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New Distance Limits - PMV travel


Jr. Member
Reaction score
I thought I saw an email a fairly recently that said there will be new min driving distances when using PMV for travel (such as to attend a course). I can't find anything now and fear I may have dreamt it. I thought the distances were changing to 800 km the first day and 500 km per day after that. Does this ring any bells?
Can't find a thing (other than the standard 500 km). I must have dreamt it.
ps said:
Can't find a thing (other than the standard 500 km). I must have dreamt it.

Dig deeper. I don't have the reference, but on my last move I travelled PMV, and Brookfield calculated the time as 800km the first day, 500km each following day.
For relocations, the CFIRP manual governs.  The latest internet version states:


Travel days
CF members are authorized one calendar day:

for trips of 500 km or less;
for each 500 km traveled; and
when travel on the last day is in excess of 500 km but less than 600 km.
Don't trust Brookfield reps. They've been known to mislead members in the past.

As for the 800 the first day, I remember hearing it once (maybe 5 ears ago) but never since. I googled it on the DIN and didn't find anything useful.

Any clerks on here tonight?
The 800 km if memory severe is for flip flop mse ops type on official duty or something to that effect...
AirDet said:
As for the 800 the first day, I remember hearing it once (maybe 5 ears ago) but never since. I googled it on the DIN and didn't find anything useful.
Any clerks on here tonight?

The 800 km rule was a throw back to times past and has since been superseded. (the only time you see the 800 km today, is on LTA claims)

Nowadays, when on TD, the only time kilometric mileage comes into play is for POMV Cost Comparisons it is a flat calculation.  500 km (one way) = 1 x travel day and for each 500 km or part thereof afterwards, add on "one day of annual leave".

In the case of relocations, travel time is calculated based on "point to point distance" but based on something like this:

a.  1st day of travel - if you work that day or have to do a March Out, etc, then 200 km but if you are starting fresh, then 500 km;

b.  everything after is in multiples of 500