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Patience pays off


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Hi everyone, this is another one of those "I got the call" threads, but it's different this time because finally I am the one who received "the call"!  :P

I have finally received an offer.  Those who talked to me on here before may remember I was initially going for pilot, but was just *barely* disqualified because a slightly higher refractive error in one of my eyes than what was allowed.  That was pretty dis-heartening, however I am on a new path now which I hope will provide equal challenge and opportunity.  I was given the option between a few different careers and finally settled on Signals Officer.  In anticipation I have been attending University (just started going again this year) and I am in the ROTP program.  I think it's going to be one helluva ride from here on!  Thanks for all those who gave help and support and good luck to those still trying to secure a career :)
It's good to see your determination to get into the CF. It should be an example for others to follow; never give up. It's too bad you weren't able to get in initially as a pilot, but I am sure things will work out for you as they should in the end.

Congrats and good luck.  :cdn:
derael said:
It's good to see your determination to get into the CF. It should be an example for others to follow; never give up. It's too bad you weren't able to get in initially as a pilot, but I am sure things will work out for you as they should in the end.

Congrats and good luck.  :cdn:

Thank you very much derael!  I can attest to the fact that if you have a goal in mind and continue to work towards it, you will be rewarded.  There were many times when my medical file would come back requesting additional appointments, testing and information I really felt like giving up because it seemed they would never let me in.  But I kept doing what they asked and it paid off :)

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*
hey thats great man that you didn't just walk away from it all when it seemed to be going for the worst :)
I'm still waiting failed the first time i was 16 when i first tried then i got into trouble with some friends with the law which landed me a 3 year wait to reapply so now i just completed all my test on the 19th and just waiting for an offer now :)
good luck 
Thanks bravo2824!

Just coming back to say that I have finally been sworn in.  It was a pretty big day, been waiting a long time for this.  So it's official, you guys are stuck with me now!  :D