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Nuke it!


Army.ca Legend
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Pick a city or place, pick a weapon and see the effects of a nuclear weapon here:

You could use either WW2 bomb, with Base HQ as ground zero, and the Kingston Brew Pub would be OK.  ~whew~
Cool.  Lesson Learned - get an asteroid launcher.
As an old nuclear weapons employment officer from deep in the depths of the cold war, I noted that the site only shows thermal effects. Depending upon the yield of the weapon, its height of burst and local conditions such as terrain and weather, blast and nuclear radiation could produce greater damage.

This reference gives a primer for all of us unreformed Doctor Strangeloves out there.

Old Sweat said:
Depending upon the yield of the weapon, its height of burst and local conditions such as terrain and weather, blast and nuclear radiation could produce greater damage.
la la la ....I'm not listening to you....the Brew Pub's OK....the Brew Pub's OK......
Hmmm centre ground zero on my old place of work with an old little boy and my house falls just outside the thermal and blast effects, so my plan is to run like stick in a southern direction and I should be A OK!  :nod:
ncs_eng 081 said:
one and a half of those Soviet 50mt bombs and bye, bye Cape Breton....

dude what do you have against Cape Breton? 
Well to start with it's part of Nova Scotia, do you really need more of a reason?
Indeed.  Though on the bright side, I "could" wipe my hometown off the face of the earth with just one -little boy-  how sweet would that be.

So I have some residual ire left over from high school, what of it?
    Cool site I hit my old home town of Trenton On with an Asteriod  >:D
karl28 said:
    Cool site I hit my old home town of Trenton On with an Asteriod  >:D

that's a bit of overkill don't you think?
Let's can any potential east/west debate.

For that matter, I have lived in both the east and west and can find reasons to drop a device in both places.