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Non Christian Chaplain: Possible?

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Good evening, all.

With my application on hold until September, I've been re-considering my options for the reserve, and having thought of a question for which I could not find an answer neither here, nor on the DND website, decided to formally ask it.

A little background: I am finishing my second year at McGill, and in two years, with graduate with Joint Honours in Classics (history, but focusing on the Latin side of things), and Religious Studies (focusing on East Asian religions, especially Japanese). Having finished this degree, it will be the same as having a done a major in each field, but with higher academic standards.

As my application was put on hold in January until September, i will *not* be able to do my planned, infantry officer training etc this summer. Instead, an opportunity has arisen to spend a month in Taiwan, in a Zen Buddhist monetary, through a Religious Studies/East Asian Studies programme, which got me thinking...

I have been considering the idea of eventually becoming ordained in the Buddhist tradition, but at the same time, have felt a draw to the armed forces. The obvious compromise, needless-to-say, is to become a Chaplain--but while the DND site does not say specifically that one must be Christian, they seem to allude to it by suggesting that a) I need a Master's degree in Divinity, which is offered only for Christians and b) that I might be called upon to hold masses, which again, are a Christian practice. The best one can do, if *not* studying religion from the Christian perspective, is to do a World Religions/Religious studies undergraduate degree, and some specialized graduate work, again, in some very specific aspect of, say, Buddhism.

So--can anyone clarify anything in regards to this? Any chaplains out there? From what I remember of cadet days, if you weren't Catholic, you *had* to go to the "other" mass on Sundays, if you weren't on leave, and it was a Protestant service. However, especially with Canada's growing ethnic and religious diversity, I would think that doors might be opening in regards to other faiths.


Much thanks,

If I'm not mistaken there are Catholic, Jewish and as of 2003 a Muslim chaplain in the CF.


Buddhist? Maybe you could be the first?

Here ya go: It says Masters in Divinity or equivalent. Good Luck!

Qualification Requirements

The minimum requirements to become a Chaplain are 1. to be ordained or mandated by a nationally registered faith group and, 2. Have a both the Bachelors of Arts and the Masters of Divinity degree (or equivalent). Applicants must provide evidence of support of their application from their local ecclesiastical authority. They must receive support from a representative on the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy (ICCMC), the endorsement of the ICCMC and the mandate/approval of the Chaplain General. The ICCMC normally expects applicants to have 2 years experience in a civilian ministry. Applicants will be expected to meet Canadian Forces physical and medical standards and go through a Canadian Forces and Branch selection process, and that includes tests, interviews and an acceptance board.
Cincinnatus can you please check your pm's and get back to me
It is not only possible but my understanding is that the Chaplain General would like more faiths represented in the Branch.  Used to be there had to be a certain number of  members of a faith in the CF before they were authorized a chaplain.  So far there is only one Muslim, but there are others from smaller denominations such as Salvation Army etc. (Which is kinda neat because the Sally Ann provided lotsa padres during the First World War.

Because today chaplains must "minister to all", it has become a much more open, generic type of service.  Chaplains do of course remain ministers in their own faiths, and are free to conduct whatever services and rituals are required when they are holding services for their faith group.
But when acting as chaplains to units and formations they must of course take a wider stance.  And symbolically, the Branch March is no longer "Onward Christian Soldiers" but Beethovenr's "Ode to Joy" which says all people will one day be treated with respect.

They are even designing new hat badges for different faiths.  I think it is great stuff, personally.


tonykeene said:
It is not only possible but my understanding is that the Chaplain General would like more faiths represented in the Branch.  Used to be there had to be a certain number of  members of a faith in the CF before they were authorized a chaplain.  So far there is only one Muslim, but there are others from smaller denominations such as Salvation Army etc. (Which is kinda neat because the Sally Ann provided lotsa padres during the First World War.

Don't know where you get your info from, but I personally know of at least four that are serving and list themselves as such.
recceguy said:
Don't know where you get your info from, but I personally know of at least four that are serving and list themselves as such.

Damn..  I'm only aware of one.  But, I would love it if we had 4.  I hope three more
joined without me realizing. 

btw.. why did we resurrect a dead thread? (pardon the pun  ;))
Perhaps he is referring to the number of Muslim "padres" and not serving members of the CF?

PS: Yes Yes Padres are serving members too, I ment rank and file members of the muslim faith
Well the way I read his comment,

Used to be there had to be a certain number of  members of a faith in the CF before they were authorized a chaplain.  So far there is only one Muslim,

it says, that there is only one Muslim serving in the CF. Not one Muslim padre. If that's the case he's flat wrong. If he's talking one Muslim padre, I'll accept that as I don't know.

You'd think a PAFFO would write a little clearer ;D

Trinity said:
btw.. why did we resurrect a dead thread? (pardon the pun  ;))

tonykeene did, because if you look at his previous two posts, he has an axe to grind with CF religious policy.
I don't think... her profile is correct

40 years in... if you join at 18... she's like at retirement age...

That's a lot of years...

4 tours... which tours?

And her email addy is abk666@hotmail.....  how many people who are 58/59 years
old (judging off her service years) would put 666 in their addy.  I see 15 year old kids
who are cool trying to do that.. but someone her age.

Finally.. why is someone with her time in and age starting a troll argument?

Her behavior is not one of a major in the other post. 

Interesting .....
Ok I call Fake on this person or at least someones account has be hijacked and changed perhaps a MOD should have a look?

If that isn't the case then this reeks of BS, 40yrs my left butt cheek, 4 NATO tours name dates and camps and what BG? this whole thing reeks of poser, course the question begs, why pose as a PAFFO?
It's a bogus profile obviously. We've already done some checking and have a pretty good idea. It's the poster's perogative. They obviously just want to troll and not be taken seriously. So........


If they wish to rebutt, they can petition to have this reopened.
OI Padre,

No worries, I have already challenged our said "Godless Heathen" to no avail, regarding gender and profiles...I guess I was not suttle enough...



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