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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

My comments to the Globe & Mail

You (GAP GAP, from Winnipeg, Canada) wrote: Freedom of speach...funny, how ironic that is. The men and women of the Canadian Forces protect that right and many others, but to see the way it is exercised is pitiful. The armchair Generals are slobbering again, and we have to collect the sheepdipped NDP again before their bleatings get too annoying to all the left/right/left liberal thinkers. I know freedom has its' price, but do we have to keep letting them out of their cages? But then the alternative is do what the Taliban did on Sundays at their soccer stadiums...oh, did we forget that? Oh, you don't want to hear those nasty things, they get in the way of the oratory coming off the soapbox. Ain't Freedom Wonderful !!!
Posted 07/09/06 at 8:53 AM EDT | Link to Comment
I have to say, that this has gotten me a little upset.....I geuse I am a terrorist now....lucky me. Oh and this comment by Rick Mercer made me laugh pretty hard...

Speaking of the short bus I see that Jack Layton has distinguished himself on the international front by coming up with a solution for the Afghanistan situation.
Is that Jack Layton making sales pitches on the tube for "Video Professor" ?    ;D
Is that Jack Layton making sales pitches on the tube for "Video Professor" ?

Ha! I can't stop laughing... ahaha... Try NDP for free and if you're not satisfied you get a full tax refund!

Good form, George!  ;D
I'm still just as pissed at this as I was yesterday.

I've never been to Haiti but I know some of you worked there, but it doesn't take a genius to know that without boots on the ground aid won't go anywhere in that country. Right now, I am so glad I never renewed that NDP membership when it expired all those years ago.
fiddlehead said:
My wife and I have also contacted the national NDP and the BC riding in question.  Outrageous remarks!  I  can hardly believe that a Canadian would say such a thing - even if they didn't agree with the mission on principle.  I would love to see those people on the front line over there! 

You'd want these people serving along side you? I would love to see these people sterilised so they can't reproduce future NDPer's,  who's ideas would only serve to further erode the social fabric of our great nation! :blotto:  You sicken me  "Nancy Boy" Layton.

I can tell you for a fact Canadian commanders go out of their way to protect afghan citizens from harm.  I hear it over the radio every day.  I was actually surprised at how much of a priority commanders here place on doing their very best to avoid hurting the locals.

The resolution still calls on NDP Leader Jack Layton to continue pushing for a vote on Canada's role in the war in Afghanistan and for the country to adopt a peacekeeping role in that country rather than its current combat role.

Real clever. Peacekeeping in the middle of a war is a little difficult.  Peacekeeping is what comes after, hence the name peace keeper- implying peace in the first place.

I love the mountians and forrests in BC, can't say much for what appears to be the attitude out there.

I think it's GREAT that Mr Layton goes on TV and preaches about us pulling out. I'm sure the taliban catch that on the news and say "HEY guys, good job, the attacks we're doing are working lets keep it up! Lets kill more Canadians"

Thanks Mr Layton, lovely way to support us.
TMM said:
I'm still just as pissed at this as I was yesterday.

I've never been to Haiti but I know some of you worked there, but it doesn't take a genius to know that without boots on the ground aid won't go anywhere in that country. Right now, I am so glad I never renewed that NDP membership when it expired all those years ago.
I was there in 2004 as the Rifle Company 2IC (public knowledge: it was in the Globe and Mail: I cannot find the reference right now).  I must admit that I was impressed with the Haitians.  In spite of living in a big pile of crap, they had pride in themselves and in their families.  Abject poverty as I have never seen before in my life, and hope to never again see.
I was also impressed with the politicians who visited us there, namely David Pratt, former MND, and the then-Foreign Affairs minister, Bill Graham.  There were some other MPs who visited, but their names fail me.
All I can say is that "So-Ann" is a mouthpiece for the gangs in Haiti.  I can also say that there was true Anarchy when we arrived on 17 March 2004. (Yes, St. Patrick's day).  It wasn't a shooting war, but we gained the respect of the locals and we did a fairly good job (patting self on the back here, sorry). 
Anyway, as for a "coup d'etat", JL et al are hanging out too long in the hemp room.
There seems to be no end to the crack these clowns are able to aquire and smoke is there?  I'm surprised they haven't tried to legalize the stuff in one of their many resolutions.

I, for one, am not surprised.  This is standard fare for the NDP.

The NDP had real potential this year.  If they moderated their policies and message, they could have replaced the Liberals as the #2 party on the Hill.

Frothing extremism like this will keep them in the backbenches for a while.

Oh, and please don't lump these mouth-breathers in with the rest of British Columbia.  Fantasy Island is a land unto itself.
snowy said:
All I have to say to Mr. Jack and his party NDP (Nimrods & Dumb group of Politicians) is,


as a civilian I am 100% behind the soldiers who are risking their lives for peace.

cheers snowy :)

You have no idea how much our boys and girls would love to see THAT in the news rather than stupid NDP stuff. 


As far as Mr Layton goes...personally I am glad he is around.

Every single time he opens his mouth and something comes out, it just makes ME feel smarter!  AND I am NOT all that smart. 

Oddly, his and the NDPs "ridiculousness" just makes the current Government look all the more stable and Canadian to me.  Keep up the good work Jerk Jack!
And the reply to my letter, no addressing of the issues or apology:


You should know that our riding association has formally requested that the pre-amble from the motion on Afghanistan submitted to the 22nd Federal Convention of the New Democratic Party in Quebec City be removed.

We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in
any way associated with terrorism.

The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian
Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the
focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission
for Canada.

This resolution was proposed out of concern that the combat situation in
Afghanistan puts our soldiers in such a dangerous position and has resulted
in so many deaths and injuries to Canadians and to innocent civilians.

Sue Creba,  President Nanaimo-Cowichan Federal NDP Association
that is exactly the reply I got as well.......form letter sent to everyone.  I doubt if they care what the rest of us think anyway.........they live in their own little world.
How about sending them a whole hockey-sock full of form complaints? ;D
"Dear Sir or Madam
I find your position on (fill in blank here) to be utterly reprehensible.  Please withdraw your position on it.
blah blah blah.
Jack Layton looks like the video professor
Yours truly
(fill in blank here)"
von Garvin said:
How about sending them a whole hockey-sock full of form complaints? ;D
"Dear Sir or Madam
I find your position on (fill in blank here) to be utterly reprehensible.  Please withdraw your position on it.
blah blah blah.
Jack Layton looks like the video professor
Yours truly
(fill in blank here)"

ahhahahahahahahahahahaha  :rofl:
von Garvin said:
How about sending them a whole hockey-sock full of form complaints? ;D
"Dear Sir or Madam
I find your position on (fill in blank here) to be utterly reprehensible.  Please withdraw your position on it.
blah blah blah.
Jack Layton looks like the video professor
Yours truly
(fill in blank here)"

Name a date and time ;D

The form replies are all very nice, I'm sure. However, especially in the electronic age, "what's said, cannot be unsaid".  My kids grasped this concept quite early in their character development, apparently nobody read to anyone in the NDP as a child, or Daddy never hugged them enough.... :rage:
After reading your garbage resolution, the only thing that I can say is that you, the NDP, and especially Jerk, OOPS Jack "The Taliban" Layton are complete and utter sacks of crap!!  You are disgrace to everything Canadian, you have NO IDEA what this country is or is all about.

This country has a proud military tradiontion, and we have never run from a fight and will not now.  The sons & daughters of Canadian mothers & fathers do not intentionally kill innocent people.  As an officer in the Canadian Forces I cannot even imagine giving such an order to intentionally kill civilians, or that Canadian troops would carry it out.  Of course with your treasonous ideology, perhaps you consider the Taliban & Al Queda innocent.

Another thing, we do NOT have a traditional role as neutral peacekeepers, we have always been on the side of democracy, human right and rule of law.  The Canadian Military has never supported dictators or despots. This crap idea that all we Canadians do is peace keep is just that, crap!!  (by the way, do you even know what peacekeeping is?? )  We were not "peacekeeping" on Vimy Ridge, at Passendale, on the beach at Dieppe, on 6 June 1944, or on Kapyong hill in Korea.  (do you even know what these places are, or what happened there??).  How come you NDPers always scream & yell about human rights, rule of law, free speech, but when it comes down to REALLY doing anything about it, you can't run fast enough the other way!!

What has the Canadian Military done for Canada and the Canadian people, we gave you your country, we protected and still protect your country, we give you a safe place to be an idiot!

What has the NDP done for Canada; lets see, BC, NDP gov't in power (champions of the poor & oppressed).  East Vancouver still full of homeless, NDP did nothing, blamed everyone else.  Same story in Ontario with Mr Rae, despite NDP rule, people still poor & homeless, blamed someone else.  You are advocates for a health care system that does not work.  Standing in line for 6 months to see a specialist is not a health care system that works.

The only good thing you do is steal vote from the Libs, I do thank you for that.   


This is an e-mail I just sent ref these NDP crap.  Normally I do not get too shook up about the NDP loosers, but this went too far........

(dude, I'm taking your name out for PERSEC reasons