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My situation before applying.


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Hello all

I would first off like to say thank you to all people in the military for your service and in making this country a better place to live.

I'm 24 years old and I am just waiting for the day to apply. The only reason I haven't is because of my criminal record. I know a record is no reason not to apply but I'm just wondering if there is a possibility that once you apply they can ban you from ever applying in the future. One recruiter told me that if I apply without getting my record sealed that they will just throw out my application without even looking through it.

I'm tired of jobs, I would like to start a career that I can be proud of and have a feeling of satisfaction of knowing that I am making a difference in people's lives. I just don't want to ruin my chance by jumping the gun when I should have waited. I'm just tired of waiting and letting my past mistakes prevent me from reaching my goal, until someone or something stops me I'm going to go after my goal with full force.

I thank you all for your time and consideration in reading and responding to my post
A criminal record cannot exclude you for processing.  If you are currently subject to "judicial obligations" (ie; parole, unpaid fines, etc), then you are NOT eligible for enrolment and your application will not be processed.

Other than that, your application will be treated no differently than anyone elses.  The only hurdle will be the granting of a Relibability Clearance and that is when your Criminal Record will come into play.

It doesn't hurt to apply, worse case scenario, they say no...
It's also a good idea to see about applying for a pardon. Again, it may not be granted, but who knows? The worst that can happen is it's denied, in which case you're no worse off.
Thank you for replying to my post. My record will be sealed in about 3 years I just don't want to wait that long if there is still a chance that I could get all the way through the application process. Hey it may even be sealed before I get an offer if I make that far, it all depends on how long the process take which could be a few months to a few years.

Thanks again for your advice.
What I've gathered through my own research on this subject is that it really depends on what you did, how long its been, and what you've been up to since then. It seems (again, based solely on research) that the statement "throw out your application without even reading it" is untrue unless the recruiter you spoke to knows more about your legal situation than I do. You'll find a lot of information on this using the search feature, though. I found more information here than anywhere else!
The recruiter that told me that they would just throw out my application was being rude to me, all I was doing was trying to get answers to my questions before bother the forums with questions that the info is already here or the recruiter could answer better in person. He was acting like "I just want to get this guy out of here as fast as I can", he would give me vague answers and he had a bored attitude, just moving back an a forth in his chair. One of the questions I asked was how often you are moved from base to base when you are in the army. The recruiter in Kitchener (the bored guy) said that you were moved every 3-5 years, 2 recruiters in Hamilton told 5-7 years and the forums confirmed that. So I don't know if the guys answers were correct or not, but lucky this forum is a great source of information.
The recruiter probably wasn't far off from the truth.  The reality these days is there are WAY more applicants to the CF than positions available.  Regardless of what you are applying for you are probably up against 10 other equally qualified people who don't have a criminal record......
KyleAM said:
Thank you for replying to my post. My record will be sealed in about 3 years I just don't want to wait that long if there is still a chance that I could get all the way through the application process. Hey it may even be sealed before I get an offer if I make that far, it all depends on how long the process take which could be a few months to a few years.

Thanks again for your advice.

Your record won't be sealed for the CAF.  The CAF has access to all records including youth offences (not going to discuss how it all works, since I have done that before, so you if want to know more, then use the search function). 

Unless you get a pardon (which apparently are harder to get now), at some point your record WILL come up, and you WILL be required to discuss it (if it's an Adult record). 
I'm perfectly fine talking about my record, I'm not proud of it but I don't hide it. I figured it would come up regardless of being sealed or not thanks for the info though.
I can't stress it enough make sure everything is done and dealt with i.e. court dates, probation, pending charges, and prohibitions, before you apply. I'm speaking from my own experience, expect delays. My application took a very long time but I had a pretty big hurdle with a weapons ban. I had been going through the application process for many years, this year i have finally been merit listed for infantry,combat engineer, and crewman.

Best of luck
My sentence is completed and all monies dealt with I am simply waiting the requisite amount of time before I can apply for a pardon.
KyleAM said:
My sentence is completed and all monies dealt with I am simply waiting the requisite amount of time before I can apply for a pardon.

So then, if you are under NO judicial obligations, then why not submit an application instead of waiting the 3-5 years or whatever it is now, to request a pardon.