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MP Educational Requirements, comments, questions and rants.

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Hey guys, I was just wondering something. I noticed on the forces.ca website that for MP, it says "The minimum academic requirement is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognised Community College or CEGEP. Related employment experience will also be considered in determining education equivalency."

I took Law and Security Administration  in college but did not graduate as I did not qualify for OSAP (according to the them, my parents made enough money to pay for me, but they managed their finances poorly and could not afford to pay for my college). I started my 2nd year but could not complete it due to financial reasons. My question is: would my 1 completed year of Police Foundations and a mix of 6 years as a security guard be considered "related employment experience" for determining "education equivalency"? I've asked recruiters but I keep getting mixed responses. I was told "I believe that really refers more to applicants currently employed with a police service" and I've also gotten "I believe it would but I'm not sure."

So if any of the current MP's on this board or any applicants who are in a similar situation could answer my question, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance
I have a related question to, i hope this doesnt hi jack your post :P but I currently have a Emergency medical responder course, just completed my EMT/ PCP course and awaiting my marks w/ 2 years of Reserve Infantry Experience and about a year in Security exp.,  Will this be enough to topple the requried 2 year college law enforcement experience?

I am going to go out on a limb and suggest you contact your nearest recruiting centre.
I think you need your completed diploma..I applied last year before my diploma was complete (I was missing ONE course) and they said that I couldn't apply until I had the diploma, keep in mind I've been doing Loss Prevention for different companies for 3 years at that point which is more than enough security experience.
rustysoap said:
Hey guys, I was just wondering something. I noticed on the forces.ca website that for MP, it says "The minimum academic requirement is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognised Community College or CEGEP. Related employment experience will also be considered in determining education equivalency."

I took Law and Security Administration  in college but did not graduate as I did not qualify for OSAP (according to the them, my parents made enough money to pay for me, but they managed their finances poorly and could not afford to pay for my college). I started my 2nd year but could not complete it due to financial reasons. My question is: would my 1 completed year of Police Foundations and a mix of 6 years as a security guard be considered "related employment experience" for determining "education equivalency"? I've asked recruiters but I keep getting mixed responses. I was told "I believe that really refers more to applicants currently employed with a police service" and I've also gotten "I believe it would but I'm not sure."

So if any of the current MP's on this board or any applicants who are in a similar situation could answer my question, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance
I think some of it would depend on what you did as a security guard. If you were just a construction yard guard, chances are that wouldn't be looked at in the same light as a loss prevention officer or a higher-profile security officer.
My only qualm with the MPs is that, if I'm not mistaken, they receive field pay at postings like Gagetown...minus the field part.  This would be just fine I suppose, had these peers of mine not already received massive Cpl backpay checks and Spec Pay....**sigh**

Just saying.  :worms:
Accelerated promotions to Cpl doesn't give them the respect, that that phenomenon was supposed to rectify.  Spec Pay is another issue that some in other Trades with more danger, stress, and/or education requirements may question.  Field Pay in Gagetown may be only a myth if you check it out.
George Wallace said:
Field Pay in Gagetown may be only a myth if you check it out.

As of 2007, its worse than i thought...  ;)

"Based on submissions from ECS/Commands and IAW with the definition of field units at Ref A, The following units are designated as Field Units for the purpose of LDA effective 1 Apr 07."

1 MP - Edmonton
1 MP - Toronto
1 MP - Halifax
1MP - MOntreal
1MP - Calgary
1MP - Chilliwack
1MP Shilo
1MP Suffield
1MP - Wainwright
2MP - Petawawa
2MP - Kingston
1MP - winnipeg
2MP - Sault Ste Marie
3MP - Gagetown
3MP - Moncton
5MP - Valcartier
5MP - St Jean
1MP - Vancouver
5MP - Quebec
2MP - Meaford
5MP - Saguenay
1 MP Platoon - Edmonton
2 MP Platoon - Petawawa
5 MP Platoon - Valcartier
2 MP - London
2 MP - Ottawa
To address some of your concerns....the automatic Cpl's don't get spec pay until they do their 5's. And the units who get LDA has been readjusted.
Good afternoon ladies and gents,

I'm new to this site and a prospective member of the Canadian Forces. I've had a long family military history and I'm looking to follow in their footsteps.

At the moment I'm doing my first year of Police Foundations at Sheridan college in Ontario, when I graduate I'd like to join the Canadian Forces to become an MP. I was previously in the 2824 RCAC Corps which was an MP unit, I've tried to get into an MP reserve unit such as the 32nd MP PLT. but I've had no luck so far (even just trying to find their contact information, parade nights, etc... is proving to be tough). I find that even trying to be accepted to any reserve unit around this area is difficult as of late.

I was just wondering what sort of tips and heads up you guys can provide to a young guy such as myself who's looking to get into this profession.

I'm 20, 21 in July
I graduate in a year
Pretty decent shape, can run a mile in 9 minutes and 1.5 miles in 13 minutes

Looking forward to hearing back from you all, take care for now!
I'll give you that it is not easy to find. I just spent 10 minutes just trying to find the main number of the switchboard of their armoury.

(416) 398-3803

At worst, you can try the Svc Bn, they should be able to get you the phone number:

Try 416-633-6200 x2991

I don't know what sort of numbers they're looking at for intake...in Ottawa we're auth 2 for this year.
Good luck
steve1479 said:
Good afternoon ladies and gents,

I'm new to this site and a prospective member of the Canadian Forces. I've had a long family military history and I'm looking to follow in their footsteps.

At the moment I'm doing my first year of Police Foundations at Sheridan college in Ontario, when I graduate I'd like to join the Canadian Forces to become an MP. I was previously in the 2824 RCAC Corps which was an MP unit, I've tried to get into an MP reserve unit such as the 32nd MP PLT. but I've had no luck so far (even just trying to find their contact information, parade nights, etc... is proving to be tough). I find that even trying to be accepted to any reserve unit around this area is difficult as of late.

I was just wondering what sort of tips and heads up you guys can provide to a young guy such as myself who's looking to get into this profession.

I'm 20, 21 in July
I graduate in a year
Pretty decent shape, can run a mile in 9 minutes and 1.5 miles in 13 minutes

Looking forward to hearing back from you all, take care for now!

There are tons of the information that you're looking for right here in the Military Police Branch forum. You just have to search and read.

Milnet.ca Staff

Sorry to post over a lock, but I would advise on a new avatar. 

For one, that is a cipher for The Royal Canadian Regiment, which are infantry (You wanna become an MP).  Second, we pooh pooh people wearing or showing those types of avatars unless you earned them.

Think of it as colours that bikers wear, you have seen Sons of Anarchy, No?



milnet.ca staff
Hey, so I'm sorry if this has been addressed in a previous topic. I know the education requirement for the MP trade is as follows:
The minimum academic requirement is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognised Community College or CEGEP. Related employment experience will also be considered in determining education equivalency.

I live in Winnipeg,Manitoba and I'm trying to find a Police Foundations type course in the city. So far all I have been able to find is a course offered by Northwest Law Enforcement Academy. The course they offer runs from about September to April (or October to May). Would this course allow me to meet the education requirement to join the MP trade? If not, where in Winnipeg can I take the proper course.

Again I apologize if this isn't the place to ask this, or if its already been asked and addressed.

- tweedalede

P.S: For the MP Reserve, do I need a diploma to join up? I'm thinking of either joining the MP unit here or the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada.

Many Thanks! :D
The simplest would be to go to Minto Armories on St Matthews Tuesday night and ask. MPs and QOCH parade there and only doors apart.

Education requirements are now the same for both the reserve and reg force.
Ahh, well that solves that question. Would anyone be able to answer this?

Northwest Law Enforcement Academy. The course they offer runs from about September to April (or October to May). Would this course allow me to meet the education requirement to join the MP trade? If not, where in Winnipeg can I take the proper course.

Or does it need to be a 2 year Police Foundations course?
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