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Paying for flight to BMQ

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I have a question. If I pass everything and I am accepted:

I live on the west coast... IE: Vancouver Island.
If I am stationed to train in Quebec (or something) does the army pay for the travel expenses?

Thanks :)
hey, where on van. isle.? I‘m assuming Vic., Nan. or the valley. if you are at nan.camp, give me a shout.
I am out of work right now. So the idea of forking out for bus or plane is completely out of the question.
I got my package in the mail today with my course details.  I'm Reg 031, but they sent me a package for NavRes.  The whole package is worded as though I'm a Naval Reservist and keeps telling me to clear up certain issues with my home unit.  I'm assuming that it's the package I was supposed to get because my BMQ is going to be in Borden, where the NavRes have a training unit.

My question is, since I don't get to know what my home unit is until 2/3 of the way through BMQ, do I just disregard everything that is worded for a NavRes recruit?
Plus there is a travel reimbursement/itinerary page.  Does this mean I am required to book and pay for my own flight to Borden?  They said I leave on the 24th of September, so if they aren't putting me on a flight, what happens if that day is all booked up for flights?

It's weird, I feel pretty much in the dark about how its all going to work, and my recruiter told me that the package would explain everything, but really it explained very little and actually raised even more questions.

I'll clear up as much as I can with the recruiting center when I have a chance, but the problem is I work Monday to Friday and really don't have a lot of opportunity to call them.
If I need to book my own flight, I'd really appreciate if someone can let me know how that works so I can get on top of it right away.
You don't book your own flight.  The CFRC/D will take care of that and call the CFRC/D during your lunch break to clarify any outstanding issues.  Remember we don't hold BMQs in Borden all the time so they sent you the best possible information available.  Get a hold of the CFRC/D and stop worrying.
Ya, I'll try to get a hold of the recruting center, the only problem was that I always end up playing phone tag with a recruiter for days and often for a week or more.  It's really really rare that I don't get directed to voicemail when I call in.  So thanks for clearing that up for me, because I would have worried about it until I found out.  Aside from that, I know the rest will sort itself out.  Theres still lots of time before I go.
They also sent me a package talking all about Navy Res. Mentions nothing of being kitted out or anything else I was told it would have. I would pound my head against the wall but the wall now has a crater 3 feet deep so I can't anymore.
"since I don't get to know what my home unit is until 2/3 of the way through BMQ,"

Is this true? Do you find out where you will be stationed (initially) while you are at BMQ? Or while you are doing your trade training?

dearryan said:
"since I don't get to know what my home unit is until 2/3 of the way through BMQ,"

Is this true? Do you find out where you will be stationed (initially) while you are at BMQ? Or while you are doing your trade training?


Well since you can't be employed in a unit until you passed your QL 3, I would hazard a guess that would be when you find where you are going to be posted.  I remember back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth during my QL 3, we were told the last week of the course where our butts were heading.
My recruiter told me yesterday that it will be 2/3 of the way through BMQ.  However, it wouldn't be the first time I was misinformed by the recruiting center if that is incorrect.
I've heard that from 2 recruiting centers now though, so I think it might be accurate.
GrahamD said:
My recruiter told me yesterday that it will be 2/3 of the way through BMQ.   However, it wouldn't be the first time I was misinformed by the recruiting center if that is incorrect.
I've heard that from 2 recruiting centers now though, so I think it might be accurate.

I'm quite certain that it is not accurate.  You will find out what unit you are posted to sometime towards then end of your trades training ( i.e. QL3 or DP 1).
I am selected to go 24 september as well and i recieved the same infor about borden. I was told to wait a few weeks until they recieve the proper joining inst. and they gave me the st. jean info to use as a giude.