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NDP says Canadian military wrote Afghan president's speech


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NDP says Canadian military wrote Afghan president's speech

Article link: http://www.macleans.ca/article.jsp?content=w092553A

September 25, 2007 - 13:13


OTTAWA - The NDP says it has documents that show the Canadian military effectively wrote Afghan President Hamid Karzai's speech to Parliament last year.

The party's defence critic, Dawn Black, says the papers indicate Karzai's address was an "elaborately staged political stunt."

Continued Below

Black held a news conference Tuesday to release access-to-information documents that suggest a team of military advisers prepared an initial draft of Karzai's speech, delivered on Sept. 22, 2006.

She quoted a situation report from Task Force Afghanistan as saying: "Team prepared initial draft of President (Karzai's) address to Parliament 22 Sep."

Black said Gen. David Fraser reports in the documents that "key statistics, messages, themes, as well as overall structure (of the speech), were adopted by the president in his remarks."

"What Canadians heard was not the voice of the Afghan people, but the talking points of the Department of National Defence," Black said.

In the speech, Karzai thanked the families of soldiers killed in combat and painted an optimistic, but not rosy picture of his country's future.

He also took direct aim at NDP Leader Jack Layton's opposition to the war, saying that those who believe the mission was weighted too heavily toward combat and not enough toward reconstruction were wrong.

"There has been speculation about the resources that the Department of National Defence is pouring into trying to sell this mission to the Canadian people," Black said.

"I never thought that the Canadian military would go this far. This raises serious concerns about the independence of the Afghan president and origin of his recent comments to Canadian media in Kabul."

Black said she plans to call for an emergency debate on the issue in the House of Commons when Parliament resumes next month.

She also said she will seek an investigation by the Commons defence committee into the military's communications campaign.
So, the Canadian media & Afghanistan's President are both puppets of the Canadian Forces?
Sounds like tin foil hat time.
Or maybe.......just a thought mind you, but......could it be the truth?

Gee, not agreeing with Jacko and Dawn Blacks position, there must be a conspiracy there somewhere.......
Is it possible this is a wild spin on an actual event, like say the CF gave Karzai some kind of written background brief to inform him for his speech? That's way different then actually writing his speech, but could be taken for quite the ride by the NDP.

I know nothing about how this works, but I imagine some background prep is SOP for something like this.
I'm thinking.......... :P
(Bronx cjeer)
This is a new low, even for the NDP.

Jack Layton really doesn't have a clue what's actually happening in Afghanistan.
Yeah like the way our embassies provide background info to visiting heads of state. Or how the 'outline' of discussions between heads of state/heads of govt are often agreed upon well before any President or Prime Minister speaks at a summit or visit? Its conceivable that the military simply provided background info and Karzai's office used that as the basis of his speech. This is not at all unusual as it would be pretty silly for Karzai to guess or make up stats about Canadian activities in Afghanistan rather than get those stats from our military!

I worked for our Governor General for two years and was a member of Canada's Strategic Advisory Team in Kabul for a year and in my opinion, this is a non story that the NDP are milking for shock value.

xo31@711ret said:
For the love of...how were these idjits able / allowed to form a party?!

Because their alien puppetmasters write all their speeches for them.

( not very good pupetmasters.... you can see their lips move)
How's this for another possibility?

The "team" in question could be the Strategic Advisory Team-Afghanistsan, as described in this CBC TV piece from March of this year. 

According to this CF Backgrounder, part of the team's job is to, "support the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in developing key national strategies and mechanisms for the effective implementation of those strategies." (Translation:  help mentor the AFG government in getting what they want done, done)  From the same backgrounder:  "The team includes a small command and support element, two teams of strategic planners, a defence analyst and a strategic communications advisor."

According to the document the NDP is sharing with us on their web page, "team prepared initial draft of president's address to parilament 22 Sep."  What the news release and MSM (so far) seem to be missing is the little bit before that:  "At requst of president's office and with statistical input from SAT (Strategic Advisory Team) members attached to ANDS (Afghanistan National Development Strategy) and MRRD (AFG Ministry, or Minister, of Rural Rehabilitation and Development), team prepared..."

Even earlier in the released document, it suggests the SAT team's comms advisor accompanied the Afghanpresidential delegation on several out-of-country visits.  That indicates to me a pretty close relationship and level of support on the part of the CF team, and trust on the part of the AFG side.

What I read into the document:  The President's office asks for help, the SAT folks working on the Nat'l redevelopment strategy worked with some ministerial staff to come up with some notes.  Later, it says the President was OK with the "key statistics, messages and themes, as well as the overall structure" of the piece.

By my understanding, the job of the SAT team is to advise, and the President can accept or reject any advice or material given by any of his team, or teams advising him -- sounds pretty sinister to me....   ::)
The NDP likes to preach about Afghanistan being the wrong mission for Canada.

Maybe they should consider that it might be the right mission for Afghanistan.

But, no, in true leftist fashion, it's got to be some right-wing, neo-con government conspiracy...

Jaydub said:
The NDP likes to preach about Afghanistan being the wrong mission for Canada.

Maybe they should consider that it might be the right mission for Afghanistan.

But, no, in true leftist fashion, it's got to be some right-wing, neo-con government conspiracy...

Or at least venting and complaining without a viable solution...
x-grunt said:
The NDP says it has documents that show the Canadian military effectively wrote Afghan President Hamid Karzai's speech to Parliament last year.

If the Canadian military wrote it effectively, I dont see what the problem is.  Were they supposed to write it ineffectively?  ;D

So if my prof hands me a document that says:

Your final term paper should address:

this, and

I can tell everyone he WROTE that paper for me?? Talk about political shit-spinning once again. I'm over it. I ain't voting NDP ... 'ya figure??  ::)
I have a little button on the remote for my tv that says "mute"...I press it every time I see Jack Layton or any of his buddies/affiliates begin to assault my senses through my television screen. It's like a little cloaking device that protects me from having to listen to the mad rantings of a bunch of misinformed whackos.
This just in:

Maybe they can get Myriam Bedard to run for them I think she would fit right in
Blindspot: Hardly the Senlis Council:

MacDonald also called on more NATO countries to take the burden off Canadian soldiers currently fighting in Kandahar. “It is imperative that NATO has more troops on the ground in the south to secure a decisive military victory [emphasis added],” she said. “This would reduce the need for bombing campaigns, which are causing enormous suffering and turning the local population against us.

“The lack of a sufficient NATO deployment means that the military do not have the troops necessary to hold territory. Often, when they move on to another hot spot, the Taliban simply return to areas already cleared, meaning our troops are having to go back and fight over and over again for the same territory,” said MacDonald.

Not quite Jack's quacking.


Sweet Jeebus....talk about paranoia.

Yep....the CF is controlling Canada and Afghanistan by their thinking.      ::)

Put down the crack pipe.
