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Naval Kill Markings


Army.ca Veteran
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If a ships helicopter drops a torp that kills a submarine does the ship that carries the helicopter get to put a kill marking on the ship or does that belong to the helicopter?

What if a UAV controled and launched from the ship? What about just controled by the ship? What if just launched from the ship?

What about CV's? Are their rules different then say a frigate with an ASW helo onboard?

These are the real questions that matter in todays world... lol
Why not both?

We had a hammerhead drone lose control when on autopilot, and basically turned into us and got run over and destroyed. At one point someone very briefly tried to blame the OOW until the CO shut that down pretty hard, but we did slap a hammerhead decal on the gun. The warfare centre folks didn't find that funny for some reason, but the rest of us sure did.

I think as long as the CO is okay with it you are good.
When I went for a tour of the USS Wisconsin (Iowa class battleship) the turrets had shells painted on them with the names of little Kuwaiti towns which I assume they basically obliterated. Most towns only had one or two shells beside the name. One had about 7.
If a ships helicopter drops a torp that kills a submarine does the ship that carries the helicopter get to put a kill marking on the ship or does that belong to the helicopter?

What if a UAV controled and launched from the ship? What about just controled by the ship? What if just launched from the ship?

What about CV's? Are their rules different then say a frigate with an ASW helo onboard?

These are the real questions that matter in todays world... lol
As I understand it Ships gets the kill credit for every surface target or direct air target, individual Aircraft on CV’s get credit as well for what they kill (CV’s does get Air kills from what I’ve seen unless it’s a ship mounted gun)
Not sure if they have updated it.

So my guess would be both Helo and Ship get credit, and the same for Ship and UAS.
Now the real question I have is what gets credit for SUAS, SUSV or SSSUV kills
Now the real question I have is what gets credit for SUAS, SUSV or SSSUV kills
This guy:

computer nerd GIF by South Park
Why not both?

We had a hammerhead drone lose control when on autopilot, and basically turned into us and got run over and destroyed. At one point someone very briefly tried to blame the OOW until the CO shut that down pretty hard, but we did slap a hammerhead decal on the gun. The warfare centre folks didn't find that funny for some reason, but the rest of us sure did.

I think as long as the CO is okay with it you are good.
Those things are the stupidest systems ever. Coupled with the fact we received zero training on using the system.

I remember getting called up once to "run the hammerhead"

Zero training, figure it out! "WhY CaNt We SEe IT!"

"WhErE Is It!!!"

I like when they try and do gun shoot in sea state stupid and can't understand why hammerhead can't maintain connectivity 🤣

Our Navy is so professional at times 😄
I think they are a great system we just suck at the implementation. Even getting them on board is a mess, as there weren't actual tie downs and originally the plan was to simply lash them down to random things that aren't meant to be actual tie downs (while also creating a massive tripping/clotheslining hazard on the boat deck area right by the RAS deck). Had a big arguement about that one and we eventually got actual tie downs with some modifications to the cradle so you could actually chain down a 4 tonne load properly instead of some CT cargo straps.

If we did the training on how to operate them, used them within intended conditions, and otherwise didn't half ass it at the goal line they'd be pretty good. In that particular case we had an actual trained operator as well as a tech onboard as riders, who gave some basic explanations to a few BWKs, but they aren't a simple widget you can just bolt down and forget about and expect to work.
When I went for a tour of the USS Wisconsin (Iowa class battleship) the turrets had shells painted on them with the names of little Kuwaiti towns which I assume they basically obliterated. Most towns only had one or two shells beside the name. One had about 7.

As well as the credit for POWs

. . . In one instance, a Pioneer drone launched from the USS Wisconsin was assessing the result of naval fire support called in from ground troops when it was spotted by Iraqi ground forces near Kuwait’s Failaka Island.
The Iraqis began to surrender to the loitering drone, hoping it wouldn’t bring with it some kind of flaming death from above that had befallen so much of the Iraqi forces in Kuwait until that moment. It was the first-ever surrender of humans to a machine and truthfully, also probably a good idea.
Upon our return from Libya in 2011, CHA was directed to put up 3x Kill Markers.

We called in several hundred targets, saw kinetic effect delivered in many instances, and were directed to put up 3 kill markers on the ship. Those markers were later removed and now reside at the Naval Museum in Halifax. I have photos of the 3x JDAM's that were bolted onto the bridge wings somewhere...I'll see what I can find.

Upon our return from Libya in 2011, CHA was directed to put up 3x Kill Markers.

We called in several hundred targets, saw kinetic effect delivered in many instances, and were directed to put up 3 kill markers on the ship. Those markers were later removed and now reside at the Naval Museum in Halifax. I have photos of the 3x JDAM's that were bolted onto the bridge wings somewhere...I'll see what I can find.

Removed because "someone" didn't like the optics of a warship doing warlike things?
Crew change...no-one in the new crew had ownership, nor history, so the accomplishments of CHA during that cruise are basically lost to the AAR and LL libraries...that no-one ever reads.
Those things are the stupidest systems ever. Coupled with the fact we received zero training on using the system.

I remember getting called up once to "run the hammerhead"

Zero training, figure it out! "WhY CaNt We SEe IT!"

"WhErE Is It!!!"

I like when they try and do gun shoot in sea state stupid and can't understand why hammerhead can't maintain connectivity 🤣

Our Navy is so professional at times 😄
I think they are a great system we just suck at the implementation. Even getting them on board is a mess, as there weren't actual tie downs and originally the plan was to simply lash them down to random things that aren't meant to be actual tie downs (while also creating a massive tripping/clotheslining hazard on the boat deck area right by the RAS deck). Had a big arguement about that one and we eventually got actual tie downs with some modifications to the cradle so you could actually chain down a 4 tonne load properly instead of some CT cargo straps.

If we did the training on how to operate them, used them within intended conditions, and otherwise didn't half ass it at the goal line they'd be pretty good. In that particular case we had an actual trained operator as well as a tech onboard as riders, who gave some basic explanations to a few BWKs, but they aren't a simple widget you can just bolt down and forget about and expect to work.

There are almost no problems these at their current state. Every deployer usually takes two with them as they are a huge value added to multinational SURFIREX.

CSE always has at least one person who has training on how to operatate hammerheads, usually one sonar tech and/or one fire control. Anyone AFAIK can take the training. I've seen bos'n with the training. They also often roll the sniperdrone onto the end and the sailors who take the course rave about it. West Coast there is a UXV det in the HQ building that runs it, PO1 WEng is IC IIRC (and probably sole member of said det! Lol).

As far as connectivity its a simple matter of antenna placement, and for radar paint there is just an added radar reflector to the mast, you know like sailboats have. Unless you don't want that so you take it off.
@Underway it is that way now because the initial implementation was dogshit. Glad it's sorted now but there was a lot of basics left off when they started, like properly securing the tonnes of weight, actual training, and some kind of basic info to do repairs if it's not working.