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New Threshold "Fitness Testing" at BMQ/BMOQ

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Army.ca Veteran
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I came across this at another website.  Apparently it was provided by a CFRC to an applicant who was recently enrolled and going to BMQ this month.  Looks to be only a "threshold" fitness test but I believe that at the end of the day, the final test will most likely be the FORCE test.
Looks pretty similar to the information posted on CFLRS' own website.

However, there seems to be some differences and contradicting information.  I swore in yesterday at CFRC Toronto and in about a 30 minute span I heard 3 different takes on what the fitness test would be from three different people (The Master Seaman doing our briefing, the Captain who was in charge of the ceremony, and one other officer).
EME Hopeful said:
Looks pretty similar to the information posted on CFLRS' own website.

However, there seems to be some differences and contradicting information.  I swore in yesterday at CFRC Toronto and in about a 30 minute span I heard 3 different takes on what the fitness test would be from three different people (The Master Seaman doing our briefing, the Captain who was in charge of the ceremony, and one other officer).

That's really odd. Don't worry, the chain of command will never contradict itself again.
The first two items are from the FORCE test.  The last, a holdover from the EXPRES.
Haggis said:
The first two items are from the FORCE test.  The last, a holdover from the EXPRES.

I would personally like to take out the shuttle run and just do the Force thanks. All these running tests have to stop :)
Cbbmtt said:
I would personally like to take out the shuttle run and just do the Force thanks. All these running tests have to stop :)

Yes, Recruit!
I got that same sheet of paper when I got sworn in yesterday so it looks like it's real. I guess there isn't a sandbag lift though, just the drag.
This ups the game a little as far a cardio goes. Females used to have to only achieve level 2 on the beep test to go on, and males level 3 to go on. Seems better considering how much running recruits do every PT.
At my swear in Yesterday, nothing was discussed on the Physical Part, except for be prepared for the stairs, as Housing starts on the 6th Floor. Not Sure if they start from there and go up with Each Platoon or Vice Versa.
marinemech said:
At my swear in Yesterday, nothing was discussed on the Physical Part, except for be prepared for the stairs, as Housing starts on the 6th Floor. Not Sure if they start from there and go up with Each Platoon or Vice Versa.

Did they not give you something like a "Candidate Guide" or whatever it's called which outlines everything?

Mind you at this point in time the physical requirements are pretty much a mute point, especially if your only receiving that info shortly before going to BMQ.
marinemech said:
At my swear in Yesterday, nothing was discussed on the Physical Part, except for be prepared for the stairs, as Housing starts on the 6th Floor. Not Sure if they start from there and go up with Each Platoon or Vice Versa.

Yeah, coming from the same swear in. Nothing was said about the fitness test but the video about BMQ did show them doing the express.
Hattie56 said:
Yeah, coming from the same swear in. Nothing was said about the fitness test but the video about BMQ did show them doing the express.

marinemech said:
At my swear in Yesterday, nothing was discussed on the Physical Part, except for be prepared for the stairs, as Housing starts on the 6th Floor. Not Sure if they start from there and go up with Each Platoon or Vice Versa.

Just what did they give the two of you, if they gave you anything at all?
Just all the "Legal" Items (CF 100, DND 1654, CF 484 CF 444, CF 742, DND 2587, DND 2315, DND 406, DND 330-47, And a DND 497-E) is what i recieved
ObedientiaZelum said:
That's really odd. Don't worry, the chain of command will never contradict itself again.

(laughs) if only things could be clear and straightforward.  Heck, I'd even take confusing - if everyone was confused the same way.
At what point are recruits tested. I'm under the impression that it's within the first few days of arriving to BMQ, someone please correct me if I am mistaken.

End of Week 0 it used to be.  Regardless of Week O or Week 1, if you aren't in shape when you grace the Green Doors with your presence, you're in the hurt locker right off the bat.
Cosmo said:
At what point are recruits tested. I'm under the impression that it's within the first few days of arriving to BMQ, someone please correct me if I am mistaken.


It's right in the document at the top of the page "during the first week".