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medical update


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Well guys, as some of you may know when i had my scheduled medical at the CFRC the vision test did not go to well for me, today i saw my optometrist and got the full eye check and everything done, he told me my vision was 6/6   (20/20) in both eyes with no refraction problems at all. Anyways im just really excited in knowing my vision was fine and now its just a waiting game for the medical to be shipped off and returned, and for that preexisting civil charge fingerprint matter to be cleared up. All i know is its a worthwhile wait and i will take it as that much more time to get better prepared for what awaits me.
Good luck!

I'm pretty sure we had the tests together here in Barrie.

Hope all goes well from here on out.
I just got the call and was offered an infantry position, so i'm shipping out probably on the 19th (BMQ is on the 21st).

Again, good luck.
Yes we tested together in barrie during the Cfat and the Physical, although im not aware which one you were, obviously it was not one of the 6 that didnt make it. Goodluck in BMQ hope you make it through.  :salute: