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medical history


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hello everyone. I have a few questions about the medical exam. well I passed my aptitude test with flying colors, so I was told by the recruiter. and I think I did good in the interview as well. but when I went in for my medical they asked me the basic questions  and I answerd honestly. I told them about my shoulder disslocations and having surgery on my lungs a few years back. they wrote it down and in the end they gave me a sheet to take to my doctor to get a prognosis report. I got the sheets filled and droped it off the next day. and two weeks past and still no word so I called to get a status on my application,  and they said  my medical papers were sent off to some place and told me If they needed any additional info that they would request it by mail. is this normal? and also would they infom me that they do not want to hire me? oh and I am applying for infantry I wanted combat engineer buuut im color deficient. .... so yea thank for your time. and hope I get an answer from them soon because I really want to start my journy in combat boots. have a good one.
Yes, this is 100% normal. Usually a response takes 2-5 weeks from when they send off the papers. You will get a letter in the mail if they need more information, or if they disqualify you from joining etc. Give it another 2 weeks and call for an update. If it is bad news, they will probably say something like "We see a letter was sent to you by mail on this date, you should be receiving it soon."
The big problem is the Recruit Medical Office get many more files that need further review due to past medical issues than ones that are "Recommend Immediate Enrollment".  Your file is likely at the bottom of a very large pile, so will take time.

On another note, please use capitals - it's in the site guidelines and your post is very difficult to follow.

Good luck.
