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Also found "sheba imports" of London Ont............

Another company is Canadian Buttons Limited.  (Sorry for the poor photo - hard to scan a button  ;D )

The biggest competition for William Scully and company is JR Guant (or is it Gualt? - Michael can correct me if I am off)
JR Gaunt......... and sons

Gaunt was a Montreal business........... dissapeared from the face of the earth some time ago. They may have set up shop elsewhere but have not seen any accoutrements with their name on it for many a year......

geo said:
You might want to try Penny's of Thunder Bay.
The Owner, Myles Penny has been supplying Regimental Kit Shops and the CF in general for a long time.  His prices are competitive and his network of foreign manufacturers is extensive.... and he usually delivers on schedule - though dealing with small foreign contractors does cause the occasional Quality Control problem.
You must be joking? Really? I think that you should check around some more before going this route. But hey try it and you will see what you end up with. Don't say I didn't warn you. Or better yet send your money to the government so that they can give it away to some third world country. The end result will be the same
geo said:
JR Gaunt......... and sons

Gaunt was a Montreal business........... dissapeared from the face of the earth some time ago. They may have set up shop elsewhere but have not seen any accoutrements with their name on it for many a year......

JR Gaunt and sons were purchased by William Scully. I found that out when looking for some ceremonial buttons. I believe it says something on William Scully's website as well.
geo said:
You might want to try Penny's of Thunder Bay.
The Owner, Myles Penny has been supplying Regimental Kit Shops and the CF in general for a long time.  His prices are competitive and his network of foreign manufacturers is extensive.... and he usually delivers on schedule - though dealing with small foreign contractors does cause the occasional Quality Control problem.

Or just go straight to the same Pakistani sources Penny's uses and cut out the middle man.

(JR Gaunt it is.)
Black Watch said:
there's a new surplus in Beloeil...They sale red tunic, but GGFG pattern...

You can get brand new ones out of Pakistan for less than 200 dollars Canadian; quality may not be as high as a Guards jacket, but if you are only wearing them once or twice a year, why not? Some of our regimental pipers doublets were made up in Pakistan almost 15 years ago and are still standing up well. On the other hand, a custom made doublet here in Canada costs 600 dollars or more. Lots of options - buying second hand, off the rack, and a uniform of completely the wrong pattern, makes little sense.
GGHG_Cadet said:
JR Gaunt and sons were purchased by William Scully. I found that out when looking for some ceremonial buttons. I believe it says something on William Scully's website as well.
Sorry you are incorrect. Gaunt still exists in the UK. Just finding them is the problem. The 48th still buy buttons from them as they do not like the quality of the CF issue ones. These are worn on the full dress uniforms.
Sgt Bilko Surplus said:
Sorry you are incorrect. Gaunt still exists in the UK. Just finding them is the problem. The 48th still buy buttons from them as they do not like the quality of the CF issue ones. These are worn on the full dress uniforms.
Oh really? Do you know how to contact them?
Black Watch said:
those jackets are in good shape and are 75$ea...

What good is it if they are the wrong pattern, and don't fit?

GGFG Tunic -

FMR Tunic -

By the time you found a tailor to rip off the shoulder straps, collar, and completely redo the sleeves, I suspect any savings you may have made are nil....

Not to mention the number of buttons down the front is different...the GGFG are the only Canadian regiment to wear buttons in twos rather than singly.
Michael..... the CGG & GGFG follow the traditions of the Brigade of Guards in the UK. In Canada as in the UK, thte Grenadiers buttons are done singly. Not in pairs.

Given that new jackets are tailored for the CG each summer, there might very well be lightly worn jackets that most base tailor shops could modify at very little expense.
From a GGFG websbite


The scarlet tunic and bearskin cap worn as Full Dress are patterned after our allied Regiment, the Coldstream Guards. The uniform has been modified to distinguish the GGFG from the Coldstream. The red plume is worn on the left side of the cap and, the badges are Regimental. The buttons are in pairs like the Coldstream Guards who are the Second Regiment of Foot Guards.

My point was that if jackets are being sold surplus with buttons in pairs, they are worthless to the FMR. The original poster said "there's a new surplus in Beloeil...They sale red tunic, but GGFG pattern..."

I stand to be corrected on the matter of the buttons, if you have a better source than I do?

Just to add to this little discusion on buttons.  The buttons are positioned as per the Regiment of Guards.  If they are for the 1st Regiment, the buttons are singly spaced.  If they are for the 2nd Regiment, then they are in twos.  The Third Regiment in threes and the Fourth in fours.
I concur.  We, 1st Regiment, CGG, have singles.  GGFGs (we work with them every summer) have pairs, as mentionned earlier.
I should also add that perhaps you should contact the CG organization in Ottawa, they should have set up shop by now.  They get plenty of new tunics, and could most likely direct you to the suppliers and tailors.
hehe.... which was my original point.... some 3 pages ago :)
Have you considered contacting the R22eR kit shop at the Citadelle ?? They have hundreds of red tunics, and I believe they have some made every year. I am inclined to believe they would have historical info on the different Regt'l dresses.

The R22eR website (In French only): http://www.r22er.com/
The R22eR museum website (bilingual): http://www.lacitadelle.qc.ca/

Here's an e-mail adress:

Bonne chance !!