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Memo Format for Travel Pay


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For the past few months I have been traveling about 110km round trip to my training location and only recently found out about Mileage TD. When I asked the chief clerk about it I was told to ask one of the instructors about the proper format for a memo concerning it. They did not know. The course has since ended but I was told I could be back paid all the trips I had made. Does anyone know this format? Whats different from a normal memo? What information do I have to include? Thanks in advance.
I am assuming you are a Reservist on class A service.

The policy in question CBI 209.045, and is online at: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-policies-standards-benefits/ch-209-transportation-expenses.page and is copied below.

In your memo, you should cite the reference, explain how you meet the criteria, and request the allowance.

Once approved, you will have to complete a form each month to indicate the number of trips you completed that month.

209.045 - Transportation Assistance for Reserve Force Personnel on Class A Reserve Service
209.045(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.

adequate public transportation
means public transportation that is scheduled at appropriate times to permit officers or non-commissioned members to work their allotted schedule and return to their residence within a reasonable time after work and that has the capacity to carry the work force.
means a building or other place where an officer or non-commissioned member reports for training or duty.
209.045(2) (Travel assistance) An officer or non-commissioned member of the Reserve Force on Class A Reserve Service who performs training or duty may be paid transportation assistance based on distance travelled, if

the member has not been moved to their place of training or duty at public expense; and
the member lives 16 kilometres or more from their place of training or duty; and
transportation cannot be provided from Government sources, or adequate public transport is not available.
209.045(3) (Rate of assistance) If assistance based on distance travelled is authorized, an officer or non-commissioned member is entitled, for each trip between the Reserve Service worksite and the member's residence, to assistance based on distance travelled at the rate established under the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction as though the member had travelled by private motor car, for the direct road distance in excess of 16 kilometres, one way.

(effective 1 September 2012)
Amendment 1/03
I know the policy and requirements to qualify, my question was the format. I was told it was different than a standard memo. Is that true?
No different than any other memo. Make sure you use the right file number.
