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My 0330 Kidnapping Surprise

Dirt Digger

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Chalk this one up in the, "only happens once" category.

Woken up at 0330 hrs to someone hammering my PMQ's buzzer.  Naturally, I think it's either an accident outside the patch or some drunk looking for a cab.  Oddly enough, it's a young kid wearing only a pair of pants and socks...no shirt or shoes...visibly distraught and looking like he's been in a fight.  Didn't appear to be drinking at all.

I call the police and while I'm talking with him, he says that he was kidnapped yesterday from the Jane and Finch area by four guys in an older model Toyota Corola.  They took him to a house, held him until about 0300 and then dumped him on Sheppard because they had the wrong guy.

And who says living in Toronto is dull?
Reason #2045 for not living in TO(yes I know this can happen any where)....just have to get my jabs at TO..is all...

At least  the kid is ok and alive!!!
good job looking after the kid. Hopefully, Justice will be served.
paracowboy said:
good job looking after the kid. Hopefully, Justice will be served.

In this city don't count on it unless Justice constitutes a warm hug and denial of their playstation rights for an hour. ::)
Dirt digger, glad you were there for the kid. Did the boy have any info to help the cops?

BTW noted yr profile: when were you w/ C Scot R? (Me: '75-'78)
Lucky kid, good on ya for taking him in, any luck finding these guys?
So far, nothing else major heard.  The kid's alright and they've assigned an officer to the case.  Very surreal talking to 911 dispatch and having the kid say he was kidnapped.  I did a double take when he said that. 

I heard some of his story, but he was really in a bad state psychologically and didn't go into any in-depth physic descriptions of his attackers.  In a nut shell, he was walking in the Jane & Finch area between the Zellers and hospital when the car pulled up.  He was taken by four black youth with knives and held in a house somewhere.  They tuned him pretty good...I first thought he had just been mugged or something.  From backtracking on time, they probably realized they grabbed the wrong guy earlier, but waited until 0300 to dump him when no one would be around.

Because it happened in the patch, I went in to Denison first thing and filed a report with the MPs.  Definitely not something I ever expected to happen in my life, but I'm glad he's OK.  He was pretty choked up about having all of his stuff stolen, but the important thing was that he was alive.  Material stuff can be replaced, especially when you consider the number of homicides in the Jane & Finch area.

As for Signalman, I was in the C Scot R from '91 to '00 before going Bioscience.
Update to the story:

I spoke with the detective handling the case.  It turns out the kid was making the whole thing up and has a "history".  He couldn't go into specifics about the case because criminal charges are now pending.  I told him that if the case goes to court I'll be more than happy to testify...it's the least I can do for the lying little s**t.
Well, hopefully the kid with the history learns from this little escapade.
See, people like that piss me off. One takes the time to help a stranger out in their time of need, and then later finds out it was all a lie. What is wrong with people these days? And people wonder why our society is starting to care less and less for others...