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MP Educational Requirements, comments, questions and rants.

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    I'm hoping to apply for the Regular Force Military Police as a Non-Commissioned Member in the next year or two. I've spoken to the local Recruiting Centre in my area and they only listed Universities as school recognised for minimum academic requirements in my Province. On the Canadian Forces Recruiting Site, it states, "The minimum academic requirement is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognised Community College or CEGEP"

In my Province, 'CDI Community College' I'm applying to offers Law Enforcement Foundations. Would this program from a Community College be recognised? And is Law Enforcement Foundations the equivalent to Police Foundations?  Any insight would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time.
Short answer.......ask a recruiter.  They have a list that spells out every school, province by province that are deemed acceptable.
For what it's worth, I got in with a Criminology diploma from a college.
If you dont mind going, Holland College in PEI would be a good choice.
Jimmy_D said:
If you dont mind going, Holland College in PEI would be a good choice.
* The best choice.

But I'm biased because that's where I went.  ;D Just be careful of which course you take!

I've been looking into joining MP, long story short. I was in the CF a few years back but left in the middle of my DP1 due to personal things that happened back home. Now I know my BMQ is good for about 5 years. I do have my Law and Security Diploma from St. Clair College. Now the Recruiter in the city I live in told me that "Law and Security is not acceptable." But on the CF website it says it is acceptable. When I was in BMQ at the time, a very large number of people where going into the MP trade about 10 of switch where just from my platoon alone, and most of them just finished Law and Security.

So my question is that, can I still apply to MP with just a Law and Security Diploma?

Thank you for taking the time to read or answer my question.
Huyman said:

I've been looking into joining MP, long story short. I was in the CF a few years back but left in the middle of my DP1 due to personal things that happened back home. Now I know my BMQ is good for about 5 years. I do have my Law and Security Diploma from St. Clair College. Now the Recruiter in the city I live in told me that "Law and Security is not acceptable." But on the CF website it says it is acceptable. When I was in BMQ at the time, a very large number of people where going into the MP trade about 10 of switch where just from my platoon alone, and most of them just finished Law and Security.

So my question is that, can I still apply to MP with just a Law and Security Diploma?

Thank you for taking the time to read or answer my question.

It may not necessarily be the diploma that's not accepted, but rather the School is not recognized by the CF as being adequate for MP entry. Same issue with Police Foundations Diploma, number of schools across Canada have their PF program recognized by the CF, but at the time the PF program at the Justice Institute of British Columbia was not recognized, therefore I could not enter as MP with my diploma.
RCDcpl said:
A recruiter told you no.  Seems like you have your answer.....

Recruiters say a lot of things.  They too make mistakes from time to time. In this case though they are correct.
I'm gonna be blunt with you dude. Your diploma is functionally useless for a career in law enforcement. There are some jobs in the field of security that may find it useful, but you're even worse off than a police foundations grad for trying to be a cop.

Mp is not easy to get into. Many are guys who have served several years in other trades, and the combination of education and life experience is no less demanding for the MPs than for any other force. There's a mistaken perception that MP is the 'easy' way into policing. That ain't the case. If the recruiter is saying the door has slammed shut on Law and Security as a diploma that satisfies requirements, then take that at face value. Frankly I'm happy to hear that it's the case.

I don't know anything more about you than what you've posted, so I don't know how competitive you might have been if L&S was still of interest to them. It looks pretty plain to me that educational upgrade is going to be a sine qua non of you getting into a policing career- military or otherwise.
skyhigh10 said:
Recruiters say a lot of things.  They too make mistakes from time to time. In this case though they are correct.

St Clair College - Law and Security Administration (2 years) is an "acceptable" program for entry into the MP occupation........it is not the "preferred" program but it is acceptable!

So what ever Recruiter you dealt with and I hate to say it, was WRONG......
DAA said:
St Clair College - Law and Security Administration (2 years) is an "acceptable" program for entry into the MP occupation........it is not the "preferred" program but it is acceptable!

So what ever Recruiter you dealt with and I hate to say it, was WRONG......

Not necessarily....if it's only an "acceptable" program and not preferred he might have told him that as it wasn't even worth him applying.  They are hiring what? Like 8 externals this year for MP.  With probably hundreds of people applying with the preferred Police Foundations......an "acceptable" program is probably a lot less acceptable at that point...
That's fine.  I didn't say he was wrong did I?  I simply stated that with the reallity of need vs demand for the job of MP....having only an "acceptable" diploma probably won't make you competitive vs. the hundreds of folks who are applying with the "preferred."

Maybe I'm wrong....but what I'm saying doesn't seem illogical.
RCDcpl said:
Not necessarily....if it's only an "acceptable" program and not preferred he might have told him that as it wasn't even worth him applying.  They are hiring what? Like 8 externals this year for MP.  With probably hundreds of people applying with the preferred Police Foundations......an "acceptable" program is probably a lot less acceptable at that point...

Educational criteria is only one piece of the big puzzle and should never be considered solely on it's own merit.  There is still the CFAT, Interview and MPAC results that need to be factored in as well.  So while the applicant does have the academic requirements to apply, he shouldn't have been turned away, which regretably does happen from time to time.

If the Recruiter told him that his academic qualifcations were "unacceptable" then the Recruiter was misinformed.  Not to mention it is not up to them to decide whether or not the individual is competitive or not and that point in the process hasn't even been reached.
I do not believe it is a diploma issue, I have the same qualification and I am an MP, although I went through the selection a few years back and standards may have changed. Education is key,  however it is a standard that creates a manageable amount of applicants. Policing can not be learned in a classroom but obviously with the amount of applicants in the field, recruiters need a way to filter who makes it to the stage of selection where your potential to qualify as a suitable police officer can be observed (MPAC). Get to the MPAC and if you show desired suitability, your Law & Security diploma will be irrelevant. Good luck.
Most people never get into Law Enforcement with this pathetic college diploma, why is it required for the CF? I am currently a University student taking a break to work, I am 24 and switched to part time. I am not sure if I wanna return to University though, not at this point in my life. I was planning on joining the Reserves in 2014 and being a Security Guard (I have previous security experience) for the next 2 years. Along with this I will do 1000+ hours of community service. Would a recruiter still deny me if I had all this on my resume just because I don't have that worthless college diploma? I guess it isn't that worthless but it is more so then most college diplomas. The best it gets you is Military Police (if you get in) or Transit Enforcement. It is a useless diploma and most who are in it are ignorant fools who think they will be some big bad Police officer right after they are finished. Most people end up being Security guards with that.
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