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Need some help...looking for a Laptop

Mike Baker

Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
Okay I need some help. I'm looking to buy a new Laptop with about a price range of about $800, and I really don't want Vista.

I'm pretty much stun when it comes to things like processors and stuff like that, but I want one that's fast and has good memory, you know, stuff like that.

So, any help would be great, 'cause I'm starting to hate this desktop :D

Although they are in Halifax take a look at www.robotnik.com, they are one of the few places around that I know of that still load XP vice Vista on their computers.
Mine is an Acer Aspire 5630 and I got it at Best Buy or Future Shop.  I came with the Vista upgrade which I have never put on the computer.  I like it, it does everything I need it to do.  I think it was a bit about your price range but that was last December when I bought it.

Built in wireless card, built in video camera, Intel Centrino Duo.  Card readers for all different types of cards and 3-4 USB ports.  As for the rest, I haven't a clue, either.
PMedMoe said:
Mine is an Acer Aspire 5630 and I got it at Best Buy or Future Shop.  I came with the Vista upgrade which I have never put on the computer.  I like it, it does everything I need it to do.  I think it was a bit about your price range but that was last December when I bought it.

Built in wireless card, built in video camera, Intel Centrino Duo.  Card readers for all different types of cards and 3-4 USB ports.  As for the rest, I haven't a clue, either.
That sounds a lot like what I want!

Thanks guys!
Well, according to the computer weenie here at work, the best laptop that can be bought at the moment, is the lenovo..... Availability in your neck of the woods I'm not sure about. I'm using one here at work, and have never had a problem with it unlike the previous model which happened to be a Compac piece of @!%^ !!!!!

Good luck whatever you choose.
C-142XL, a small laptop from Gateway.  Note the CPU, vid card, and RAM specs.  Good reviews as a gaming unit.
You can ask for XP.  A little outside of your price range, but useful as a comparasion.

I have a few clues  :) so here goes.  I often get asked to recommend a computer so I stick to what my Bible says..."Consumers Report"  and that means Dell. Haven't had any complaints yet and they are all still working.  :)

Dell ships to most of Canada I think so it frees up most Candians to buy good stuff at good prices, in other words not captive to whatever the local market is offering.
This comes close to what an average laptop should offer.Of course more bucks equals more performance and bigger screen


Good shopping !
I concur... Robotnic is Excellent..

Do not buy an Acer.. Based on working for warranty at Best buy/ Futureshop. 70% of all exploded pc's are Acer, then Toshibas.

Dells are great. I have heard their customer service sucks now though.

I also concur about the Lenovo notebooks. Very good computers.
Baden  Guy said:
I have a few clues  :) so here goes.  I often get asked to recommend a computer so I stick to what my Bible says..."Consumers Report"  and that means Dell. Haven't had any complaints yet and they are all still working.  :)

Dell ships to most of Canada I think so it frees up most Candians to buy good stuff at good prices, in other words not captive to whatever the local market is offering.
This comes close to what an average laptop should offer.Of course more bucks equals more performance and bigger screen


Good shopping !
Can one ask them to use XP instead of Vista?

I just asked in their chat line and the answer is "no."  Sorry!

Maybe it is time to get used to Vista? Hey Baker I know you're a smart cookie, how hard can it be?
Vista is not that bad...
I have a Vista/XP/Win98/Ubuntu/OpenBSD box at home... I use Vista most of all.

You just have to make sure all the Hardware is supported for Vista. And just cause it is pre installed does not mean it is supported...
I'm not sure why people don't like Vista. I've been running Vista on 4 computers now without any issues (including one 64 bit computer). The only way that I can see people having issues with Vista is if they have old hardware or software. You do have to adapt to the new user interface but that's like with any new operating system. Granted, Vista does require more resources then previous OS.

Dell was selling laptops with XP up until I checked today. If I remember correctly, today is when Microsoft is supposed to stop selling XP licenses.

HP and Toshiba both have good laptops. I've owned both (current laptop is an HP) and I don't have any complaints. I found my Toshiba to be a little bit heavier then the HP (both 15'' screens). I find the HP has the more powerful laptops (at a reasonable price) at the moment so that's why I switched to them. I guess the first question to ask yourself is how big of a screen do you want.
If you snag a Dell find someone else with a Dell Windows XP disc, it'll install with no key without an issue because the motherboard tells Windows that it's a Dell system and because you're using a Dell OEM disc you'll never need a key.

It's what I had to do with my current rig for a duel boot, and I've done it for other people who were jaded on Vista or wanted to try out Vista. All Dell OEM operating systems will work on a Dell system w/o activation, keys or anything else needed. Ever.
Don't want Vista?  ... AHAHAHAHAHA  :rofl:

Ya good luck with that one Mike.  Ok I'l let you in on a secret, ALL laptops hitting the market right now are running Windows Vista.  Sure maybe there are some exceptions out there, but they are going to be real pricy laptops to begin with.  Yes yes if you hit up and Future Shop / Staples / Best Buy/ The Source, all their laptops are going to be coming with Vista.  Now, you want XP?, otherwise known as the best Windows platform ever (running a close second would be W 98 right?  :P) well the software alone is going to cost you 250, then to get some Future Shop "Product Expert" to take off Vista and put on Windows is going to be another 250.  So lets say you went the usual "first laptop" rout and got an HP DV Series laptop for ummmm lets say 700 if your lucky.  Add Norton, add Windows XP software, add Instalation, add $300 gold warranty.  Thats right my friend you just racked up a $1,600ish price tag. 

Know what you could get for 200 less?  A Mac, my Mac actually, with a three year warranty, and the ability to take it into certain apple stores and trade it in towards the price of a new mac in the future if you like.  My laptop is quick, small, pretty, runs lots of cool movie/ photo/ video programs, has Office programs, a great anti virus program (which is no biggie anyways cause macs dont have NEARLY as many problems with viruses) and it always works, always, I've never had a problem with it.

Get a Mac.

Cheers, Kyle
Deadpan said:
A Mac, eh?

Well then, I'll have to look into that now ;D


See, macs are built with the average idiot in mind (like me).  They are stupidly simple to use (once you get the hang of an operating system is not Windows), they are built to be fast, durable, and easy.  Not the best for programming, or any high tech computer stuff (despite what all the movies show where the hacker is getting into the FBI data base on a Mac, totally Apple Advertising for a hefty price tag) is not really with they are made for.  If your going to just use it for the internet, communication, games, photos, media, and email....its perfect.  Also, there is constantly free downloads available direct from the apple website, these include games, programs, and dashboard (little multi media screen you can bring up) add ons.

This is mine.  http://www.apple.com/macbook/
CDN Aviator said:
Get a Mac ?

Maybe you should read this :  http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=macs_cant

Yes, in a thread requesting information on what's a good laptop to buy, how silly of me to describe one.

Edit:  Please explain an actual reason as to why a Mac would not be a good choice for Mr. Baker.
Edit Edit: Never mind, ArmyVern already did it.
MedTechStudent said:
Yes, in a thread requesting information on what's a good laptop to buy, how silly of me to describe one.

Now to borrow from one of your previous thread questions....  "Anything relevant to add?"

I say again --

This is not the playground over ...

It's fine to have joking posts made, and posts made in jest ... but let's try to keep the "personal" crap out of them.


Mac vs Windows

Frustrated with Vista?

Computer Shopping

Making copies of your computer software

Nice edit of your post too BTW.
I used to have a Windows Vista laptop, and it stopped working, three times.  I took it back three times and they "fixed it" three times.  My warrenty said that if three things went wrong that required tech support I would be given a refund towards another laptop.  I chose a mac, just cause hey what the hell might as well give it a go and see what all the fuss is.  90% of mac users used to be PC users.  Its not like we were all conspiring together for years.  I tried something else, and loved it, and apparently so did thousands of other people.  Now I get why some people are bitter, because I used to be that way, I was all "shut up about Macs I don't care my PC works fine" but then after I actually tried it, I turned around on the subject.  So, from someone who has used both, Macs are the way to go for the majority of young people who need a laptop.  This is you Mr Baker.   ;)