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Need Some Clairfication


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now to start off I do not want to come off like I am better than anyone else who has either been accepted or is going to be applying to the CAF. 

However I would like to get some what of a consensus of what the current age and educational background is of the new recruits or possible new recruits. 

I am 27 years of age who has completed both OAC and OSSD, I have 5 years of University with credits ranging from Philosophy to Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology, Physics, and Computer Programming.  As well as 2 years of a college program in Security and Risk Management.

Now I have yet to complete a degree or diploma in either but it would be less then a year for both.... reasons being that I am married and money gets tight at certain points in the year.

My work Experience  consists of both office work and customer service.  As well I had spent a year at a manufacturing plant where I taught my self how to TIG weld with no previous experience to gain a higher position in the company.  I also well over a year of Security work experience where I have received nothing but praise by the the store managers and  the mall management.

I have passed all testing, There was an issue with a credit problem that has since been taken care of in sept of 2005.  When I have talked with the recruiting in Oshawa,  they stated that the I was some what competitive in the fields of Infantry, Weapons Tech, and Combat Engineer.  I was told the selection board only meets once every 6 weeks which at that point the next selction board would have been Oct 17, 2005. As well the last training session was to be Oct. 31 of 2005.  From what I have been reading is that people have been selected to go for Nov 7.2005 to Feb 3.2006, and most were merit listed Oct 5, 2005. ( this is for infantry).
I was merit listed before Oct 5, 2005. I am jsut wondering if I have to wait for a selection board due to me maybe being offered one of the occupations other than Infantry.

:cdn: Well my friend dont worry you should get in. And in regaurds to your schooling as long as you have a grade 10 minimum you are going to be treated as everyone else. You have passed all the tests I believe you said, then at the end you should have been given your options of the trades that were open and available to you. Let me tell you, do not take a trade that you do not want because it is hard to change after the fact. I am 29 married with 3 kids, I joined when I was 25. I love the military, I worked as a civy for close to 10 years and I will never go back. I have 8 years of post secondary education, mechanical engineering, and I was a journeyman machinist which took 3 yrs appren. I am switching to officer now as I am a Cpl at the moment. I am in the communication trade, Signal Operator, I believe all officers should experience the low road first. Dont worry, from the start of my application till the day I recieved the call for the offer as they call it, it took 3 months and some people more time and others less. Just depends on the trade and the BMQ courses that are ran. The military are on a big recruiting mission right now, so you should get in, unless there are other things wrong like references and such. It is always hurry up and wait in the military, they will get to you, if you show that you have what it takes then they will give you the chance.
