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New earrings regulation - has it been clarified?


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Evening, all.  I was just heading out on maternity leave when the email came out with the info that females were going to be allowed to wear diamond earrings.  I'm just curious as to whether this has made it into the dress instruction?  I can't access the dress instruction from a non-DWAN computer, and I was trying to find out the regs on the diamond earrings, ie, are they subject to the same standards as the gold/silver/pearl with regards to max size, round shape, and the like?  Thanks for any help you can give me.  ;D
Spark, funny you should mention this.  I just started at a new job and my WO was wearing diamonds.  I guess I must have looked at her odd, because she explained that they were regulation now.  Supposedly they are waiting on putting them in regs until there are more changes.  She has email proof, but I haven't seen it yet.  I'll ask her and see what all she has on the issue.
Coming soon to your Ceremonials:

Polar Diamonds on Gold Buttons. 

Great opportunity to support Canadian industry and demonstrate to our friends and allies where our spending priorities lie.    (The Good Idea Fairy is working overtime these days).
For those who can afford diamonds - great.  Next the CWOs (or Inspector Gens) will be walking around with a jeweler's loop to determine if they are diamond or cubic zirconia.  There has been a recent trend toward large gaudy pearls in all 3 DEU.  There goes uniformity.
Here is the DWAN link to the Minutes of the Clothing and Dress Committee meeting that was held 15 Dec 2010: http://airforce.mil.ca/cwoaf/subjects/dress/documents/NDCDC%20MINUTES%2015%20DEC%202010.pdf

Regarding diamond earrings:


8 . CPO1 Laurendeau (CMS) recommended
that CFP 265 Chap 2, Sec2, para 6a be
amended to add diamond earrings to the list
of currently approved earrings (plain gold
or silver studs or white pearl, spherical,
max 1/4" diameter).

Item: Approved, Closed

There was no indication as to when this will be entered as a change into dress regs.  My unit has authorized the wearing of diamond earrings based on these minutes.
I can see the whole world coming to a stop when a soldier\ airperson\ seaperson loses one of these $ things  :facepalm:
Is the regulation gender-specific?    :whistle:

Edit: typo  :facepalm:
Kirkhill said:
Coming soon to your Ceremonials:

Polar Diamonds on Gold Buttons. 

Great opportunity to support Canadian industry and demonstrate to our friends and allies where our spending priorities lie.    (The Good Idea Fairy is working overtime these days).

Something to use as escape currency if you're on an E&E...hey, there's my leading change bubble  ;D...Oh wait, I'll sell it to someone as their's instead.

Thanks a bunch for all the info, guys, you all rock, just so you know.  :nod:

I'd never wear real ones in uniform, hahaha!  I currently wear surgical steel ones, I can't afford all the expensive fancy stuff.  :P
Sparkplugs said:
I'd never wear real ones in uniform, hahaha!  I currently wear surgical steel ones, I can't afford all the expensive fancy stuff.  :P

Coming from a married guy, any girl who chooses surgical steel over diamonds is all right in my books.  :)

Oh, and jeeps over hondas. 
Great. Now the SSM will have to become an assayer, (to make sure they are diamonds and not paste) carry a jeweller's loup and confirm every sighting.

If the reg says 'diamonds' that doesn'tt mean glass or paste. Cubic zirconias and glass don't cut it.

Lot's of people can tell the difference.
Does anyone every go around questioning whether they are real or fake pearls, or real or fake gold, or steel vs titanium studs? In all likelihood, as long as there are not obviously gawdy, no one shoould care or question it.
captloadie said:
In all likelihood, as long as there are not obviously gawdy, no one shoould care or question it.

And probably clear "diamonds" too not the pink or purple or brown ones.

I'm sure there will be plenty of details once the amendment is entered into dress regs.
airmich said:
I'm sure there will be plenty of details once the amendment is entered into dress regs.
As I'm sure that there will be sufficient numbers of pers pushing the envelope to keep fashion-conscious Sgt-Maj types busy  ;D
Journeyman said:
As I'm sure that there will be sufficient numbers of pers pushing the envelope to keep fashion-conscious Sgt-Maj types busy  ;D

Not like that doesn't already happen...... 
PMedMoe said:
Not like that doesn't already happen......
Hey, I never mentioned the stiletto-heeled hooker shoes you see in NDHQ.  ;)

For full disclosure:
1) military fashion is seldom one of my primary concerns (we have RSMs and Adjts for that);
2) I only darken the halls of NDHQ when summoned;, and
3) my familiarity with "hookers" is that they wear a #2 on the rugby pitch.  :nod: