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Old regimental system

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Ontario said:
Midget WTF are you talking about, if there loyal they ll go regular along with there regiment. They ll go if they really love the regiment, if not they can stay back. If you follow the thread Ive mentioned they should open a base close to Toronto so there not leaving there family. Kat i dont mean walking around our streats like in the FLQ crisis, just they go to High school, and to downtown to show of there gear stuff like that.

What would we do with the qualified reservists that do not want to go regular?

Ontario said:
No its you guys who arent.

You mean those of us that are or have served, right?


Ontario said:
Midget WTF are you talking about, if there loyal they ll go regular along with there regiment. They ll go if they really love the regiment, if not they can stay back. If you follow the thread Ive mentioned they should open a base close to Toronto so there not leaving there family.

Reserves have to volunteer to go on deployments where they are away from their families and away from their jobs. Regular forces don't.
What happens to all the 'loyal' reservists who just CANT? They have families and jobs too!!  
Don't bother explaining it to him. You are being engaged by a troll. Plain and simple.

Ontario, methinks your posting habits days are numbered.
The qualified resvesits would go to 1 of the other 4 regiments in the GTA, the other regiments out west/east could be put into another regiment. There have been many disbanded regiments since the 50's that could be raised again. MIdget then they dont go reguler simple as that. Ill admit i was wrong to say not loyal.

Here is some recommended reading for you:

Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, Sentence Structure, Presentation

You may find your first day on the board frustrating as you clash with the forum's operating method. It's up to you to determine if this will lead to a fatal conclusion on your account (see the Warning System post under Conduct Guidelines thread in the Army.Ca Admin board).

Topic: Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" or poor writing versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Grammar and Sentence Structures - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31327.0.html

Re: Grammar and Sentence Structures - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31327/post-340105.html#msg340105

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Language skills are not an unimportant attribute - and the increasing opportunity and requirement to communicate on the internet emphasizes the need to be able to express oneself clearly and concisely, developing logical arguments in open debate and be able not only to understand others, but to make oneself understood.

And none who follow basic principles of good language usage will be diminished for it.

The way you write may not be indicative of how smart and capable you really are, but it is indicative of how smart people are going to think you are.

Now onto this little gem...

Ontario said:
George im talking infantry hear, as i said in the first post of this topic you would have to add in the armour, artillery,etc. How can they earn honours in modern times. Do you actually beleive theres going to be a war where we have to mobilize our military. Even if theres a WW3 our gov't would probably send a brigade only.
If we replaced the 2nd and 3rd battalions with regiments then they could earn houners in afghanistan, or somewhere eles, instead of sayiung we sent 5 soldiers to the war on terror. 48 regulator, the people in the actual reserve regiment wouldnt be the men making up the regular force battalion. One of the renamed battalions men would. Those who are loyal to the 48 highlanders would go regular to. The only question is would the men want to be rebadged to a new regiment.

2 minutes of research....    http://www.forces.gc.ca/dhh/engraph/faqs_e.asp?category=hertra&FaqID=33


2) The Heritage Section of DHH (DHH6) is responsible for issues relating to our military past including: <snip>

# recommending and staffing policy to preserve military operational honours for succeeding generations through perpetuations

They also take care of getting new honours recommended if warranted.

*  taking a deep breath    *

With that, your welcome on this privately owned site is getting tenable at best.

You have consistently insulted past and present members by not either spelling Regimental titles correctly, nor by even know the basics of their individual Regimental histories.

You have been told to do some minor research which would have educated you to not only the proper titles, but would have lent some credibility to your own perspective on the topic at hand.

With that you have been constantly spamming the site trying to get your voice heard.....congratulations, it has.

You are wasting bandwidth on this site which you have been warned about time and time again, by not only members who are trying to help you, but also the D.S.

Administrative Burden comes to mind.

The Army.ca Staff
Ontario said:
The qualified resvesits would go to 1 of the other 4 regiments in the GTA, the other regiments out west/east could be put into another regiment. There have been many disbanded regiments since the 50's that could be raised again. MIdget then they dont go reguler simple as that. Ill admit i was wrong to say not loyal.

Four other regiments?  That means that they would not all stay infantry.

Oh man the horror.  (No offense to the other trades, but I love my kilt).

I think I see a flaw there Ontario.


Ontario...do yourself a favour STOP posting and get to learn the rules here. Its clear you do not have an inkling what you are talking about, so rather then make yourself look even more clueless and foolish, read up on the topics you are interested. I am not referring to wikipedia either, go to the Library, buy a book at Chapters and immerse yourself in the subject. You have not started off very well here earning a Verbal before you even reached 30 posts, take a break for awhile and do some self study. Otherwise you will probably be banned before the beginning of August if not sooner.
Ex-Dragoon, dont give him a heads up!........just let him fall into it!
Ontario said:
The qualified resvesits would go to 1 of the other 4 regiments in the GTA, the other regiments out west/east could be put into another regiment. There have been many disbanded regiments since the 50's that could be raised again. MIdget then they dont go reguler simple as that. Ill admit i was wrong to say not loyal.

You mentioned High School in an earlier post of yours. I can't help but think ... that is where your experience ends based upon your inability to spellcheck, use proper punctuation and grammar, capitalization etc.

Ontario, soldiers love their Regiments, you are correct. But people join this outfit because they love their country. The Regiment is assigned after they enlist. Keep that in mind.

1)  You have read a book, one written by Big Jack; and

2)  You are now engaged with people who live and breathe their Regimental traditions, people who served in the days of pre-unification, people who are currently serving; and people who are well aware of CF policy, planning and organizational, as well as operational priorities.

Yet, you continue to insist that it is us who are not "just not getting it."

Ontario: sit down, refrain from posting, open your ears, read, listen, and try to comprehend; you'll find that you will learn a lot. It's time.
Ontario said:
In toronto theres like 4 infantry regiments.

One more time.....


The Army.ca Staff
Ex-Dragoon said:
I am not referring to wikipedia either, go to the Library, buy a book at Chapters and immerse yourself in the subject. You have not started off very well here earning a Verbal before you even reached 30 posts, take a break for awhile and do some self study. Otherwise you will probably be banned before the beginning of August if not sooner.

Or visit my store


I have scads of regimental histories!!

PM me too!



EX-DRAGOON i do know my history ask me anything on the world wars ill tell you anything on unification ill tell you. Just because you dont agree with me doesnt mean im stupid, just beacuse i cant spelkl on the computer doesnt mean im stupid, sometimes i press a key and dont realize because im typing as fast as i can. I know what im talking about. But anyways ill stop posting.
With that you are correct.

Listening silence imposed.....one week.

With that, you have been told time and time again to do some research and think out your topic in a coherent way. Memebrs and DS have tried to point you in the right direction.

Sad that it has come to this, but it's better than being thrown up the Warning System.

To the other members, the thread is closed. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!

The Army.ca Staff
Ontario said:
EX-DRAGOON i do know my history ask me anything on the world wars ill tell you anything on unification ill tell you. Just because you dont agree with me doesnt mean im stupid, just beacuse i cant spelkl on the computer doesnt mean im stupid, sometimes i press a key and dont realize because im typing as fast as i can. I know what im talking about. But anyways ill stop posting.

Moderator Warning



Read this again!! I will NOT say it again. Understand that if nothing else.

The Milnet.ca Staff
Hmmm, me can run spell check.

Me can hit shift when me want capital letters.

Me know where comma goes and what it do.

Have a good week, spend it reading.
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