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Ordering Oakley Prescription Glasses

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Hey guys, i just passed my medical so i believe i will be sent to basic fairly soon (a month or so?)
I require glasses and have a good pair i plan on bringing with me for drills and such, but for the rigorous parts i would like to have a pair of Oakley Wiley SG1 prescriptions, The problem is the only places i can find them for sale are in the states, And after consulting their staff i learned that it will take over a month to get the prescription made and to have them shipped to me. Does anyone on this board own a pair of these? if so could you recommend the fastest way to get my hands on some?
Thank you very much.
You will be given two free pairs of prescription glasses during the first part of your BMQ. (certain frames are free, if you don't like them then they have others you can upgrade to at a cost) I'd suggest just keeping the ones you have now that you like and then you can wear a pair of your free ones to the field. (That's what I do & it saved me a fair amount of money)
It's been a while since I did basic, but it's a safe bet that some things have changed little.  I would bet that you'll have very few occasions during basic when you'll be allowed or able to wear sunglasses. 

After basic, here's the rules according to CFP 265:

11. Eyeglasses and sun-glasses shall be
conservative in design and colour.
12. Subject to any restrictions which may be
imposed by commanding officers on occasions of
wear, the following sun-glasses are authorized for
wear with CF orders of dress:
a. Designated Duty Personnel. Personnel
serving in aircrew, field and other
designated positions may obtain from the
CF Supply System and wear:
(1) Sun-glasses (aircrew) 8465-21-870-
(2) Sun-glasses (field force) 8465-21-104-
7821, and
(3) Sun-glasses (special) 8465-21-874-
b. All Personnel. Personnel who normally wear
eyeglasses, may wear either conventionally
framed prescription sun-glasses or
conservatively styled clip-on sun-glasses,
when conditions and circumstances dictate.
Others may wear conservatively styled sunglasses
which conform in general
appearance to those previously noted.
13. The following types of lenses are not
authorized for wear with CF orders of dress:
a. Photochromic. These lenses act as a light
filter and possess the property of darkening
when exposed directly to ultraviolet light and
lightening when the ultraviolet is withdrawn.
b. Mirrored. These lenses, also referred to as
half-silver mirrors, have a highly reflective
metallic substance deposited upon the
surface of the lenses, thereby creating a
mirrored effect.
I guess i will hold off on them for now, Thanks alot for the information!
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