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Met Tech Info?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Macklinen
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Hello everyone, I've seen lots of helpful tidbits in this thread which is great.  First time posting though I've lurked for a while now.

Been a month since the last post but maybe someone will still watch it, as I'm another hopeful Met Tech here. Accepted my OT offer last week and looks like it'll be waiting in Gagetown until loaded on course...which from what I"ve read will hopefully be Jan. Just in time for a brisk Winnipeg winter! Anyone been there recently in a similar situation?

I'm also curious to know more about the restructuring that's occured within the trade. Reading it here was the first I"d heard...anyone able to shed more light on it?

I know a few people who have worked with Met Tech's within the arty and on ship, both sound interesting on top of the airbase work. How much more specialized is it to work with the different elements? Whole other courses or is it as simple as "surprise you're moving to Arty/Ship/Airbase" etc?

Anywho that's all I can think of for now, just a hello and such. If anyone can answer anything that's great, or feel free to PM me. Looking forward to the new trade!


Welcome to the weather world, I can answer a few questions for you.

The trade restructure was all about lowering the rank levels for most tasks we do, and reducing the need to maintain small briefing cells on each Wing and base. Now that things are finalized the trade has two main courses as you progress. First you will complete the BOQ, which will train you to both observe the weather and provide briefings to commanders and air crews. The second main course is the IOQ which will be all about forecasting weather over land and at sea, as well as marine observing. Following both of those courses you will be required to spend a period of time in Gagetown at the Joint Met Centre for OJT. The length of the OJT will vary based on training time available and your own pace of progress.

For different elements the job of a Met Tech is pretty much always the same, it's the extra tasking expected of you that will change. With the navy you will be expected to be a full member of a ships company so you will be required to do a NETP and complete all the ship board training that any other crew member is expected to do regardless of uniform colour. With the artillery you will be expected at a minimum to get a driver course and possibly a 1m turret course. Beyond that it will all depend on what the bosses expect from you. When I was with the guns for TF 1-07 We were expected to do the same jobs as any gunners of our rank, so when it came time to fire we were expected to head to the gun and offer whatever help we could. We did sentry and CP shifts, humped ammo, and dug mortar pits when required.

I hope that helped a bit. If you have any more questions ask away, either on the thread or via PM.
Jyanix, WeatherdoG pretty well covered your questions if you have anymore questions about Met training or your course loading dates feel free to PM me.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi, and that I received my official job offer last week; my first choice was Met Tech and I got it! 

I will be sworn in on January 17th, and my BMQ starts January 23rd, 2012. I'm looking forward to joining the club. ;D
Just a quick question for those more experienced than I - I've taken a look around, and it seems the question is answered differently each time. Maybe it's different for each person?

I am heading off to Basic in a few weeks, and will be done at the end of April. My question is, when does the Met Tech training start at CFS Met, and where will they put me while I wait for the course to start? Will it be Gagetown, Winnipeg, or could it be anywhere that I'm needed? I ask because I have a common law husband who is staying behind in Nova Scotia while I'm off training, and we're trying to figure out what the next year looks like for us.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer these questions, or who can point me to where I can find the answer!  :)
The Met folks i have come across in the past have waited in Winnipeg for their course to start.
I do know of one Pte Met Tech several years ago who was allowed to work OJT at Shearwater while awaiting QL3 training, but she had a service spouse (different trade) also at the same base.
Thanks guys - Seems as if, basically, I will be away from him for quite a while. It's what I expected, but hopefully I can find the occasional weekend to fly home and see him. It's going to be a hard year on us, but so worth it in the long run!
After Basic you'll likely be headed to Gagetown to await your course which would start in mid to late June. While in Gagetown waiting to head to Winnipeg you may be sent to a base closer to your husband, having said that if there is no base nearby you may stay in Gagetown.

Once the course starts you will only have the occasional long weekend available for travel to see him, so be prepared to spend at least 5 1/2 months apart just for trades training.
Thanks WeatherdoG - I'm actually kind of hoping for Gagetown while I wait for my course. I have family both in Oromocto and Fredericton, and it's not too far from where we live in NS, so he can come up and stay with them and I may be able to see him. I would much rather wait there, and be only a few hours away, than be in Winnipeg and be across the country. That being said, being apart from your family is part of the job, and I will go where I am sent, but I can't help but hope to be as close as possible!  ;D
What is the career progression like for a MET TECH?

When I was talking to a recruiter he made it seem like you reach Corporal within the first year which seemed a bit suspicious, I think he was really trying to sell the trade to me, since it always appears to be in-demand. He might have thought the 3's & 5's were "smushed" together that was previously mentioned in this thread which would explain his logic of reaching Corporal so quickly.

What is the average length of time to reach Corporal for MET TECH?

Also, if one was interested in being posted to a ship or a naval base, would you send a letter to the Occupation Manager or is it only based on the needs of the Forces.

Thank you
Met Tech is a very small trade so missinformation is common at recruiting offices.
The average time to Cpl for Met Techs is the same as it is for most trades. You will be expected to complete 4 years as well as a QL5A course. The trade training system has changed in the last few years, now a new Met Tech will complete a course in briefing and observing weather before being posted to Gagetown for OJT. After completing OJT they will be posted where they are required on land based postings. After a few years as a briefer/observer they will then go on a forecaster course followed by another OJT period in Gagetown. Once the OJT is complete most Met Techs will be posted to a ship to serve a few years as the junior forecaster.

That's the grand plan at this time at least. Realistically if you are fit, motivated, and have a good reason to be posted to a ship or METOC on one of the coasts you may spend some time with the Navy early in your career. If your significant other is a hard Navy trade you can expect to spend a fair amount of time posted away from them in reality though.

One final note, nearly every posting is based on the needs of the forces. The only time that isn't the case is when there is a compelling compassionate reason.
Thanks for the info WeatherdoG, my main concern regarding reaching Cpl is the CEOTP, Commissioning from the Ranks and other NCM to Officer related programs offered by the forces. Since the VIE for MET TECH is 5 years, I'm hoping I would make Cpl no problem to take advantage of these programs. I'm also applying for NCI OP which has a VIE of 4 years, which might be tight to make LS, depending on obtaining my security clearance and course dates.

I am in the middle of completing my degree and want to gain some real-world experience, if I enjoyed my time in the Forces, I would 'Officer-Up' with my first choice being MARS Officer. This is why I would like to spend as much time as possible at sea or within a naval environment. I am working towards a B. Sc. degree which is most similar to MET TECH compared to all the other NCM trades which is why I am considering the trade, so that, if I decided at the end of the 5 years for my VIE as a MET TECH and that the Forces was not for me, I would have applicable work experience for my civilian career.

The main reason why I do not apply directly to MARS Officer is that I do not have any friends or family in the Forces so I can not get the candid discussion of whether or not it would be an ideal place for me to make a career. With a 8 year VIE for MARS, not including additional years for paid post-secondary education, it is too great of a time investment in a potential field that has minimal transferable skills to the civilian-world with my current educational background. 

My only fear is that due to low numbers (assumption based on the "In-Demand" always seen on the Forces website) with MET TECHs I would not be able to apply to CEOTP and would have to quit and reapply through ROTP or DEO.
I am doing a C.T. right now from reserve cook to reg met. tech. I am just wondering what are the high school courses and marks needed to get into the trade. Thanks
Hey Andrew!

Unless it's changed a lot since I got in as a met tech 2 years ago I don't think you really need any particular high school courses or grades.
As long as you're not a door nail I'm sure you'll be fine.

A girl I was on course with did the same as you and went from cook to met tech and she's kicking it in Greenwood now.
Just to keep this topic alive, I'm willing to answer any questions anyone may have about the trade, training, and life as a met tech in the CF.
What is the training plan like now?
Has there been many changes to previous courses need or where you do OJT or anything like that..How long is all the training and where do members normally get posted once they are trade qaulified

Thanks in advance
Hi there,

There has been very little change in the training in the last 5 years.  The TWS course (BOQ/QL3 however you know the 3's) are still in Winnipeg for almost 6 months.  Before the course personnel are normally shipped to Gagetown, unless they have family at another base, they may be able to stay on another base.  Then the course and finally back to Gagetown for 6 months to a year for the 4's package.  After training is completed people are sent where the trade needs them.  Fortunately for the last little while most people have been able to go where they want; however, it won't always be the case as the bases and wings are filling up to required levels.  Many people do end up staying in Gagetown.

If you have further questions you can ask me and if I don't know I am currently surrounded by people who can answer the questions, also I think WeatherdoG is in a better place to answer some questions :)