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Paid to attend summer camp?


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Is it true that you get paid $60.00 a week for going to summer camp?I was just wondering because i just joined Army Cadets and I am going to camp

staff edit: subject clarity
I believe that information will be in your joining instructions when you receive them.

As far as I know you will receive a training bonus of $60 a week while you are at summer camp.
As a course cadet you will receive a $60.00 weekly training bonus.  Since you said you just joined, unless you're 14/15 or older, you'll go to basic.  If you do a 2 week basic course, you'll receive $60.00 in cash at the end of your first week, and then a cheque for the rest at the end of your second week.

If you do a 3-week basic course, or any other 6 week course, your payment will be split up over the summer.  For example, when I did CL in 2004, at the end of my first, third, and fifth week the training bonus was in cash, and then at the end of summer I received the rest (2nd, 4th, and 6th weeks) in a cheque.

When you are employed as a Staff Cadet (I did staff last year, and will again this summer) you'll be at camp for 7 weeks and be paid on a daily basis, but you'll receive your pay stub(s) every 2 weeks.  Higher ranks have a higher pay rate.  I was on a Warrant Officer's salary, $71.00 daily, and so in 2 weeks (after taxable deductions), I got a pay stub telling me that $974.79 was entered into my bank account.  By the end of the summer I had earned over $3200 ;D.
unless you're 14/15 or older
Not necessarily. Last year a girl form my corps who was 16 went to basic and she's been in cadets just as long as me and I'm younger than her.
I was speaking in generalization.  Usually 14/15 is the age when officers should consider putting cadets through the program at an accellerated rate if they feel that they have the maturity and knowledge to pass the testing.

An example of this is a Warrant Officer whose been at my corps for a year and a few months.  She was 16/17 when she joined, passed Green, Red, and Silver after reading the pamphets for a couple weeks, Then she took and passed her Gold Star and NSCE this year, placed 3rd in her intake, and now is up for the MGen. Howard Award.  As of now she's the corps Drum Major and Band Platoon WO.

On the other hand, we also have a corporal who has been in the program for years, and will be turning 19 soon; he just didn't demonstrate the skills required to pass his star tests and earn a promotion.
RCACboy, it is true that you will receive a $60/week training bonus when you go to summer training courses, but I have heard that CSTC Staff receive a "salary" of $60/day. That is how it worked for me in Basic back in '05. At the end of each week, we had the training bonus deposited in our own bank accounts on the base. You could deposit/withdraw your savings at any time.

Sometimes there are exceptions. When I went to Basic it was mandatory that we all buy a $5 T-shirt that had our Squadron and Flight information printed on it. The $5 was automatically withdrawn from our accounts.

One last thing, you will not be payed the full training bonus if you end up being RTU'ed (Returned to unit). This is possible if you do not follow the rules at your CSTC, or by breaking the law while on base. There was one Cadet in my barrack who was RTU'ed. That Cadet only received a training bonus for the weeks he had completed.

P.S. You should not go to summer training for the money only. You learn a variety of skills that will stay with you for the rest of your Cadet experience and some that will last for the rest of your life. Also, if you were not payed a training bonus, all the time you would have spent at camp could count as part of your volunteer hours for secondary-school, and by going to camp you would be finished all 48 hours in two days!