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Military Relocation / Posting Policy-Moves [MERGED]


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Whe  join Reg I want to be PPCLI so I would have to move all my stuff to Edmonton The CF will pay for it correct? Do you move around a lot or does it depend on what you do?
Yes CF will pat to move u to each posting.  DEpending on trade, is how often u move.  Infantry not so much.
lol, i wish.  I am in Shilo, MB right now.  It is what u make of it.  Personally, if I had a choice, I would want 3 PPCLI.  They train all the time, go different places, and do not have LAVs eating up their budgets, light is the way. That said I am proud to be 2VP.  2nd to none.  At the end of the day as long as your a "cowboy" and not a........what do they call the RCR's??    sry couldn't resist.  Iron those uniforms :blotto:  Anywhere in VP and you'll be happy :-)
Thanks a 7-10 days just a question what do you mean by "cowboy" and "VP" mean thanks maybe dumb question
The CF considers us (PPCLI) the cowboys i.e. wild compared to other regiments.  RCR is a little more straight-lased then us. VP  Is another acronym we use to represent PPCLI  i.e. 2 PPCLI is the same as saying 2 VP.  The literal translation of "VP" is something im not quite clear of.
7 - 10 days said:
The CF considers us (PPCLI) the cowboys i.e. wild compared to other regiments.   RCR is a little more straight-lased then us. VP   Is another acronym we use to represent PPCLI   i.e. 2 PPCLI is the same as saying 2 VP.   The literal translation of "VP" is something im not quite clear of.
  Thanks for the clarification just wasn't sure. Do you know if PPCLI needs soldiers?
In answer to your original question. Once you are done basic and trades training. The CF will contract a moving company to pacl load and transport your Furniture and Effects (F&E) to your new duty location.
But what If I don't have any furniture? You are saying
The CF will still hire a moving company to come in a pack and load what ever effects you have at home.
I have barley any stuff that would be a waste of money but hey whatever I'm not paying for it :D
actually the cost for a service like that is much cheaper than you think.
How do you know that you are posted to Edmonton? Do you still have to do basic Training? You might find yourself in the wonderful Shilo Subburbs.........lol
Uberman said:
VP stands for "Victoria Patricia".

As for reaction I received about not being quite sure about the literal translation, I knew it was 1 of 2 things, and instead of looking like a knob and posting something I am unsure of I choose the easy answer and said I wasn't 100% sure.  I am not a regimental history buff by any stretch and have never cliamed to be  ;D
Forlorn Hope said:
How do you know that you are posted to Edmonton? Do you still have to do basic Training? You might find yourself in the wonderful Shilo Subburbs.........lol
I'm not sure if you go to Edmonton or not that is just what I am thinking. If someone could clarify for me that would be fantastic :salute:
While in Battleschool or whatever they call it now, you'll find out for sure, eaxctly where u are going.  Either Edmonton or Shilo (if PPCLI).  As discussed above there is pro's and con's to each.  It will be what u make of it. 
Well....5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday to Friday. (For me 6 Years ago)  I think it's PT (Physical Training) 3 times per week.  This is where u learn the BASICS of being an infanteer.  You still have tons to learn when your done, your Battalion will take care of that.  Weapons, fieldcraft, unarmed combat, tactics etc..1 thing to remember, do not stand out.  Don't be "that guy".  If you are a born leader then naturally people will listen, if you are not and you try to be i.e. ALWAYS trying to take charge even though your right out-of-er then life will not be easy.  That's the kind of thing that will stay with you when u hit Battalion.  Don't stand out, be the grey man.  Do everything you are suppose to on time(if possibly) and correctly (good luck) without making a big show of it.  Don't always be the guy running at the front of the ranks wih the platoon commander, kissing ass and such.  BAD scoobies.  That will ALWAYS haunt you.  In the end its a good time, lots of "bonding" with beer and women on weekends.  Probobly fighting as well, everyone is "tough" in Battleschool, well until they run into a rigger in a bad mood that is.  Hence why you don't want to be the guys who wear their pt gear to the bar with there dog tags showing.  People are NOT impressed by that.  lol ok enough verbal crap thrown your way.
7 - 10 days said:
Well....5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday to Friday. (For me 6 Years ago)   I think it's PT (Physical Training) 3 times per week.   This is where u learn the BASICS of being an infanteer.   You still have tons to learn when your done, your Battalion will take care of that.   Weapons, fieldcraft, unarmed combat, tactics etc..1 thing to remember, do not stand out.   Don't be "that guy".   If you are a born leader then naturally people will listen, if you are not and you try to be i.e. ALWAYS trying to take charge even though your right out-of-er then life will not be easy.   That's the kind of thing that will stay with you when u hit Battalion.   Don't stand out, be the grey man.   Do everything you are suppose to on time(if possibly) and correctly (good luck) without making a big show of it.   Don't always be the guy running at the front of the ranks wih the platoon commander, kissing *** and such.   BAD scoobies.   That will ALWAYS haunt you.   In the end its a good time, lots of "bonding" with beer and women on weekends.   Probobly fighting as well, everyone is "tough" in Battleschool, well until they run into a rigger in a bad mood that is.   Hence why you don't want to be the guys who wear their pt gear to the bar with there dog tags showing.   People are NOT impressed by that.   lol ok enough verbal crap thrown your way.

      Thanks 7 - 10 days that was really informative great advice :salute:
Please check with the Recruiting Center Administration staff about paying for your move. My understanding is that you are not entitled to a move until you have reached career status. I may be wrong but would hate for you to find out the hard way. You should be receiving a briefing on all your entitlements, if your recruiter hasn't mentioned it ask he/her about it.

Good luck in your career. :salute: