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Merged subject - Nicknames


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I did a search and was surprised that it didn't turn up any especialy relevent threads.

Just wondering if any of you have any amusing nicknames military or otherwise. (I'm bored at work and need something to brighten my day)
well mine won't come as a shock to anyone. mine is Hutch because my name is Hutchison. people started calling my friend starsky but it never stuck. i have been hutch to most people i know for about 4 years now, even all my officers just call me Hutch. i would rather have that as well. it is easier than having to correct people when they pronounce it Hutchinson. god i hate that.
Well, when my given French name became too difficult to pronounce, many people simply began referring to me as "Baloo", a la the Jungle Book.

When my face cam usually ends up turning more black than anything, and my being a fairly big lad, the bear name stuck.
In high school I had an overly large white puffy winter coat(when things 3 sizes too big was still cool 8)) I went from Stay-puffed Marshmallow to Marshmallow to Marshy as my friends got lazier and lazier...It's been almost 6 years since I got that name and never once has my best friend called me anything else...for a while I wasn't even sure if she knew my real name ;)
nurse sarah said:
...for a while I wasn't even sure if she knew my real name ;)

That is a problem with nicknames.....sometimes they really stick.

The secretary for the CO of the RCD is called Muggsie, and I can almost bet that there are less than ten people on the Base who know her real name.
My old High School nickname was Cliffy.  As in Cliff Claven.  Due to my incredible store of UFI.

Odd... several people in Uni and the Military have jokingly referred to me once or twice as being "just like Cliff Claven" - but it never really caught on after HS.  Old HS friends still call me Cliffy when we go for beers.  

It should also be mentioned that one of my best buds in HS was a 5'10", 270lb O-lineman (centre, I think) for the Football team - his nickname was "House".  Once in Chemistry class when we were farting around, the teacher referred to us as Cliffy and Norm, got a good laugh - but never caught on.

Did you know the female Octopus' genitalia is located in her nose?

Pte. Gaisford said:
(I'm bored at work and need something to brighten my day)

well...you could always try to....well.....do some work  ;D  >:D
Theres a bit of an inside joke with myself and 2 other buddy's pertaining to me and the nickname "manimal". Oh, as well the band Pacer is in on it as well....  ;)

Anyojne read "Generation Kill" will know who I'm being referred to..in a way...
Slim...Given to me (no doubt in the greatest sacasm) by some Brits I was on course with back in '02.
aesop081 said:
well...you could always try to....well.....do some work   ;D   >:D

Pffft... What fun is that?

edit- I should add that for a while I was known as Private GQ...Luckily it didn't stick.
I am "the Hulk"; last year it was "Superman".
I kid you not.
(Makes sense   ;D 8))
Zartan is a self-adopted name I discovered from a bathroom reader. He is pretty cool! >:D
Well I got the Ryhno part from Spiderman, I'm a rather large boy (5'10" 285lbs) when I play hockey, I'm not very good at anything except for hitting hard and fighting harder so the boys in High School stuck the name on me Ryhno from Spiderman, If you've ever seen the cartoon you know what I mean. I added the Island when I moved back to NFLD for obvious reasons.  8)
My initials are RCR, and that's what I generally go by on the 'net.  People begun pronouncing it and soon I ended up with Archer.  Others began calling me so for that reason.  Others have adapted it into something along the lines of myself being strong and thin, like a bow and/or arrow.  I rather like it.  Beats some of the names I used to be called as a kid!  Children can be so cruel..
the hatchet man is the trademark of Psychopathic Records
Codeword for the approach of the crazy Aussie course officer on phase 3 inf.  Usually followed by frantic digging and clouds of CS.