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Need advice from you wise people


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Hi Guys and Gals

just a request for your wisdom here if you do not mind. I was hoping to go sig-op (reg) and I may qualify for a $10,000 sign on bonus. however i just read that if I go LCIS Tech I could qualify to promotion to acting Cpl right after BMQ. both jobs appeal to me and I am sure I would be happy in both..
However it would still probably be wiser to accept the higher rank with pay that the $10,000 bonus, would you agree?

also Since I know very little about Military Life would I be stupid to trying to start as a acting Cpl right off the bat?

Piper said:
Don't think about the money (no one joins the CF to get rich).

Pick your trade based on what you want to do, not how much money it'll give you. I'd rather get no signing bonus and be in a job I enjoy then $10,000 and coming home everyday more and more disenchanted after picking a job I hated.

I agree - especially since there seems to be a financial "perk" to each option.

If you are technically inclined, like to install/repair/maintain PC's, stallites, networks, radios, electronics, and EW equimpment LCIS tech is the way to go.

If you like to USE PC's, networks, radios, etc, SigOp is the way to go.

My hubby remustered to LCIS from SigOp in 1999, and he has loved every minute of it so far. He enjoyed being a SigOp too. They are quite  different jobs though - so I would speak to your recruiter regarding your interests and natural talents and see what he/she has to say.

With regard to being promoted early; as long as you don't let it go to your head and start power tripping you'll be ok. I have seen Combat arms types who immediately start ordering people around when they are Mcpls at age 21/22. When you do that to a Mechanic, who is a Cpl, but has 20 years in, you'll get a rude awakening. As other posters have stated, it's not the money. See what the recruiter says first, then do some research, and then once informed about postings/work load etc, make your decision.

PS - if you become really good at your trade, there will be a high paying job waiting for you when you get out. Don't mean to sound cocky, but militairy experience often pushes you ahead of civilian candidates in the eyes of most employers (It did for me)

Good luck!
gnplummer421 :cdn:
go sig-op (reg) and I may qualify for a $10,000 sign on bonus.

The only signing bonus for this trade is given to ex-Reg F or Res F QL 5 equivalent qualified.  Take the LCIS.
kincanucks said:
go sig-op (reg) and I may qualify for a $10,000 sign on bonus.

The only signing bonus for this trade is given to ex-Reg F or Res F QL 5 equivalent qualified.  Take the LCIS.

From the Recruiting website, am I miss reading it ?
The CF has introduced a series of recruitment allowances for eligible NCM applicants entering the Regular Force.

Designed to attract skilled personnel to understrength occupations, the allowances are divided into three categories: post-secondary diploma or certificate NCMs ($10,000 signing bonus), civilian trade-qualified NCMs ($20,000 signing bonus) and MOC-qualified NCMs ($20,000 signing bonus).

The allowances apply to new enrollees, re-enrollees and Reserve Force members who receive a component transfer into one of the Army target occupations:

215 Signal Operator
434 Fire Control Systems Technician

Thanks Everyone for Answering my question, I think I have made my Choice however I will talk to the CFRC to make sure all my facts are straight. this website and all you guys have been a huge help in my desion to join..thanks again  :salute: :salute: