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Math for Combat Engineers (merged)


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I am interested in going into the Combat Engineer trade after I have finished grade 12, but my mark in math ain‘t extremely high(70‘s)and I was just wondering how much math is really required in this trade. And I do not want to be an officer, dunno if that does any difference. Any information is greatly appreciated! :)
Thanks, Andre
I don‘t think math is required at all in the engineers..These guys just blow everything to kingdom come.
Ok thanks! That‘s reasuring cuz being an engineer looks fun and challenging like ****! And not to mention interesting! Well thanks again.
Originally posted by FUBAR:
[qb] I don‘t think math is required at all in the engineers..These guys just blow everything to kingdom come. [/qb]
Yes we like our boom boom‘s but even in boom boom‘s we use math!!

Boom boom‘s is not just sticking a load of exsplosive‘s on the target or in the ground.

It‘s an ART!! ;)

Depending on the material‘s we are blowing up we have to calculate how much will cut,clear or create the desired effect on the target.

As a Cpl onward‘s you will need your Math.
At 70% I so no prob. but when you get higher in rank i.e.Sgt,Math come‘s in big time for Bridging,road construction,Recce.‘s etc.
Ok and I have also seen that there is an Engineer Support Regiment and Combat Engineer Regiments. What‘s the difference?
The Only Difference Theoritically Is In The Name They Both Do The Same Things
I Take It Your Talking About 4 ESR
Ya I‘m from Nova Scotia and I was planing on joining 4 ESR in Gagetown since it‘s closest and I was just wondering the difference. Thanks again! :)
Originally posted by Duotone81:
Have Fun With That Beautiful 6 Month Ql3
What does that mean? QL3 = MOC training? [/qb]
MOC is Military Occupation Code.

QL3 is your basic trade‘s training in the Force‘s after passing your basic recriut training.

QL3 Engineer trade‘s course contain‘s everything from power tool‘s,water supply,bridging,road‘s and air field‘s,field defence‘s,mine war fare,demolition‘s and the list goes on.
It cover‘s everything that an Army need‘s to survive and move in the field.

All that you learn you can put to good use on civie side.
Have fun in the engineers. Don‘t do anything stupid like step on a mine.
I am enlisting for the 31st CBT ENG in St. thomas, and the training we do is only an additional 4wks after BMQ/SQ. Is the 6mos an extended specialty, or is it just a more involved basic trade cert for the reg forces?
Spr. WIlliamson The 6 months is your Reg. Force Moc Training For Reserves Its About a Month
For the reserves it is still a 6 week course heavly involved with demolitions.

Spr.Earl QL3 Engineer trade‘s course contain‘s everything from power tool‘s,water supply,bridging,road‘s and air field‘s,field defence‘s,mine war fare,demolition‘s and the list goes on. It cover‘s everything that an Army need‘s to survive and move in the field
Not sure about Reg. Force course but Res. QL3 bridging is completely removed, and as of last year there was little to no mine warfare either.

As for roads they are only slightly touched on the 5‘s course and as for water suppply never seen it on course.
My math grades are not the greatest and I was wondering if that will affect my being able to become a Combat Engineer? I know there are math classes during the training which I could improve upon but for the first stages, will they not accept ?


You'll be good to go. Once you get on your QL5 course you will get taught more math, as well for every other Engr course you do. Don't sweat it.
Great advice CHIMO. New people need to realize, when they join a family, they'll be taken care of.