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Occupational Transfer Head Butt


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I Hopfully put this into the right area.

So I'll try and keep it simple, I've been told that I need to wait for the CANFORGEN Message for this years OT message, I don't think that's right, I know many people who, waiting and accepted did not. Does anyone know the QR&O's or other sources. However I do need strong evidence.


Did ask for post move, Sorry.


1)  Please don't post all in bold - it's almost as bad as all caps.

2)  We'll move this over into a more appropriate spot.

Milnet.ca Staff
Understood and thank you for pointing that out. I haven't posted here in awhile, just trying to get some answers.
If you are applying COTP, you can apply any time (could be why some are applying already)

If you are applying for the VOT program, you must wait until the competition is announced by message to apply.
I'm asking where does it say that I have to 100% wait to hand in memo, forms etc before this CANFORGEN Message.

I'm being short and straight to the point because I'm trying not to get into the personal side.
Kuon said:
I'm asking where does it say that I have to 100% wait to hand in memo, forms etc before this CANFORGEN Message.

I'm being short and straight to the point because I'm trying not to get into the personal side.

Check out the DAODs, CFAOs, etc that address the topic of VOTs.  It will be in there.  Or search VOTP on the DWAN.  That's what I did when I worked on switching.  I can't recall the references off hand, but the process is spelled out pretty good.
Like Aviator said, we need to know if you are trying for Continuing Occupation Transfer (apply anytime) or Annual Voluntary Occupational Transfer (need the CANFORGEN).  If the latter, you need to wait for the message because the occupation you want may not be available that year.

Your area BPSO website (DIN) ought to have very clear instructions on what is required - mine certainly does.
Melbatoast said:
Like Aviator said, we need to know if you are trying for Continuing Occupation Transfer (apply anytime) or Annual Voluntary Occupational Transfer (need the CANFORGEN).  If the latter, you need to wait for the message because the occupation you want may not be available that year.

Your area BPSO website (DIN) ought to have very clear instructions on what is required - mine certainly does.

I get the impression he wants someone else to do the work for him.

To the OP, if you want information on OT's, you'd be best served to check the CFAO's/DAOD's yourself first...then, check out the website for the local BPSO, or bettter yet, make an appointment at their office.  If you were working for me, that's what I'd tell you to do...then help you along if, after some genuine effort on your part, you still weren't getting what you needed (as opposed to hearing the answer that you wanted).  People here aren't going to do the work for you...they're funny that way.

medicineman said:
I get the impression he wants someone else to do the work for him.

To the OP, if you want information on OT's, you'd be best served to check the CFAO's/DAOD's yourself first...then, check out the website for the local BPSO, or bettter yet, make an appointment at their office.  If you were working for me, that's what I'd tell you to do...then help you along if, after some genuine effort on your part, you still weren't getting what you needed (as opposed to hearing the answer that you wanted).  People here aren't going to do the work for you...they're funny that way.


See that's where your wrong, I have put the effort in and I cant find that information, this was an option that I was told would be helpfull. I was told I can't make an appointment with the BPSO without my COC doing there part with my file, PDR so on and so forth. I don't know where you got this idea in your head but I'm looking for answers and I'm seeing if anyone else has run into this or even heard of this ridiculousness.

So back on topic.. The reason I have a very hard time believing this is because 2 people I work with handed there memo's in march last year, when the message was sent out may, and there trades weren't even on the message.
Your first reference to read is CFA0 11-12.  This will tell you if you are able to submit an OT application/request.  Read the part on LOTP, as you are Cmbt Arms.  Additionally, read the LAST AVOTP msg (unclass CANFORGEN 078/11) for the 2011/12 competition.  Its avail on the DIN and likely has all the references you are looking for.  Make sure you understand the refs/regs so you can ask pertinent questions and show your CofC and the PSO folks you are actually interested. 

From there, follow the advice of others and get info from your Base Personnel Selection Office.  They should have tons of info on their website as a start and you can get some answers there.

An OT is not going to be gifted to you, you will have to put the effort forth yourself.  You need to find out if the trade you are interested in is part of COTP or VOTP.  They are different programs with different rules.

*advice, take it or leave it*

- the file submission cut-off deadline is pretty far off (likley end November), and Selection won't likely take place until Feb/Mar of 2013.  You have LOTS of time, and its not a 'first come first serve" process, its a competitive one.  Pissin' off your CofC isn't going to help you, so chill the jesus out some or you'll end up shutting doors in your face.  Your immediate CofC AND CO have to write assessments on you as part of your application, which means your Tp Ldr or an Officer in SHQ will staff that for CO's signature via the CofC.  Your Tp Ldr will likely be speaking to your Tp WO, etc for input.  See where I am going?  Be patient, work hard and all that stuff because APPLYING for OT is no way a guaruntee you will get an offer.  You could piss off your entire CofC with attitude and whining and then end up not getting an offer.  Put 2 and 2 together.  Follow me?  You're getting worked up over "what happened to Johny last year" and what you perceive as you getting the run-around.  Apples and oranges. 

-  you'll get more help here from "those who have/those who know" if you rack the attitude back a few notches.  :2c:

Now that was helpfull, Thank you. I'll try and bring it up again but I might not get to far.
Just remember, it IS almost end May so the AVOTP and COTP competition messages will likely be out very very shortly. 

The BPSO office is very important in the process so do NOT piss them off.  They will tell you if you meet the eligibility requirements for the trade you are interested in, such as CFAT score, educational requirements, etc etc etc.  IMO, they are the last group you want to piss off.  They are the ones that will assess your suitability for OT in the end, and that is what you are after.

Patience is key, there is no rush with the selection not even happening this calendar year (unless things go very differently at D Mil C than they have for the last umpteen years).
I've been told not to get high hopes for a "3 day" Thing. I did go the BPSO's office  but said its waste unless I do a memo since they'd have to see my scores like you had mentioned and get my Tp Leader to start the process but Since last years came out may, thought maybe this one would but probably next...well hopfully  :nod:
Right.  So take the time to look into the educational, medical, whatever requirements for the trade you are interested in.  Educate yourself now, understand the CFAO, etc. 

I know a guy who has applied for the same trade for 3 years in a row and still hasn't gotten an offer, and is applying again now for the same on.
Kuon said:
See that's where your wrong, I have put the effort in and I cant find that information, this was an option that I was told would be helpfull. I was told I can't make an appointment with the BPSO without my COC doing there part with my file, PDR so on and so forth. I don't know where you got this idea in your head but I'm looking for answers and I'm seeing if anyone else has run into this or even heard of this ridiculousness.

I got the idea in my head due to the fact that I was until recently a Warrant Officer that, judging by your attitude, had at least as much time in as you have on the planet.  If you have a problem with something and come in here, briefly explain what it is, what you've done and what has or in your case, hasn't been done for you, and then you're more likely to get some positive direction where to go...if you'd walked into my office (or anyone else's for that matter) the way you walked into this forum, I doubt you'd have got much help other than remedial training.  If you'd taken the time to explain yourself a little more or been less brusque, I'd have been less of a dick. 

I'm glad to see someone was more patient with you than I was and that you seem to be heading where you need to be.



Din Access only but Says that there be a message very soon, but was wondering in there's anyone with a date or has some connections.
