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MND Gordon O' Connor Army Service

x westie

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I would be interested to know about our new MND military career,,ie: when he enlisted , which  branch of the Forces he served with,  Armour, Infantry, Artillery or Engineers,  i have been watching the papers but nothing about his Army career, perhaps there is someone on Army.ca that would be able to help,  Thanks.

Here's a starting point - his official biography.
Armour, RCD, commanded that regiment. (If my sources are correct.)
Michael O'Leary said:
Armour, RCD, commanded that regiment. (If my sources are correct.)
You are indeed correct.  He was also Commandant of the Armour School.
Find that his "official" resumé is a little "short".
Would be nice that he played up his service a little bit more.
Gordon was in the Armour Branch for 32 yrs.
He was the CO in Germany of the RCD's as a LCol and Gen Hillier was his Capt I believe up until somewhere around 1980.He was also CO of the Armour school. His last position at NDHQ was planning and aquisitions.
commo_dude said:
Gordon was in the Armour Branch for 32 yrs.
He was the CO in Germany of the RCD's as a LCol and Gen Hillier was his Capt I believe up until somewhere around 1980.He was also CO of the Armour school. His last position at NDHQ was planning and aquisitions.
Gen Hillier isn't that old....I am sure he was a young Lt under LCol C. Addy and LCol D. Dean in the early 1980's.  LCol O'Connor was CO of the RCD and Comd of the Armour School in the 1970's.

[Edit for some Corrections]:

CO's of RCD in the late 70's were Dangerfield 74 - 76, Milner 76 - 78, and O'Connor from 1978 to 1980.  Guess that is where Hillier would have fallen in as being a subaltern under O'Connor.
Gen Rick was in Petawawa in 77-79 for sure, he was my TL.  When we went to Texas I was his loader.  I don't think Gen Rick ever served under O'Connot in a Unit, but it's possible that Gen Rick worked for O'Connor in Ottawa after O'Connor came back to Canada in 1980.
I think (then) Lt Hillier came back from Germany in Jan 78, and Lt Murray MacLure took his place.  I will look it up and do an edit later.

I too served under LCol O'Conner while he commanded the Regt in Germany from 78-80 (with RSM Beatty). A young Lt Hillier was with the Regt at that time. He was not in my Squadron so I cannot give acurate dates. He certainly was not a Capt back then. During my second posting to Lahr Maj Hillier was posted back to Germany and served as OC 'C' Sqn 85-87. (with SSM Martin)
Using good Gunnery Technique, we should soon achieve a Bracket and move onto Target.
At my age a HESH round will do.............Target...................next target right.

(what were those hair increments again???)

When George, Lance and Tom, enlisted, a Centurion was not a tank.;D

So gents, how do you crew command a chariot? :nana:
George, George, George.....

It should be "Shell ranging,......Medic!.......On!.....Fire!"

Sabot indeed!

I just love the sound of the .50 RG and Ranging Trace early in the morning.......That is why the Coyotes firing on the Range bring back such fond memories....  ;D
.... MG/RG foot pedals down, creep eliminated, hands on my controls, observing to my front.

So, NOW can we get back on topic?

