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Missing Threads or Topics ?.


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I realize that from time to time that Threads or Topics are reassigned to another more appropriate Heading. Whether with notification or a little searching they can usually be found again.

But I have recently replied to a Thread ( I believe in The Home Front or Radio Chatter) which had a Video of a group of U.S Service Men and Women passing through a Railway terminal and the Civilian Crowd started applauding them.

The replies were as usuall skepticle about its authenticity. Which I replied, "Maybe your right, but its a nice sentiment and pointed in the right direction." & "Maybe this is too, which was Emailed to me from Kingston, which I enclosed a link to a Video.

View Full Version : Don't Worry.. We're Sending The Canadian Military To The Rescue!

href="http://uk.download.yahoo.com/pr/fu/oa/canadianmilitary.wmv"><img ...

It seems to have disapeared ?.

Hi FastEddy,

I'm not positive, but I would suspect the posts were deleted because the video of the "Canadian" (actually Brits) landing in the mud has been seen here a number of times already (recently here for example.)

Mike Bobbitt said:
Hi FastEddy,

I'm not positive, but I would suspect the posts were deleted because the video of the "Canadian" (actually Brits) landing in the mud has been seen here a number of times already (recently here for example.)


Hi Mike, I agree with you a 100% but I also believe in consistency. My same topic running on Radio Chatter (VIDEO) Dec 1 by "The Gues-I-". Its running strong and over 500 views ?.
Hi FastEddy,

I'm not sure I understand... the existing thread seems popular enough, a duplicate is not required. I think maybe we're in agreement...?
Mike Bobbitt said:
Hi FastEddy,

I'm not sure I understand... the existing thread seems popular enough, a duplicate is not required. I think maybe we're in agreement...?

Hi Mike,

Of course I stand to be corrected ( usually I am) , the thread that went missing was not started by me and had a whole different video as I out lined. I then  posted in reply the one in question, unaware that it was the topic of the Dec. 1st Thread.

My question is, say that a Thread was started and was along similar lines (humor & video links) and had a number of replies and video's (none being the one of the Brit's). Then I came along, (unaware that it was posted in the Dec.1st Post, and now posted in this other Thread.

Would you delete that whole thread or my post from that Thread ?

My point is, a fact, statement or video could  be applicable to several threads and not constitute a duplicate thread for deletion. Your thoughts on this.

There's a good chance neither would be deleted, but the guideline is that duplicate posts can be removed if they add no further value. Deleting entire threads means the loss of all posts in that thread, and is generally only done when there's no value to be found anywhere in it.

If it's a duplicate that is useful in multiple situations, I don't see a need to delete it. However I would imagine those cases would be rare, and it would more often be appropriate to drop a link to the existing thread instead of re-stating it's contents.

I hope that makes sense.

If it's along the same lines and has signifigant posts, we'll normally merge the two together.
Mike Bobbitt said:
There's a good chance neither would be deleted, but the guideline is that duplicate posts can be removed if they add no further value. Deleting entire threads means the loss of all posts in that thread, and is generally only done when there's no value to be found anywhere in it.

If it's a duplicate that is useful in multiple situations, I don't see a need to delete it. However I would imagine those cases would be rare, and it would more often be appropriate to drop a link to the existing thread instead of re-stating it's contents.

I hope that makes sense.

Hi Mike, Exactly. Therefore, my original question.

Why was the original Thread by someone else with posts (then my post of the "Brits" to it) completely
removed ?. Bearing in mind, that original post had no reference or replies of the "Brits" video until I came


Unfortunately since I didn't delete the thread I can only speculate... Now that we're well over a month past the event we may not be able to find out, but I suspect it's because the post was a duplicate of another. The Staff don't delete a thread without cause, so whoever removed it obviously felt there was a reason to do so.

I wish I had more details to provide...
