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Need help with my situation!


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Hi guys, I was just wondering if I could get your opinions on this. 
I am currently on the weekend BMQ course.  I looked at the course schedule and there is training on the weekend of Jan 5,6 and 7th.  However, I will be out of the country from the Dec 25 to Jan 7 since there is a family reunion and I also have an aunt who is really sick.  I just found out that I can get a ticket to push the flight to Jan 3, but there will be a $160 penalty.  My question is, what happens if I do not come back and I miss that weekend of BMQ.  It would also be interesting to note that there is a high probability that SQ will follow right after BMQ and I would like to move along with the rest of my platoon.  I also hopefully want to complete my BIQ this summer.  Will missing this weekend screw up the timing, or is there another weekend that I can replace it with to fix all this.  Also, I must tell the airline whether I want the Jan 3rd ticket within the next 24 hrs, so any responses would be greatly appreciated.

If you miss a full weekend you may not be able to finish the course with your peers.  Which means you miss SQ this summer.

I'd suggest booking the earlier return flight.

Talk to your staff.
Thanks for your response.  I would talk to my staff, but I have until tomorrow morning at 11:00 am to notify the airline.
Call your section 2IC or section comd (MCpl/Sgt) on your fanout list. It's their job to listen to your situation and they'll know the rules about how much time you can miss and whether or not it can be made up at a later date (as some things in the schedule are can be 'set in stone'). I know back a couple of years ago when I taught on a weekend BMQ we were flexible and let a couple of people make up lectures at a later date for xmas commitments. If the schedule isn't flexible - $160 is a small price to pay to ensure you are ready for summer training/employment.

If you can't reach anyone in your chain of command at the section level, just keep going up the chain until you reach someone by phone to explain your situation... at which point they will ask you "How long have you known about this" and you hopefully will have a solid response.
go to your unit, explain the problem.
It is possible that they can accomodate you..... or maybe they can,t but you won't know until you ask.  It might be possible for you to cover off lost material in another manner - but ask!
The BMQ I taught on, one weekend was okay. As long as it wasn't the field ex or the range weekend. But that was with the local milita, out my way. I am out of the picture now. It may differ with each course officer.

Cheers Bud,
Best of Luck,