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Navy Camo

Jayson Wonder

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Am I right in thinking that there are new combat dress camo style uniforms coming for our Canadian sailors and officers? If so when and are there any pictures available.

Tried searching for any pics and previous posts but found only one post and I was unclear if it was the US as I understand they have recently acquired such as uniform.

You, my good man, are actually quite incorrect in your assumption that the Navy will soon be issued with camo style uniforms anytime in the near future. The USN has, and from what I've heard, the sailors are less than pleased with them. But that's mostly irrelevant.

This thread has a discussion, including some pictures, on the style for our upcoming new Naval Combat Dress iteration: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/79706.0

Edit: As well, this thread is a discussion of naval uniforms in general: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/18957.0.html and this thread is a discussion on the current Naval Combat Dress: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/49086.0.html
  Think of it though, why would we need camo in the Navy? It would have no functional purpose for us. Personally I am glad we are staying away from that can of worms.
Wait now, if they give us "Navy CADPAT" they could make it the same colour as the counterpane on my bunk. Then the Buffer would never see me sleeping! Or maybe make it the same colour as the ship then I could hide from the Cox'n when I tick him off. Or best of all make it like the beer oops I mean pop machine then no one would ever find me!

I wore CADPT at sea on an American ship when we were doing landing exercises. It got caught on everything and wasn't very warm at sea. Not to mention not the least bit of protection in a fire. Yeah keep your CADPAT I'll take my NCDs any day.
Quoting FDO:

"Wait now, if they give us "Navy CADPAT" they could make it the same colour as the counterpane on my bunk. Then the Buffer would never see me sleeping!"

ahahahahahahahahahaha...thanks FDO, that just made my day...
Sailors have counterpanes?

Soldiers don't didn't. Counterpanes were for officers and other assorted unsoldierly folk. Soldiers had blankets, grey, woolen, with a bloody great stripe down the middle later, to raise moral, replaced by blankets, red, woolen, with something stenciled on them.

The point was that when making up a bedroll (blankets and sheets carefully folded together and placed at the head of the bed so that damned near everything one had ever been issued could be polished, folded and then laid out on the bare mattress) the stripes could be lined up (the sheets had blue stripes on 'em) or, if not properly aligned one could lug the whole wretched thing onto the parade square that evening for "show parade."
E.R. Campbell said:
Soldiers had blankets, grey, woolen, with a bloody great stripe down the middle

They told us that we were lucky to get sheets. They said that is what separated the Army from the Air Force.  :)

The purpose of the bed-sheet, we soon learned, was to be folded so that one abutted the other between the grey blankets - the joint being in the exact centre which was marked by the stripe on the blanket. The blue stripes on the bed-sheets were also centred, dividing the whole bloody thing into quarters. There were lance jacks with ghey little canes who measured those sorts of things.

(I didn't think the canes were so ghey when I got one hook (and a cane) and became a "somebody" who could sing (to the tune of Oh Tannenbaum) the junior NCOs' anthem:

"The working class can kiss my ass;
I've got the foreman's job at last"

Ex-Dragoon said:
  Think of it though, why would we need camo in the Navy? It would have no functional purpose for us. Personally I am glad we are staying away from that can of worms.

So, you're not buying into the arguement that the Navy need sailors in a disruptive pattern to disguise the inevitable paint markings on their NCD's?
Ex-Dragoon said:
  Think of it though, why would we need camo in the Navy? It would have no functional purpose for us. Personally I am glad we are staying away from that can of worms.

I was only asking if anyone had heard of such a rumor. I was not suggesting that it was a good or bad a thing. I do appreciate the info posted by gcclarke although I cannot get on the intranet to actually see the pics as I am not a member yet. The ones I can see hat and vest are different to say the least, hat is unique and boots are...well fuzzy?????.

I guess the most important thing about uniform changes are that they are safe and functional. Interesting to read everyone's comments and thoughts. If anyone has public pictures of the actual pants shirt and jacket please post the link.


Also wondering why that other thread never came up on the search I did. Any tips on better use of search cause it seem to not work well.
Best search tip is to try multiple sub-forums. That particular thread was located under (Navy.ca Forums > The Quartermaster's Stores > Uniforms) as opposed to this one which is under (Navy.ca Forums > Navy.ca > Navy General).

Of course, the only way that I was able to find that thread when you asked, was because I knew that the name of the project was NICE. So, do your due diligence, try searching for a few key terms that you might think fit the subject, and if you don't find anything, feel free to ask. Which is basically what you did. Good job :) Someone'll usually be able to point you in the right direction.