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North Bay Not Happy to Pay for Servicing CFB

The Bread Guy

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Not sure if this is the best place, but it DOES involve municipal politics, so thought this was the best fit.  Mods, do your worst if you think different.  Sounds like even though the "city" gets all kindsa benefits from having a base nearby, the "municipal tax collectors" don't like what appears to be downloading.  What I don't know, and maybe other coverage will include, is how much DND pays in lieu of taxes to the municipality for the base.

Shared with the usual disclaimer....

Mayor calls press conference about letter of understanding with Department of National Defence
North Bay Nugget, 29 Jan 07
Article Link

Mayor Vic Fedeli has scheduled a news conference regarding the letter of understanding between the City of North Bay and the Department of National Defence for Tuesday at 11 a.m.  The city has been re-negotiating the contents of the letter that would have had North Bay taxpayers pick up the cost of servicing roads, providing fire protection etc., at Canadian Forces Base North Bay.  Fedeli has argued the deal, signed by former mayor Jack Burrows and negotiated by former Nipissing MP Bob Wood, would cost taxpayers roughly $2 million per year.  It was also noted municipal taxpayers shouldn't be subsidizing a federal military base.  The base retention deal with the Liberal government was hailed at the time as "saving CFB North Bay from closure," however, once Fedeli took office he was quick to pan the deal as bad for taxpayers.  Nugget.ca will have a full report Tuesday.

...bring up the topic of closing the base on such and such a date in say early 2008 and see what happens...
Wonder what they would say if DND took over the Airfield again and kicked all the Civilian Companies out?
xo31@711ret said:
...bring up the topic of closing the base on such and such a date in say early 2008 and see what happens...

Ummm....can you say craping their pants and begging them not to close it down?      ;D

I am stationed here in NB, the mayor don't like us much.  The "base" is only 6 buildings, complete waste of $$ IMO.  The airport is under used, not many companies use it.  Bombardier sort of uses 1 hanger, the rest are empty.  There is parking for unused aircraft here, several CL60 business jets there.  Been there for over a year

DND has recently struck a deal with the local Comm Coll to train Airforce helicopter techs.  We are supposed to be getting a new baracks to support this deal.

The mayor does make a good point, they already pay taxes to the feds to support the CF, why should they have to pay more.  This is not a good idea, this is not how you make people want the military in their communities, IMHO.

If we're not doing anything there that can be done somewhere else, close it up. Unless there's a viable reason for it to stay open, we don't need to waste our budget and tax dollars on it.
recceguy said:
If we're not doing anything there that can be done somewhere else, close it up. Unless there's a viable reason for it to stay open, we don't need to waste our budget and tax dollars on it.

Now that they moved out of the underground facility, I would think that CFB NB is somewhat unnecessary...
COBRA-6 said:
Now that they moved out of the underground facility, I would think that CFB NB is somewhat unnecessary...

They just moved into a brand new above-ground facility.  Unless a new facility for the AD people is to be built somehwere else, NB will remain.  That being said, since a new building was constructed, thats usualy the sign of imminent closure ( a la CFB Chilliwack)
cdnaviator said:
They just moved into a brand new above-ground facility.  Unless a new facility for the AD people is to be built somehwere else, NB will remain.  That being said, since a new building was constructed, thats usualy the sign of imminent closure ( a la CFB Chilliwack)

If they build a new Mess Hall, it will spell its' death (a la CFB Summerside).
George Wallace said:
If they build a new Mess Hall, it will spell its' death (a la CFB Summerside).

Moncton, Chatham....the list goes on and on....

The new Above Ground Complex I work in here is awesome.  We call it the Taj Mahal.  Good state of the art equip also.  But NB is a base in a box, no doubt.  This facility could be anywhere.  The original plan was to go to Winnipeg, was prob the best idea as CANR, our direct Op HQ is there, howerve Trento would have worked also.

The "base" today more resembles a Radar Station of the olds days, small HQ, small MP detachment, small MIR etc...  As small base like this is a drain on CF assests IMO, but therre is a Wing structure, lots of Cols & Lcols:).  That's what matters.....
peaches said:
The new Above Ground Complex I work in here is awesome.  We call it the Taj Mahal.  Good state of the art equip also.  But NB is a base in a box, no doubt.  This facility could be anywhere.  The original plan was to go to Winnipeg, was prob the best idea as CANR, our direct Op HQ is there, howerve Trento would have worked also.

The "base" today more resembles a Radar Station of the olds days, small HQ, small MP detachment, small MIR etc...  As small base like this is a drain on CF assests IMO, but therre is a Wing structure, lots of Cols & Lcols:).  That's what matters.....

I agree with 17 Wing.....CANR HQ being there it makes alot of sense.  Trenton is busy as it is and its only going to become more crowded si Winnipeg would be my logical choice
17 Wg would be the logical choice.  Problem here now is the city no longer wants us here.  If the locals now have to pay more on property tax to support the base, they get testy.  Frankly, I do not blame them.  The already pay for the military in thier Fed taxes.  This was a by-product of the Liberals, get anyone else to pay for the military, nonsense from the Chreeton years.

If this plan flew here, I was going to be the model for all CF bases, that would really indear the locals to us....
The article suggests that the deal was struck with the municipality in order to keep the base from closing/moving to one of the options discussed above. This was obviously done to keep the economic benefits that come from having all that federal money pouring into the local economy. Now that closure of the base is unlikely after DND sunk a ton of money into building the AGC, the municipality wants to change the deal? Pound Salt!  ::)

How many CF and USAF pers are stationed in NB? How many civilian jobs on or supporting the base are there? How much does the base spend on LPO and other support contracts for goods and services? I'd be curious to know. North Bay has a population of about 50,000, I bet the Base is a significant part of the local economy...
NB pop is 60K, the base has around 400 regF, 40 USAF and many civilian employees.  The NWS maint company, Nusutaq is all civies, as is NAVCAN FSS here in the AGC.  The base is the #1 employer in town, our annual saleries far exceed the local averages.  Most of us own houses, the PMQs are about 1/4 empty (244).

The previous mayor, Mr Burrows was willing to keep the base here at all costs.  The new mayor is interested in developing the waterfront.  The city is already in debt because of that project, & they are looking to cut costs.  They purchased the CPR yards on the waterfront, pulled out all the tracks and are developing the land for high priced condos.  Just go to MLS.ca & see the $$ for a condo in this city.

The city, as I stated, is in debt for this, and is looking to cut costs.  Property taxes may go up, I bet we on the base get the blame.  The new mayor has seen the new $$ for DND, and thinks we should pony up the $$.  Our new WComd is a great guy, I have no doubt he will deal with it.
recceguy said:
If we're not doing anything there that can be done somewhere else, close it up. Unless there's a viable reason for it to stay open, we don't need to waste our budget and tax dollars on it.

Heck, it's even in a Liberal riding - did I type that out loud????  ;)
There's another thread going right now, "where has the CF gone".  This is on base I can tell you that should close.  We are 6 buildings, 1 Col, 4 Lcols etc....
George Wallace said:
If they build a new Mess Hall, it will spell its' death (a la CFB Summerside).

Wasn't it $11 million that was put out just before they closed it and then turned the keys over to Slemon Park Corp??

While I certainly am no authority on NORAD and AD, wouldn't it be safe to assume that NB will stay open knowing what the task of the folks that work there is?
I do  not know what will happen.  The old mayor liked us, the new mayor is not so favorable, because of the deal with the city.  He has other priorities.

The building cost around $23 million I heard, the sysytem inside (which is awsome) cost $110 miliion.  We are getting a new community centre, barracks/mess.  They just built a new parking lot, rebuilt the MIR & remodled the gym (same as Winnipegs).  If any of you are in the area and would like atour, let me know.....

The other big issue here is what to do with the hole???