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NCM trades – Which one should I choose?


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I'm wondering if there is a Geomatics/Cartography Reserve unit in Ottawa? If so, could you please list the details, I was told by word of mouth that there is one, but can't seem to find any information. The recruiter at the recruitment office did not have an answer for me, but people say its out there.

Fueldistributa said:

I'm wondering if there is a Geomatics/Cartography Reserve unit in Ottawa? If so, could you please list the details, I was told by word of mouth that there is one, but can't seem to find any information. The recruiter at the recruitment office did not have an answer for me, but people say its out there.


If I am not mistaken there is an embryonic section/detachment within 3 Field Squadron 33 Combat Engineer Regiment. Suggest you contact 33 CER directly.
NFLD Sapper said:
If I am not mistaken there is an embryonic section/detachment within 3 Field Squadron 33 Combat Engineer Regiment. Suggest you contact 33 CER directly.

Indeed there is.  33 CER out on Wakley Road is a good start, although they (the GEO guys) do not parade there, but out in Orleans.

I also think that you may have to already have the qualifications of a Geo Tech in order to join, but I am not 100% on that.  If you contact them (33 CER), you should be able to get all the information that you need. 

Excellent, thank you for the information, and taking the time to reply.

I have been going through the recruiting process to join the 33 CER as a Geo Tec, its taken awhile due to a sports injury and recover and medicals and medicals. It is now finally moving forward. I do have a big question, what do the Geo Tec's at the 33rd do? on exercises and weekend training? I have watched and read all about Geo in the RegF, but I know that it will be very different in the ResF. I have asked the recruiters and I always get the same vague answers. I do have experience with Geomatics as I took surveying and geomatics at uni.

I am hoping that someone on here may be able to enlighten me.


So I have written my CFAT and my TSD and been given the list of trades I have qualified for. Right now I'm having a hard time deciding between Infantry Soldier and Combat Engineer. The Combat Engineer job is appealing because of job opportunities after my contract. However I wouldn't want to miss out on any of the combat training and specializations the Infantry has to offer. Infantry is appealing because your main focus in the Army is closing and combating the enemy and there are many combat specializations available to them. I'm 23 years old and not sure exactly what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll stay in the military if I get in or maybe I'll look elsewhere. One thing I've been thinking about is being a PMC though. Curious if being a Combat Engineer would lower my chances of being hired by a PMC company. Any insight into all of this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time!
So my post secondary track record is pretty terrible, and I've heard that you have to include all transcripts during the application. I failed in electrical engineering at uni, and then took electrical engineering tech at the college, but didn't go to or drop my classes, so I got all F's. I tried again the next semester, but did the same thin, so seven F's from that college  :facepalm: I do have some university courses done, but there is bad record there as well.

Should I bother applying for any of the trades that would require technical knowledge(such as Aerospace Telecommunication & Information Systems Technician, or ACISS)? I am very good with education, I was just a very bad student and unmotivated. Are there any otehr positions I should be looking for, maybe more grunt oriented?
For reference, perhaps,

Should I bother attempting to join air force as ATIS tech?

will be merged with,

It doesn't sound like you're "very good"  with education at all.  You sound really bad actually,  so change it.

Apply for the infantry and help us out.    While you're there take  online courses,  night classes and do schooling through the army. When your ready apply for your  dream trade. 
I wasn't a particularly good high school student, though I got good marks in the classes I found interesting (and actually attended).  When I took tech courses in the military as a somewhat more mature adult, I applied myself and came in near or at the top of my classes.  If a tech trade interests you, and your aptitude testing shows you have an aptitude for it, then you should take responsibility for your poor academic performance during the interview and go for it - if you think you've matured enough and can take the training seriously.  Flunking trades training doesn't always mean they'll retain you in another trade - sometimes it means a trip out the door.  Only you know if you have the maturity to take the necessary education seriously.
Okay, I think my focus should stay on this reference deal. What do I do if I can only get references for the last two years of my life? i honestly have nobody to put for before that time period and even two years is tough.
newt_recruit said:
What do I do if I can only get references for the last two years of my life?

The " Reference" Superthread- Merged 
28 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
mariomike said:
For reference, perhaps,

Should I bother attempting to join air force as ATIS tech?

will be merged with,


Speaking from personal experience from when I went through POET as a AVS tech, taking a military course is a lot different then taking a college course. First of which if you don't show up for class they will go to your room and pull your butt out of bed. Depending on your course director it might be the MPs. You will also likely be put into a shared room with other people from your class who will likely drag you out of bed for morning muster. Also in sharing a room with fellow classmates you will have people right there to help you with anything you might be struggling with if you make an effort.
newt_recruit said:
So my post secondary track record is pretty terrible, and I've heard that you have to include all transcripts during the application. I failed in electrical engineering at uni, and then took electrical engineering tech at the college, but didn't go to or drop my classes, so I got all F's. I tried again the next semester, but did the same thin, so seven F's from that college  :facepalm: I do have some university courses done, but there is bad record there as well.

Should I bother applying for any of the trades that would require technical knowledge(such as Aerospace Telecommunication & Information Systems Technician, or ACISS)? I am very good with education, I was just a very bad student and unmotivated. Are there any otehr positions I should be looking for, maybe more grunt oriented?

So, basically you have a Grade 12 education at this point, from a 'highest level of education completed' standpoint if you apply?

I was, earlier in life, unmotivated in school.  Working 1 fulltime and 3 part'-time jobs (5 days & 7 nights/week) motivated me to get an education.  That education has (1) given me opportunities in the Forces and (2) been a nice safety net for if I was ever released.

Apply; the worst that can happen is you get told you didn't qualify for that trade, but you did qualify for "trades X, Y and Z".  It will also give you a baseline for where you stand and what you can do to improve your chances at success in the CAF. 

Take a look at the Recruiting website and the minimum education required for each trade you might be interested in...example...http://www.forces.ca/en/job/aerospacetelecommunicationinformationsystemstechnician-18?olvPlayer=0s&module=cue_18_1#re

Required Education
The minimum required education to apply for this position is the completion of the provincial requirements for Grade 10 or Secondaire IV in Quebec with Grade 10 Academic Math or Math 246 in Quebec. Foreign education may be accepted.

Then take into consideration the difference between 'meeting the minimum requirements' and 'being a competitive applicant'.

I dropped out of highschool, got my GED a few years later and then did 3 years of college including a post-graduate diploma in Information Systems.  My trade before my current one (AES Op) was...ATIS Tech; before that I was combat arms. 

You'll never score if you don't shoot the puck.  :2c:
Hey guys, new here.

Just wrote my CFAT and was told I got a good score and could work in any of the NCM Jobs. I do also have a degree, meaning I could get in as an officer as well.

My choices were:
Resource Management
Intelligence Operator
Refrigeration Tech

However, Intelligence Operator is closed. Intelligence Officer is also closed.

I asked which jobs are at a high need right now and got the following list on NCM positions:
Marine Engineer
Vehicle Tech.
Supply Tech.
Naval Comm.
Sonar Op.
Combat Engineer
Armoured Soldier
Army Comm. & Info. Sys.

Out of those, combat engineer sounds the most interesting. My only concern is that I am 36, married with 2 children. My friend in the military now, about my age, says that that is a young man's job. Also, that it is a dangerous job.

Can it be done at my age?
Dangerous, but how so? Is it simply skill based danger, meaning assuming I have the proper knowledge I will be fine, or would it be more enemy fire danger?

He recommends Supply tech. I am just worried that it might be an unfulfilling job. Can anyone offer some insight on this?

My other option is to forgo NCM and choose officer. My degree is in Psychology, so that doesn't give me many options. Also, my CFAT score would obviously be lower percentile for an officer. The job options are not that much. Nothing officer really appeals to me, other than intelligence officer and that's closed.

thematrixiam said:
Out of those, combat engineer sounds the most interesting. My only concern is that I am 36, married with 2 children. My friend in the military now, about my age, says that that is a young man's job. Also, that it is a dangerous job.

Can it be done at my age?
Dangerous, but how so? Is it simply skill based danger, meaning assuming I have the proper knowledge I will be fine, or would it be more enemy fire danger?

Information on Combat Engineers
9 pages.

See also,

Combat Engineer

thematrixiam said:
He recommends Supply tech. I am just worried that it might be an unfulfilling job. Can anyone offer some insight on this?

Supply Tech

thematrixiam said:
Can it be done at my age?

Am I too old to join/do well/fit in?
11 pages.

See also,

Age questions,

thematrixiam said:
My other option is to forgo NCM and choose officer.

Officer/NCM differences 
23 pages.

NCM or Officer?
thematrixiam said:
Out of those, combat engineer sounds the most interesting. My only concern is that I am 36, married with 2 children. My friend in the military now, about my age, says that that is a young man's job. Also, that it is a dangerous job.

Can it be done at my age?

He recommends Supply tech. I am just worried that it might be an unfulfilling job. Can anyone offer some insight on this?

My other option is to forgo NCM and choose officer. My degree is in Psychology, so that doesn't give me many options. Also, my CFAT score would obviously be lower percentile for an officer. The job options are not that much. Nothing officer really appeals to me, other than intelligence officer and that's closed.

I take it your "friend" isn't a Combat Engineer.    :P

It's your life and your career to choose.  If you think you are capable of doing the job of a Combat Engineer and would be happy doing such a job, then go for it.  Don't settle for something other than what you are really interested in doing.

Good luck!
DAA said:
I take it your "friend" isn't a Combat Engineer.    :P

It's your life and your career to choose.  If you think you are capable of doing the job of a Combat Engineer and would be happy doing such a job, then go for it.  Don't settle for something other than what you are really interested in doing.

Good luck!

Thanks DAA,

You are correct. He's in Resource Management.

Right now I'm a 2nd year, almost a 3rd year, sheet metal worker. The physical aspect isn't really an issue. Danger doesn't bother me too much either. I could handle mines. It would more be the thought of enemy fire and what that would do to my family, if I ever got killed, that would bother me the most.

I wasn't able to find much in the way of what Combat Engineers face in terms of enemy fire. Would you say they are put at risk as much as infantry, or less so?

I also was unable to find much on Combat Engineers, and their time away from family. Can anyone shed light on this?

Thanks in advance.

thematrixiam said:
I also was unable to find much on Combat Engineers, and their time away from family. Can anyone shed light on this?

Average day (or week or month or even a year) as a Combat Engineer 

Capt. Happy said:
Expect to spend a fair amount of time away from home and your family, so ensure you have your sh*t wired tight administratively and your family has contingency and care plans in place.

thematrixiam said:
I wasn't able to find much in the way of what Combat Engineers face in terms of enemy fire.

What is the Combat Engineer Combat role?
2 pages.

thematrixiam said:
It would more be the thought of enemy fire and what that would do to my family, if I ever got killed, that would bother me the most.

Explaining the Combat Engineer job to a worrying mother 

Information on Combat Engineers
9 pages.

thematrixiam said:
Would you say they are put at risk as much as infantry, or less so?

Combat Engineer or Infantry 
5 pages.

Are Combat Engineer a Combat Arm?

least appealing aspects of the combat engineer

Math for Combat Engineers (merged)
2 pages.

etc... etc... If you are willing to SEARCH.  :)
