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Michaelle Jean's high-priced safari


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Keith Beardsley: Michaelle Jean's high-priced safari
Posted: April 21, 2010, 11:00 AM by Kelly McParland
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Governor General Michaelle Jean is off on an African tour of some 8 days. For what purpose?

It certainly serves someone’s agenda to have her highlighting African problems at this time. As mentioned yesterday, is someone trying to sway public opinion before a decision on Canada’s participation in the Congo mission is made? And what is this media tour costing Canadians at a time of restraint?

You may recall Adriene Clarkson’s $5-million polar tour in 2004. Perhaps Rideau Hall will tell us what this tour is costing too? The cost comes out of a budget, therefore before leaving on this tour; Rideau Hall had to cost it. Let us see the numbers now and not six months from now after she has been replaced.

We know from media reports that she is tying up the Canadian Forces Airbus on this journey. I recall from my days in Opposition Research that a figure of $7,500 to 10,000 and hour to operate an aircraft of that size would not be out of the norm. That Airbus seats 194 passengers (DND web site). According to Rideau Hall’s media release the Governor General has nine guests called delegates on this trip. Even allowing for a few media types and other staff on board that means this plane is flying virtually empty.

One of the purposes of the trip is to promote journalism in these four African countries. We know this because Rideau Hall sent out a press release to tell us so. Yet over the eight day period the media are not permitted at some 12 events and allowed only a photo op at six events and at two others it is still to be discussed.

On Wednesday the 14th there was one event, essentially her arrival in Senegal. 

On Thursday the 15th  there are eight events with government officials and only one community level event at a day care facility.

Friday the 16th, sees six events which would include three events that with a stretch could be said to be at the community level IE a university speech.

On Saturday the 17, 4 events two with people at the local level.

Sunday the 18th, four events including her departure from Senegal and arrival in the Congo. One event with representatives of Congolese society might with a bit of imagination be called a community level event.

Monday the 19th sees six events with only one at the community level when she visits a clinic.

Tuesday the 20th, six events, one at a hospital to highlight sexual violence against women.

Wednesday the 21st has seven events of which one was an event on reconciliation in Rwanda.

Thursday the 22nd, seven events, of which three are outside of government officialdom.

Friday the 23rd, five events all with officials.

Saturday the 24th, four events all of which can be considered community or people related.

To sum of the visit, eight days of travel of which there are 17 meetings or events that involve the local people and 41 events with government officials.

I am sure these official events accomplish quite a lot of good; after all, the Governor General is an intelligent and charming person. But what purpose has this trip served other than to allow plenty of media discussion and file footage of troubles in Africa? Would these African countries struggling to move away from their own colonial past appreciate speeches and lectures from some one representing Canada’s colonial past? Would her presence convince the leader of the Congo of his errant ways? Not likely.

As a lame duck Governor General in the last few months of her term, did she need to go to Africa? Why not stay in Canada and use these few months to reinforce and highlight issues here such as health and poverty and educational needs in our First Nations communities? Why not concentrate on the homeless or poverty in our inner cities?

The Governor General didn’t just wake up one morning and say lets go to Africa. These trips take many months of planning. She has advisors who would recommend tours to her, there would be endless bureaucratic meetings prior to a decision being made. It would be interesting to know who recommended this trip to her? Which departments pushed for this trip at this time? Just whose agenda or game plan is this trip following? An interesting tour for sure, but the question remains why and why at this time?
Note to Keith:  here's who asked GG Jean to go, and ostensibly why:
At the request of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, will make state visits to Senegal, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and an official visit to Cape Verde, from April 14 to April 24, 2010.

Her Excellency will be accompanied by a small delegation of Canadians involved in a variety of sectors, including governance, arts and culture, civil society, women’s rights, youth engagement and trade.

The visit will highlight the benefits of Canada’s long-standing relationships with the four countries.  It will also focus on the strong people-to-people connections Canada has with each, placing particular emphasis on social and cultural issues.  Her Excellency will visit Canadian-funded projects that reflect Canada’s commitment to strengthening democracy, security, human rights, women’s rights and the rule of law ....

Also, guess whose idea it was for then-GG Adrienne Clarkson to do the Arctic nation tour?
The Circumpolar Achievements of the former Governor General

At the request of Canada’s former Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, the Governor General led a delegation of accomplished Canadians on State visits to Russia, Finland and Iceland, following invitations from the Presidents of each country. The State visits, which took place from September 23 to October 15, 2003, reflected our common northern dimension and strongly supported Canada's foreign policy by deepening and strengthening interrelationships with countries that share a northern bond.

The theme for these visits, "The Modern North”, focused on working in the northern environment, living in the circumpolar world, and reflecting each society’s modern, creative culture. Each visit began in the capital, and continued to communities in northern regions. Governor General Clarkson stated, "We want to show each other what the North is today––its nature, its people and culture, its economics and ecology––and what it can become.” (September 2003)
TimBit said:
Wow, talk about bad research on the National Post's part.

You'd think someone with this kind of mini-bio:
Keith Beardsley has been involved with the Conservative Party in Canada for close to three decades, most recently as  a senior advisor and deputy chief of staff for issues management to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
and a blog whose subtitle is "A Tory First" would know better. eh?
Wait till Bill Shatner becomes GG...he will go where no man has gone before.???  ;-)
George Wallace said:
Then again, it may go towards explaining a lot.
Very good point - we'll see if my correction on his blog remains in place for long.

George Wallace said:
How do you go about getting one of these jammy high paying jobs where you don't have to QC anything that crosses your desk?
Like Carnegie Hall, practice?  ;D
It won't matter who the GG is. Some half wit will always criticize the expense. We saw the same thing with the previous GG as well.