When you are enrolled you sign a contract that states how much schooling you are to get, what pay rate and what trade. It's all laid out very clearly and it's supposed to be explained to you. That's why we do the Pre-enrolment brief (PEB). What happens a lot of the time is people are told one thing and actually hear another. Its like playing that telephone game where you pass on something and by the time it gets back its completly different. I see that a lot here. We tell people what to expect and they come back with something way out to lunch. Or they talked to a friend (who is NOT in the CF) and are told something else. It is very frustrating.
Occam is correct, if you are given a contract the CF will honour it. We had people who started the application process when the trade they wanted had a Recruiting bonus. Part way through the process the rules changed and the bonus was removed, however, because they started the process when it was in effect they still got it.
Fear not whatever was on your ETP message is what you'll get. A word to the wise. Even though you are going to wear the rank of a Leading Seaman don't forget that some of the Able Seaman have been in the Navy for 4 years and spent that time on a ship not a classroom 1000 miles away from salt water. Learn from them before you try to take charge of them!