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New Girl

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Hey, I am in the process of joining the reserves in Calgary. AB. I plan on training as a Supply tech. I am 38 years old and would like to be part of a more mature group.....Rather than being with a bunch of 16 year olds....any advice would be great. Thanks all.
Suggestion :

start here : http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/66208/post-615380.html#msg615380

When you read all the links in the rainbow post, come back with yours questions :)
Well I'm not going to lie; you're going  to be surrounded by "kids", especialy in the reserves. The majority of untrained privates will be in the under 25 crowd. Sure there will be a couple older folks in your basic platoon but expect most of your wingers to be highschool and college students
Try 14 Service Battalion in the North East area of the city. Service support organisations appear to attract a more mature (older) recruit.
KIMM said:
Hey, I am in the process of joining the reserves in Calgary. AB. I plan on training as a Supply tech. I am 38 years old and would like to be part of a more mature group.....Rather than being with a bunch of 16 year olds....any advice would be great. Thanks all.

Please define mature and why you think being with a bunch of younger soldiers is a bad idea?

i did my Pres BMQ this summer in Valcartier, and on my course, I was the second oldest guy on the course (I'm 32). We were fortunate that all the older people ended up in the same section. But do not count on this to be a thing that always happen.

As for the age/mature difference, you will end up, even on your course, to hang up with the mature people. Do not believe that the younger people are not mature, some of them are very mature for their age.

I joined as a Supply tech, and yesterday (Saturday September 15Th) were our administrative day with the battalion, and we had a meeting with the supply platoon and you could be surprised to see how much people are mature.

Hope you will like it as much as I like it. Good luck.
MedTech said:
Please define mature and why you think being with a bunch of younger soldiers is a bad idea?

Sorry, I had not intent of offending you or anyone. The overall definition I had in mind was (from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary):
Pronunciation: m&-'tur, -'tyur also -'chur
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): ma·tur·er; -est
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin maturus ripe; akin to Latin mane in the morning, manus good
1 : based on slow careful consideration <a mature judgment>
2 a (1) : having completed natural growth and development : RIPE (2) : having undergone maturation b : having attained a final or desired state <mature wine> c : having achieved a low but stable growth rate <paper is a mature industry> d : of, relating to, or being an older adult : ELDERLY <airline discounts for mature travelers>
3 a : of or relating to a condition of full development b : characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual <mature outlook> <a show with mature content>
4 : due for payment <a mature loan>
5 : belonging to the middle portion of a cycle of erosion

In this particular case I think 3b or 5 best describe what I meant.  Further, I don't believe for a moment that being around young soldiers is a bad idea at all. Where do you get that idea from?

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