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Night combat photos from Viet Nam

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Great night photos of tracer fire directed at a VC sniper in Viet Nam.  Full story and more photos at link below.

Astonishing Vietnam War photos reveal the moment U.S. troops unleashed hell on Viet Kong sniper in hills above an Army camp

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 22:33 GMT, 20 June 2013 | UPDATED: 22:48 GMT, 20 June 2013

A Vietnam War veteran has released incredible night-time photographs he took of American troops opening fire on a Viet Kong sniper who had been firing on a U.S. Army camp.

For more than four decades, photographer James Speed Hensinger kept these incredible photographs to himself, not releasing them to the public until now.

Hensinger was just a 22-year-old paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in April 1970 when a Viet Kong sniper began spraying automatic rifle fire on Hensinger's base in Phu Tai, near the coastal city of Da Nang.

'We were pissed off at taking Viet Cong sniper fire from the mountain above us several nights in a row,' Hensinger, now 66 and living outside Denver, Colorado, recalls.

'The guy would stand up from behind a rock and blow off a clip from his AK47 on full-auto. The sniper was shooting at such a high angle that most of his rounds came through the sheet metal roofs of our hooches.

'We decided to use a "heavy" response the next time the sniper hit us.'

The following night, Hensinger set up his Nikon FTN camera to take long exposures to capture the firefight. Each shot includes 15 to 60 seconds of gunfire.

When the Viet Kong sniper began shooting, the Americans unleashed hell.

An M42 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun began pouring cannon and machine gun fire into the hills above the camp.

Hensinger's spectacular photos capture the streaming automatic weapons fire and corresponding explosions where the sniper was hiding out.

Each red line represents a tracer round that was fired from an M60 machine gun set up in the towers guarding the camp. The red lines show only one quarter of the machine gun rounds fired during the gun battle.

The M42 was equipped with a pair of 40mm Bofors auto-cannons, and a .50-caliber machine gun. Both weapons can be seen firing white tracers into the hills.

Hensinger says: 'We sent out patrols during the day, and found a blood trail one morning. Otherwise, we never found him.

'The rocks on the slope were as big as Volkswagens. It took a very stupid officer to put a pin in the map and say, "Build it here."'


Opening salvo: The assault on the sniper's position begins with rounds fired from the 40mm auto-cannons on an M42 anti-aircraft tank


The soldiers then launched flares into the hills, as a pair of M-60 machine guns in guard towers began pelting the woods with hot lead. The machine gun's tracer bullets can be seen in red


The U.S. soldiers were trying to kill a Viet Kong sniper who routinely fired on the camp from the safety of the rock outcroppings


James Speed Hensinger was a 22-year-old soldier when he set his Nikon camera to take long exposures. He didn't know what to expect when he sent the film off to be developed. What he got back is nothing short of incredible


The M42 tank's .50-caliber machine guns up fire - lighting up the hills. The soldiers didn't know there the sniper was - they were hoping to hit him with the massive barrage


The smaller M60 machine guns chime in again as they soldiers pour thousands of rounds into the hillside. The sniper was never found, though soldiers did discover traces of blood when they searched the area the next day


Unleash hell: The hillside becomes a sea of fire when the big guns on the tank begin firing, in addition to the bursts from the three machines


Self-portrait: Hensinger was 22 and had been deployed with the 173 Airborne Brigade. By April 1970, the unit had seen substantial combat

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2345454/Incredible-Vietnam-War-photos-moment-American-troops-unleash-hell-Viet-Kong-sniper-hills-Army-camp.html#ixzz2Wo8GWrVn
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Kinda like using a 20 lb sledge to put a picture hook on the wall.
Someone emptying a magazine on full auto from a AK47 isn't a sniper...  Anyways, that must have been terrifying to be on the receiving end... I'm guessing no one else stepped up to replace the previous shooter afterwards.
im out of my lane for this one but, all that fire power for one guy who probally didnt hit anyone other then scaring them.. looks like all the funker videos of the states in the sandbox going through 1000s of rounds for one or 2 guys firing potshots