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No such thing as a stupid question...


Army.ca Veteran
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Ah the old saying... no such thing as a stupid question...

Which I think it untrue... because I‘ve asked many stupid questions myself, but at the same time, clearly if you‘re confused about somthing, it‘s just as well to ask... even if it is a stupid question...

Anyone have any particularly stupid questions they‘d like to relate?

(Favorite from civilians while in uniform... "Are you in the army?")
There‘s a guy on my course who asks the most bullsh@t questions like: "if an enemy is wounded and being carried away on a strectcher, can you shoot him?" (this is just one of his many idiotic questions). So whenever we hear one of our instructors say "the only stupid question is the one not asked", we say "except for bloggins questions"
Lol, I have one.
A funny one too.

While watching cadets do drill a recruit runs in dressed in all desert camo.

He runs into the office and asks one of the secretaries, "When do I get to shoot a german?!"

I don‘t know if he was kidding or not, which makes things funny!
There is always one little monkey on each course that has stupid question asking turned into a fine (or not so fine)art form.

When I went through the CTC in Gagetown we had one guy who would ask the dopiest questions.

Example:"If you capture an enemy and he‘s wearing his rain jacket, can you shoot him as a spy because you cant see his rank?" ( yes he really asked that question!)

Back then, the NCO‘s weren‘t under any sort of obligation to "be nice" or "Keep it clean." So so-and-so would get ridiculed in front of the whole troop day after day but it never did sink in!
My favorite sayings regarding stupid questions:

There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid answers.


There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people.

It all depends on the situation, and the question asked. ;)

(Favorite from civilians while in uniform... "Are you in the army?")
LOL, yeah, I get that question so much I now have two pre-planned responses to that one:

Bad mood, stupid person:"No, I just wear this sh^t for kicks"

Good mood, decent person: "What do you think?"

Some of my favorite stupid questions from civies:

"Hey, do you get paid for what you do?"
"Do you have to buy all of your ‘gear‘?"
"Why are you in the Army? Are you crazy?"
"Do you get yelled at alot?"
"Is that a REAL gun!?!?" :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Tyler:
"Is that a REAL gun!?!?" :rolleyes:
HA! my personal favorite, from when the homeless people were staying at Fort York Armouries (couple of weeks back)

Excuse me, miss....MISS! What kind of gun is that?
buddy on my course asked in dismissal "Tomorrow, will we be running ALOT outdoors? Or just doing alot of stuff like push-ups and things indoors?"

needless to say..our Sgt. took it as you would assume and we ended up doing quite alot of running AND indoor stuff. Almost lost my cheerios....

THAT is what i would classify as a stupid question!
during my BMQ last summer, the brigade padre came in an talked to us, an etc

mentioned that it is against the rules to shoot a padre or somthin to that effect

one of the recruits asked

"If we‘re at war with an army of padres, can we shoot them??"

theres a guy in my unit, he asks some of the most um.. weird/strange questions...

only one I can think of at the moment it

he asked one guys that runs our Meseum if the maniquins wear underwear

another BMQ story
some one on my BMQ course said this

we were all doing PT an such, we were pretty much at the end of it, just finished doing a bunch of push ups, an the Sgt asks "is everyone tired?"
everyone says "YES SGT!", except one guy....

"I‘m tired Sgt, but I can do more!"

so, we got to do more pushups for this guy...
The Funniest I remember is another M/Cpl would ask ridiculous questions, usually after briefings. We were on a trg ex and a briefing was called by our Plt commander always finished up by saying "any questions or queries". Any way‘he‘s put up his arm and say "Yes Sir, um what temperature does ketchup freeze at?" For 3 or 4 months this guy had another just as inane.
Why hasn‘t evolution done away with these morons?

Ooops...not PC enough... :D

on our QL2 our Instructors would ask us army trivia questions "ie what was the significance of June 5th?" (d-day)

well one day our Section commander comes in and askes the section "ok troops, what is the significance of march 20th? (i think)"

so for about a good minute we‘re all answering something along the lines of "uh the RHLI took over an objective in europe?" etc...

evetually he gets fed up and yells out "No Godd@mnit! It‘s When STAR WARS ep 1 Comes out!"

needless to say we were laughing about that one for a few days...
June5th originally was the date for d-day, but due to bad weather, it delayed d-day to June 6th
Ummm not Army related but when i worked at wal-mart i was about to go push in some shopping carts...and i‘m standing right INFRONT of the doors and this ditzy woman comes up to me points at wal-mart and asks "How do i get in here??"

And another good one from wally world...this one i almost could have found myself in a most awkward position...i was walking up to the front of the store when this lady stops me and asks me where the thongs are...now i‘m thinking how to respond to this without sounding like a pervert when another wal-mart employee comes up in the nick of time and asks what she was looking for, to which she responds "Oh you know them thong sandles." So thank god i didn‘t answer and point her towards the ladies unmentionable section cause that could have been quite embarassing *nods*
Originally posted by Yllw_Ninja:
[qb] Ummm not Army related but when i worked at wal-mart i was about to go push in some shopping carts...and i‘m standing right INFRONT of the doors and this ditzy woman comes up to me points at wal-mart and asks "How do i get in here??"

And another good one from wally world...this one i almost could have found myself in a most awkward position...i was walking up to the front of the store when this lady stops me and asks me where the thongs are...now i‘m thinking how to respond to this without sounding like a pervert when another wal-mart employee comes up in the nick of time and asks what she was looking for, to which she responds "Oh you know them thong sandles." So thank god i didn‘t answer and point her towards the ladies unmentionable section cause that could have been quite embarassing *nods* [/qb]

Here‘s a funny story, just to prove my sister is an idiot.
My dad shouts down the stairs for her to do some vacuuming. So we wait a while and then hear, "Where is it? Where‘s the vacuum cleaner thingy?"
We walk down there and my sister‘s standing there with the vacuum cleaner right at her feet. She‘s looking around bewildered going, "Well? Where is it?"

"Look down, ditzhead." :rolleyes:
From a civi friends after telling them that I am in the army

"could you actually bring yourself to kill someone"

My favorite responses being

"No I'm a soldier, but I'm also a pacifist"

"Actually I was planning on sitting down and talking through our interpersonal conflicts with the nice man shooting at me"
Darth_Hamel said:
"Actually I was planning on sitting down and talking through our interpersonal conflicts with the nice man shooting at me"

I heard giving them a lollypop usually works.
We'r getting our warning order about going on Ex. SSM asks the usual "Questions, queries, dramas, problems, homosexual tendancies or itchy feet?".
Young dig at the front asks this little classic..."Sir? Should we bring a towel?", Sir responds, "We'r going to be out for 2 weeks Tpr, I'm definately bringing a towel", Dig then asks, "What size towel should we bring Sir?".
Now does that strike you as a tad strange? Especially considering we only get one type of towel issued to us and furthermore we'r out field in the armoured winabago, the M113A1!

Another classic was from a year ago when a bloke asked the RSM if bringing his fishing rod would be a good idea for the Ex. RSM wasnt impressed
Hale said:
Another classic was from a year ago when a bloke asked the RSM if bringing his fishing rod would be a good idea for the Ex. RSM wasnt impressed

I actually had an MWO ask me why I DID NOT bring a fishing rod to an ex. Luckily, he was kind enough to share his trout with me.