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Medal for Domestic Operation?

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John Nayduk

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Anybody know anything more about this?
Sorry just posting the link, it's a long document.
Funny we already have a Special Service Medal.

The Special Service Medal (SSM) was created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces who are taking part in activities and operations under exceptional circumstances.


The Special Service Medal (SSM) recognizes members of the Canadian Forces (CF) who have performed a service determined to be under exceptional circumstances, in a clearly defined locality for a specified duration. The SSM recognizes approved activities underway on 11 June 1984 or subsequently established. This medals is always issued with a bar that specifies the special service being recognized, each bar having its own criteria.

Seems like a waste of effort and money. Maybe another bar to the SSM ie "Domestic Operations". Alert is already included and is a domestic op.

Sounds like the people that stay in Canada have been whining again to their MP's again. Can't be a hero to the ladies, without gongs on your chest.
Hold on, hold on.

Are they trying to tell us that the Toronto Snowstorm dig-out was not worthy of a medal?

It does seem to be a bit much.  I was on Op Recuperation, and I don't think it warrants a medal.  It was not that big a deal.
Wait a sec....
I can't recall the names of the Ops for the Winnepeg Floods or the ice storm in Jan 98...

But I do recall people including myself working long hard hours away from home, in more austere conditions then most people see overseas. I have been in Ops overseas, and I worked harder, put in more sacrifice, and did more good on those two particular domestic ops, then I have in any of my overseas tours....

If the gov't is willing to give a bar on the SSM for domestic ops...then they should. And they should qualify specific ops to be eligible after the disaster is completed.
Why don't we have all our Ops, exercises and courses stitched on the back of our tunics. I have been exercises that I was worked harder than some of the domestic ops that have occurred.

It is nice to be recognized for the work we do, but I think that we are getting a bit carried away the awards and honours.
No, not my point.

Specifec large scale, longer term (one month or more) domestic ops in support of national disasters, like those I meantioned above, should be/ could be reconized with a SSM bar.
Next we'll be like the Russians who have medals and Decorations for their Exercises.  Wonder what the Medals for all those Reforger Exercises in Germany will look like.....maybe a great big honking NATO Star on a ribbon to be worn around your neck,  ....and RV Medals will all be seperate years marked on FMC Badges.......And BTE can be Smilie Faces......Do you realize we will all have to wear Great Coats in order to fit all these medals on...  ;D
I'm in agreement with George et al who think it's getting pretty silly. What constitutes a suitable duration? 7 days, 14 days, 30 days????? Was it cold (ice storm, Juan), was it hot (forest fires), was it wet (floods)???? I did Op Grizzly, and I carried live rounds and had real live ROE's, and it isn't mentioned, plus physically, it was one of the most demanding things I've done (we were dismounted on a mountain side). I don't think it merits a medal. How about Oka, FLQ crisis, Y2K, etc. Where would it end????

As it is, they are handing out commendations of all stripes and colours for basically doing your job. I know of a guy who has 3 different commendations, and are all basically work or volunteer job related. Soviet era war heros, here we come.......

The fruit salad style of ribbons like the Americans have is the next stop, where you lose track of what they mean. When I joined, if you had one medal, it was a big deal, now 6, 7, or 8 is fairly common. Let's keep them meaningful, so they actually mean something, and aren't the source of shame or derision.

I'm not disagreeing with anyone here but,

When I joined, if you had one medal, it was a big deal, now 6, 7, or 8 is fairly common.

Now is that due to the issuing of medals just for the heck of it or is the fact that the forces are stretched so thin, the soldiers are going on more tours getting more medals? When I'm back home sometimes for remembrance day, I see some of the younger soldiers with 2-3 medals even before they get their CD. (and no they aren't the 125 medal or the Queen's Jubilee)
A reminder of names of the Ops:

Operation PEREGRINE lasted 45 days and involved more than 2,600 soldiers, sailors and Air Force personnel from across the country (including about 900 Reservists). It was the CF's third-largest recent domestic operation, after the 1998 ice storm (Operation RECUPERATION ) and the 1997 Red River flood (Operation ASSISTANCE ).

Operation SUPPORT
Canadian Forces activities directly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/operations/past_ops_e.asp
Not that I've researched it, but we were told (repeatedly....) that Op Grizzly was the largest domestic operation sice the FLQ crisis. I don't know what parameters they use to determine these things, and searching the DND site is like death, so I'm not going to spend any time doing that.

As for the number of medals soldiers have, yes a lot of that has to do with the increased number of missions (fair enough) but the CPSM (peacekeeping medal), SSM (mainly for Germany and Alert), the 125 and Queens Jubilee have added to the medal count of a lot of soldiers who have never been on tour. Yes, domestic operations are dangerous (there was a engineer who lost a hand due to electricution on the Red River Floods), but I don't think anybody disputes that. My OC a few years back (Major Mariner) died while on a course in the UK (vehicle rollover), and we had 3 other soldiers die in our regt in my tenure there (vehicle accident, training accident,suicide). Life in the army (navy, air foce) is tough, and we are thanked every two weeks in the form of a paycheck, and we don't need any more cloth and metal to acknowledge that we do our jobs.

As for the number of medals soldiers have, yes a lot of that has to do with the increased number of missions (fair enough) but the CPSM (peacekeeping medal), SSM (mainly for Germany and Alert), the 125 and Queens Jubilee have added to the medal count of a lot of soldiers who have never been on tour.

You have had to serve on a U.N tour to receive the CPSM.


I'm against medals for Dom Ops, and I've been on a few. Firefighters do not get a medal every they go to a multiple alarm blaze or other dangerous civil emergency-why should we expect to get medals for equivalent duty? (And, let's be brutally honest, with the exception of PEREGRINE, most of our Dom Ops are not as dangerous as what firefighters face on a weekly basis...) As far as I am concerned, medals should be for operations overseas where there is a reasonable expectation of contact with the enemy or risk to life. Long service medals are fine (and have a long pedigree in HM Forces) but I find the Jubilee a rather silly medal that should have been given to everybody or nobody.

"If you want the Iron Cross so badly you can have one of mine."

for free or do I have to pay?  I am signed up with paypal.


BTW I shoveled the snow in T.O, talk about working under hostile conditions.  Imagine going around looking like the Micheline man, with a shovel in yer hand, all around the neighbourhoods  you consider your stomping grounds...

A medal well deserved

OOOO, and what about the Olympics. Biggest Op we had since Korea, at that time. :P
recceguy said:
OOOO, and what about the Olympics. Biggest Op we had since Korea, at that time. :P

Yes I've always wanted to be an Olympic medallist.

BTW I shoveled the snow in T.O, talk about working under hostile conditions.  Imagine going around looking like the Micheline man, with a shovel in yer hand, all around the neighbourhoods  you consider your stomping grounds...

A medal well deserved

Eastern wussy! Try manly winters like we have here in Winnipeg! Snowplows have to have periscopes!

Here's the scoop from my MP.
Thanks you for your letter and question about Bill C-514.

In reference to Bill C-514, it is no longer on the table for discussion.
It was introduced in April of last year before the election was called.
In this new session of Parliament, it has not (as of yet) been

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact us at your convenience.


Melanie Namespetra

Melanie Namespetra
Parliamentary Assistant
to Brian Masse MP
Room 701 Justice Building,
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0A6 
P.(613) 996-1541
F.(613) 992-5397

Everyone can breathe easier now.
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