different than engineering so you'll want to put that degree to use (however much you'll see as a CF engineer). You will have a CF career after graduation don't worry about not having a job after RMC.

CF engineers are lucky to get 2 or more engineer jobs in their careers. Most of the time you'll be doing desk/admin work similar to what the INF officers do once they advance in rank.

At Lt-Col pilots stop flying unless operations demand it.

Choose the MOC you want and try to match your degree to that MOC. In my opinion you should shoot for Air Force engineer, they have it easier than the army or navy guys.

bbbb, you should verify your sayings before you post them since a lot of them are filled with errors.   First, as a CF Engineer, you can have the opportunity to work on engineering projects a lot.  They sure aren,t field jobs but those jobs are the most engineering related.

Second, LCol Pilots still fly.  They usually are Squadron Commander.  Actualle, talking about that, when 433 Sqn deployed to Kosovo, its Sqn Commander dropped the first bombs of the campain.  Also, as a Wing Commander (Full Col) you still get to fly whenever you want (until you max out your hours for the year).  General level is when you are pulled from the flight line.

kincanucks said:
Well since he wants RETP it doesn't really matter does it?  It is not like he is going to have a career as an Infantry officer after graduation.

4 years doing that still sucks I think.  I'm PLT and I'm doing mech eng (actually, I have a propulsion exam tomorrow, gotta start studying!) and right now, if you want my point of view, I'd rather be dead.  No time at all for anything, even 3 weeks from the end.  During the summers, I had the time to relax from harcore work and take care of myself then come back to school all fresh.  Doing that AND infantry would be a "I'm gonna go CRAZYYYY" soon case.  Phase training in the army is hard on the body and mental (at least, combat arms) 

If I was you?  Take Mech Eng and fly during the summer.   Let the infantry to the arts people.


Do you actually know any qualified "Air Force Engineers"?  I can only assume that you mean AEREs.  I would seriously doubt that they have it any easier than the Army or Navy guys.  My unit's SAMEO, D/SAMEO and SAMS regularly put in long hours, trying to keep things running.  When serviceability goes down they are the first that the CO will blame.

Now, if you mean Air MILE, most of their training is done with the Army to begin with, so one can also assume that they have it just as hard as the Army guys.

And to back up what Max said wrt pilots, you are full of it.  I have flown with my CO (a LCol) several times.  In fact I'm sure he gets up at least once a week.

Oh, and Max -- be happy you aren't Chem Eng.  If things are still being run the same way, most of them don't have any spares at RMC unless they are exempt French.  Of course, we did get out theses in before spring break.  There was one advantage at least.
Strike said:
bbbb  Do you actually know ....
SupersonicMax said:
bbbb, you should verify your sayings before you post them since a lot of them are filled with errors. 

bbbb......I cannot believe this is a coincidence. You must be consciously trolling from tread to thread, just to see how many people are going to spank you for BS'ing.

So I'll contribute another, on top of the comments your lack of knowledge earned yesterday....
bbbb said:
INF is very different than engineering so you'll want to put that degree to use
So why do we have a Tech Staff course? Who better to contribute technical expertise to vehicle acquisitions/modification than a PEng. Infanteer? Who might be better at writing/advising technical infantry doctrine, such as field fortifications, or explaining urban breaching ops?

Thread after thread, you reaffirm the view that you don't have a clue what you're talking about in at least 90% of your postings.

PLEASE ......stay in your lane!
At a bare minium, never type the word "infantry" again. You're not qualified. You don't have the vaguest idea of the subject. You're not worthy. I'll let the other Branches fend for themselves.
bbbb said:
I can say that I recieved an offer and accepted, some three years ago now I think. Accept the offer when it comes, RMC is worth the trouble!

bbbb said:
A lot of the people I know at RMC are there for the degree and expressed no intention of staying for a long-term career in the CF. It's that easy there.

1st Quote: RMC is challenging
2nd Quote: RMC is easy

Not only is he full of it, but he also contradicts his own statements! ::) I guess thats what happens when you post 120 times within a week and a half. You forget some things ??? ???
Oh come now Strike, having so many spares is taxing! I often find myself wondering what to do in my spare time ;) Seriously though, if you strive to do a good job, like you should, RMC is not easy. It might be easy if all you care about is academics, but in truth, I find the hardest part to be the balancing of the four pillars, putting effort into all four aspects but ensuring success in each.
RETP: Because I've found a reserve infantry unit that I like and am currently a member of (NCM), and would like to continue working with them, (thus infantry offcier)
Mechanical Engineering: Because I want a degree thats worth more then the paper its printed on.
Besides all RETP candidates are permitted to go reg force at any point during their RMCC career

Good choice.  As RETP, the money you make over the summer does a lot to cover costs of tuition and such.  Not too sure about overal costs though.  However, the RMC Club does offer loans, and very attractive ones at that.
bbbb, PM inbound.
Strike said:
He's an artsman.  What do you expect?  ;D

Careful now...  While ANYONE can get a BA, it is not easy to EXCEL at a BA (am I sounding defensive yet?)  ;D
bbbb said:
I can say that I recieved an offer and accepted, some three years ago now I think. Accept the offer when it comes, RMC is worth the trouble!

Why then are all your posts from Carlton University??  Hmmm.....
That's nothing.  He's a history major and thought that one of the French islands off the Canadian coast was Martinique.
Martinique is a nice beach in Nova Scotia though.  8)